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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Does it only get you junk inventory items and a badge? I’d be in if there’s cards to sell. If not… nope.
  2. Free version of FFIX? The Steam version is compatible, but you do have to download the mod separately.
  3. Microsoft would rather sell you on cloud gaming. But it's a nice pipe dream. So while we're at it, let's see EGS supported and it's 250+ freebies.
  4. A little disappointing that some games I've been watching (Obra Din, Monster Boy Cursed Kingdom, etc) didn't get steeper drops. But the complete your bundle stuff looks pretty good to me this year. Unravel 1 is $3.74 for me, Age of Empires II DE is $4.49.
  5. Really sucks, Frame Trap was excellent. Disagree that they're toast though. If Giant Bomb can live on, they'll be fine.
  6. Yup, I'm just starting to check things now, knowing that it would crap out for an hour.
  7. Played okay with my 1060, I think? Although I seem to remember that optimization isn’t its strong suit. The game itself is fantastic though.
  8. From the rest of the twitter thread, it sounds like most of the lighting will still need some degree of hand tuning. So it could be a while for many games to get done. Still I’m really looking forward to it when it is.
  9. You definitely shouldn't start this series with 3 anyways. 1 is by far the most approachable, and you'd get more out of 2 (and likely 3) by playing it first. EDIT: I remember, you dug DQXI. It might feel a little jarring if you preferred the classic turn-based format in DQXI, but it works out much better than that game's half-baked "free-roam" mode.
  10. This with texture packs should result in something pretty neat looking.
  11. So I heard they announced an expansion pass like Torna again?
  12. I did the same. Got Nickledeon Brawl out of it too, so not a total loss.
  13. It does drop a bit, I think? Just not by enough. It’s not native either way, it’s reconstructed 4K on consoles.
  14. Most Amazon Prime giveaways are through Amazon’s own client, and also are DRM-free. Occasionally there’s keys for GoG, Epic, Uplay and Origin instead. Typically not Steam.
  15. RT usage is less conservative than Village's, but neither game can stick to 60fps on PS5 or Series X with it. Seems like they should have went for a 30fps cap or targeted an upscaled-to 1440p.
  16. Most things are up. Grid and ME Collection aren't yet, but will likely follow sometime this week or the next.
  17. I'm as skeptical of a new Fable from Playground as I once was of Jedi: Fallen Order coming from Respawn. There's no reason it can't turn out great. But it's also a huge shift away from their core competencies.
  18. I've always been somewhat biased against generic fantasy in games. It needs political intrigue/character development to drive things forward. So a custom main protagonist + a bunch of interchangeable soulless party members is very bland to me on the surface. And the way Dragon's Dogma tries to ground itself, like a text warning that a NPC hates it when you attack them, or the items you hold slowing your walk speed, feel pretty dumb. Combat is the redeeming thing so far. It feels like another game that I can't quite put my finger on. It's fun, if not a little jank at times with the climbing. I may drop it soon, I can't see myself finishing it before starting XB3. Glad you mentioned it. Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon is way better than I expected it to be. It's the game I pull out when I'm in the mood to play something portable.
  19. I've beaten the first casino level and started on the Ford Cruller stuff. So far it's a more polished Psychonauts 1. I stepped away from it for a while for some reason, played a bunch of other games instead. Only wish they'd stop it with the floating platform mini-level bits. Feeling a tad redundant at the moment.
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