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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I wonder if people saw the FF8 remaster and actually expected something different. Mods will save the day on PC once again. The fan upscaled backdrops are amazing.
  2. I’ve found myself caring less and less about playing portably, but it hasn’t changed my outlook on the Switch at all. So many games, even Nintendo’s own, look more vibrant on a TV to me. Give me those extra p’s. I prefer it that way most often, even if poor AA is more apparent. The only time I’ll play handheld is when a game is poorly optimized and actually runs better portably. Or is just a better portable experience to dip in and out of (like Slay the Spire or Hades). The other consoles do it one better with fidelity, of course. Can’t play Nintendo’s new games on them though, on a TV or otherwise. Games like BoTW2, Xenoblade 3 and MP4 top my most anticipated list. I’ll be wanting to play them in whatever ‘superior’ resolution Nintendo offers them in. In many ways, this echoes my experience with the Wii. Some games like Xenoblade 1 and Galaxy 2 stick in my mind much more than the Uncharted's and such from that same generation. Ultimately, there’s nothing truly wrong with visuals a generation behind when we’ve been enjoying games for generations. If it’s well optimized for the hardware, that’s enough for me. I’ll still want it to look its best though.
  3. Gameplay video leaked. https://vk.com/video-13431434_456248714 Looks super floaty. Most air attacks look like they stall or slow your fall speed. I suppose that's one way to make it more accessible.
  4. I don’t think they could offer it and come out ahead, with sales or revenue, for a long time. It’d be a long play that absolutely could hurt their development prospects in the short to mid term. I don’t think Microsoft shares that concern, partly because they don’t have to. As a side note, the rest of the AAA industry is also in no position for it. Look at how much Ubisoft is still charging for +.
  5. Far and away the most polished looking platform fighter I've seen that isn't Smash. The animation work is top notch, I'm glad the pixel art went away. Rushdown Revolt's not looking bad either these days. Hopefully this challenges them to clean up the aesthetic.
  6. The workarounds won't be here forever, unless you also get into MS Rewards (as some here do). There's even workarounds on Sony's side. For the average consumer not skirting the rules, the cost is $60 more a year than PS Plus' highest tier. Personally... I wouldn't be. Because it'd be on there in a year. And if I really cared enough about a game to want it day one, I'd be willing to buy it. To keep and play it without being subscription gated. I'm probably not the target demographic here though, since I'd rather buy on the cheap than anything.
  7. It probably won’t. I’ve long since realized these services aren’t for me as they stand. I get too many games for dirt cheap, bundled or free on the PC side. These subscriptions have too much overlap with what I own or will soon, and even if I miss out on some things early, I feel like I get more for my money’s worth actually owning the games, and choosing more selectively. They’re great if you’ve been out of the ecosystem though. Like, if you never owned many Playstation consoles, this would be great to catch up. But we’re also talking about $100-180 annual subscriptions now. I couldn’t justify doing that for more than catch up personally. I could have bought a (couple) dozen games instead, to play on my own terms.
  8. Nintendo is charging an extra $30 on top of that $20 for PS1 era games though. I’d love for Sony to embrace physical discs more with legacy games. But I’m far more annoyed at PS3 being a streaming only thing than them not supporting its physical media. I’d rather see them look into emulating that first.
  9. Nintendo charges $20 annually for access to NES and SNES games. Sony's willing to bet people will spend the same on PS1/PS2 + 1st party game trials. I think they'll be right. The only issue here is that you can't just spend $20 in isolation. You have to get the subscription library package too. Still, the sticker price with Microsoft for online play (Gold) and Games Pass together is $180. Sony is charging $120 for their highest tier. Their pricing most certainly isn't out of whack. Although that could be further scrutinized when we know more about the library, and what it gets updated with.
  10. Sony could have been inspired by Nintendo to charge more for it. I don't think the medium tier needs it though. It depends if the main library is good enough for $100 annually.
  11. For the new changes, it's a little better than I expected. Pro's - No PS+ price increase. - Medium tier has semi-recent first party games (~1 yr old) and a larger library than expected. - Medium tier is cheaper than Games Pass. Cost being reduced in the right places (no streaming). - PS1/PS2 games can be downloaded/emulated on premium tier. - Game trials still let people play Sony's new releases. Cons - Game trials aren't competitive business with what Games Pass is. - PS3 games are streaming only. Ugh. - Unless you really like PS1/2 games, Games Pass is a better deal than the higher tier. - Will the PS+ Collection stay? They didn't specify.
  12. It's only adds insult to injury to the need to pay for online play in the first place. The lowest tiers on all three platforms each inspire each other to suck harder. Nintendo charges for cloud saves too. GWG and PS+ games are a total afterthought, and as has been said, are entirely subscription locked.
  13. They can take out all the male characters for what I care if they fix the damn input lag and netcode.
  14. They have a symbiotic relationship of anti-consumer business practices. If Microsoft actually went through with increasing Gold to $100 annually, you’d soon see Sony follow suit. We’d even see Nintendo raise their baseline price.
  15. It really shouldn’t have to be this way though. See Amazon, Humble or heck, Epic. For something with a built in library like Games Pass, I get it. For GWG and PS+ …
  16. They should be making it up in other ways, IMO. There's nothing wrong with charging full price for their own games at launch, but it doesn't make them competitive with MS. A few ideas of ways they could go: 1) Charge less than Games Pass for the main subscription library tier. 2) Make DLC for their games part of the subscription, a la Nintendo's expansion pass. 3) Tap more into their back catalog with emulation, especially PS1 and PS2. 4) Remove the online paywall for purchased games. 5) Make monthly giveaways a selling point again in the lowest tier. Bolster what PS+ was into something better. 6) Counter Microsoft's EA deal with partnerships with other major publishers. Do I expect any of this to happen? ... No.
  17. By all means, give me ownership of every game they add to a subscription library in a given month I’m subbed. Throw in the DLC too. Make the online free. I’d pay $20+ a month for that when the games justified it. I want Humble Choice on steroids. That's the dream, for me at least.
  18. Combining both services could mean the online paywall just got steeper. PS5 would be the most expensive place to use an integral feature that should be free on every console. EDIT: Multiple tiers confirmed now. We'll see what they end up charging.
  19. Fuck yeah it does. Gotta emulate the leaked XBLA remaster though. The core of the game itself still shines through. IMO, the objective based level design is more interesting than what we typically see in modern FPSs. That's even more subjective. I'd say the parts of it that hold up the worst were also plainly bad in 1997. It was always a game where you had to overlook flaws. The characters have untextured gray boxes for hands. Blurry pre-rendered backgrounds and pre-rendered videos might be the exception, since they do look better on a CRT. But you can use AI upscaling mods to fix that nowadays. There's even a 60fps mod now that quadruples the framerate in battle scenes.
  20. I think they're bitter their games are pirated so much, lol. Beyond that though, be honest... it doesn't hurt their business much at all to be a dick to their fans. Ask yourself how many people will boycott the next Smash because Nintendo kept it out of EVO or deleted their post mentioning 'PM' or 'Slippi.'
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