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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Would enemy/partner AI upgrades not be considered “gameplay” updates? I haven’t played either, so I can’t compare, but from the outside looking it doesn’t seem entirely black and white. At least with that. Did they say if they’ve updated any of the in-game animations?
  2. They’re coming back in stock pretty regularly now. Check your Best Buy.
  3. Got it today from gamespot, was fourth in line after showing up a little more than an hour early. Was in a forced bundle with elden ring, a light blue controller and a $75 gift card.
  4. There’s an Elden Ring disc console bundle at GameStop tomorrow. Also includes a purple controller and $75 gift card, but I’d use both. Going to try to get one tomorrow.
  5. Personally, I could never see myself 100%-ing the challenge missions, even though I beat the DLC. The web controls are fun for fast slinging, but kind of terrible for precision movement.
  6. I'll break it down... Xenoblade 2 references the final hours of Xenoblade 1. You'll appreciate the nod if you've played the first. But it still makes sense within Xenoblade 2 itself, unlike say, FF7 Remake, which assumes you're familiar with prior lore. Xenoblade 2 will make the end of Xenoblade 1 less impactful. So from a story perspective, if you'd ever play 1, I would not beat 2 first. Xenoblade 3 it built off the remnants of the first two games in some form, including their landmasses. It could spoil twists in either or both previous games, but should have a similarly self contained story arc. All said, I'd at least beat 1 first, so you can know some of the references. And be okay with 3 spoiling 2's final hours if you skip it.
  7. Starfox Zero keeps tapping into that late-90’s part of my brain with nostalgia. So far it’s worth it for that. I think I’m getting better at the controls, but this game makes Skyward Sword feel like motion training wheels by comparison. I really wish you could invert the horizontal axis for the motion controls. I never do that in other games, but here I think it would make more sense to me.
  8. I’ll be visiting family most of next week, so I probably won’t have much time to get into this just yet. I’m still glad it got pushed forward and I’ll be finishing it this summer, hopefully.
  9. Are you playing Remnant solo? A lot of people might own it, with it being an Epic freebie a while back. I'm veering off course with Star Fox Wii U for now, like that game's cursor calibration.
  10. Much like 3D Zelda remasters, I doubt the people interested in this would be deterred by the price. What I'll do as well. Bought remastered for $10, never played it, no big loss.
  11. Tech YouTuber who always brings up his secret sources.
  12. It's RedGamingTech, so take it with a grain of salt.
  13. Ubisoft's Bad Luck Streak Continues With Delays, Cancelations, Cost-Cutting KOTAKU.COM The publisher is pinning its hopes on new mobile games and Assassin’s Creed
  14. Yup, I've been eyeballing that one for some time now. Enjoyed a demo of it a few years back. I never buy indie games at launch though.
  15. Tried out Star Fox Zero a bit. I forgot how fun having speakers on a controller is, it’s really neat in this game and fits with the cockpit theme. Controls are a mixed bag, no surprise there. But I’m digging the vibe of the game so far, it’s bringing me back. Having just got off of Panzer Dragoon Remake, I think the on rails sections here are better too. Strange how they made it more of a retelling of 64 though.
  16. I need to get back to Enslaved sometime. I think I made it halfway through. Only stopped because my GPU died, I just never went back to it.
  17. Never played the original, but dabbled with Orta a long time ago. This remake isn't quite as good as that game, but I can see why people appreciated the original. It's still no Starfox 64, but what is. The developers struck a nice balance between modern visuals and Sega arcade cheese, for lack of better word. Feels like they targeted Switch, but it still looks good, and on a half-decade old GPU I was able to max out at 4k60. The biggest visual downside is that several cutscenes are pre-rendered at Switch resolution. Overall, it's a fun hour and half romp, worth the $2.50 I paid for it. Felt pretty easy with the credit system in place (was this in the original?). Hopefully Sega greenlights Zwei next. And make the dragon a bit smaller, it takes up too much screen space for a rail shooter like this. 7.5/10 2022 Death's Door - 8.5/10 Torna: The Golden Country - 9/10 Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - 7/10 Mail Mole - 7.5/10 Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair - 9/10 What the Golf? - 8/10 Greak: Memories of Azur - 8/10 Psychonauts 2 - 9/10 A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro DLC - 7.5/10 The Last Campfire - 7.5/10 The Stanley Parable - 7/10 Call of the Sea - 8/10 Panzer Dragoon Remake - 7.5/10
  18. That’s a good one. I never understood the hate of its initial E3 demo.
  19. Halo Infinite for PC, XB1, XBXS Reviews OPENCRITIC.COM Halo Infinite's multiplayer is nearly perfect, presenting a free and cross-platform offering with genre-defining potential. In the contrast, the campaign is sufficient for any fan of the series. Reviewers loved it on release, which is why I brought it up.
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