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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Played a bit of Big Catch, but probably not enough to properly judge. If you like the idea of retro throwback 3D platformers, this is probably as good as it gets without feeling creatively bunk. I just wish they went for a PS2-era look instead, but hey.
  2. FFVI isn’t really what classic FF is like though. It’s a pretty clear departure from what came before, both in its themes and expansion of your party. It’s a way dirtier and grimier looking game too, more in line with where VII would take things. V is more an ultimate evolution of what classic FF was systems-wise. Even if people love the story and characters of IV more.
  3. It’s likely cheaper to commission indies for that purpose. These midrange projects may not push the needle enough. Maybe the answer is established IP and GaaS. Just imagine what a good Tony Hawk could do for them vs a Hellbalde 2.
  4. Agreed. He got burned before by Metroid Prime Remastered, until he ultimately ended up right about it existing anyways.
  5. @stepee There's also that neat looking Yoshi's Island clone with ducks. No demo unfortunatley. Wing flapping with repeated button presses is an A-tier mechanic. I want a 3D paltformer that does it. Maybe there's one that has, but I can't remember.
  6. That's interesting, because I kind of dismissed it as a lesser Yoku's Island clone. But then I remembered that the pinball feel in Yoku actually wasn't that great.
  7. Missing from the poll. The USB stick was a magic trick.
  8. Well they definitely couldn't hold out until Switch 2 then. I don't think shifting the blame to PS5 owners is the right call either. It's great that it came, but Microsoft would have a pretty good indication from Steam how it could sell with minimal marketing.
  9. It's not that simple in terms of the decision of whether to shut down a studio or not. Especially one that versatile. Maybe more in terms of green-lighting a sequel.
  10. I wasn't, given that they had bought Double Fine and Compulsion not so long ago. The latter's game even uses some of the same stop motion techniques in cutscenes. This was part of the original pitch for Games Pass, that these mid-sized studios could make the games they truly wanted, to offer something different and unique to the line-up. Cartoon-y AA-action game shouldn't be a poison pill in this industry regardless. How long has Platinum Games been at it now? Maybe Xbox hasn't cultivated enough interest in this sort of game, but that didn't stop their PR from continually propping it up as an example of the creativity and freedom they give their studios. Would be terrible if this pattern continues, and we start seeing shorter single player experiences curtailed because they don't move the Games Pass needle. It puts undue pressure on their mid-sized studios.
  11. Nothing. It was a failed experiment from a marketing perspective too, the shadow drop didn’t do it any favors. It also wasn’t designed to be a time sink. But it presented well.
  12. Happy, okay sure. Their games were well received. Fortuitous? Remember, Booty said we need more creative games right after shutting down a studio that made one of their best and pitching a sequel to it.
  13. Yep. You just knew someone was going to go here eventually and completely miss the plot.
  14. Time Spent: 20 minutes Rating: ** I was hoping for something kind of like Kirby and the Forgotten Lands. And who knows, it could get there eventually. But the camera swings around wildly as you tilt the movement stick, it’s super disorienting. That’s a shame, because the actual combat and platforming mechanics feel pretty alright. Maybe the camera issues are a bit better in co-op? It also looks very budget on the whole, I think it needs much more time to cook.
  15. Not going to link the article to not encourage hits, but wow. Xbox Just Had its Best Showcase Ever – and at the Perfect Time I’m sure Compulsion Games in particular is just thrilled about Tango shutting down after a warm reception. A bit of extra shill: Pre-recorded giddiness I’m sure people were eating up, in light of current events. The perfect timing for their best showcase would have been at the XSX’s launch, before they shut down more studios, while Games Pass was on a clearer growth trajectory, and we weren’t questioning if their games would generally end up on rival platforms in due time.
  16. First 3 actually. Messed up the numbering in my previous post, whoops! Edited
  17. First off, II SNES is actually 4. III SNES is actually 6. Some of the games didn’t make it here initially, they fixed the numbering with 7. 6 (III SNES) is the 2D one to play if none else. It sits in between classic and modern approaches to the franchise. It can be a bit drab visually, so it’s not going to pop like Chrono Trigger or the Super Mario RPG remake would, but it’s still wonderful. 4 (II SNES) is a classic too, but awfully grindy by comparison. And has a bit too much villian behind the curtain moments.
  18. Its still one I'd encourage people to try for themselves. It just didn't jive for me.
  19. Time Spent: 20 minutes Rating: **½ Presentation and style is all there, and I know some people would really love this. But to me, it feels like one of the stiffest arcade racers I've played since San Fran Rush. It's all about drifting and Mario Kart-like boosts, but the drift is hard to control, to the point where I struggled not hiting cones in the training mode. The game is also oddly forgiving, pulling me back on the track for edges I swear I drifted off of. The rumble makes me feel like I'm hitting walls when I gain another notch of boost.
  20. Shadow of the Ninja Reborn demo is only available in Asia, excluding Japan.
  21. It's what google auto corrected to. Since I didn't like Lisa I don't think I would dig it.
  22. Can't find it? I'm only doing the stuff I already own or Next Fest demos for now.
  23. Time Spent: 20 minutes Rating: ***½ This game is basically F-Zero X. Well, if F-Zero X was a bit faster but not as crazy as GX. And your health and boost meters aren't shared. It's one of the most on-the-nose games I've ever seen about aping Nintendo, but they get it so right, who cares. They even do the outer half-pipe thing. It needs rumble though, almost feels wrong to me without it.
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