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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Sounds like XBX scope again. There’s some details about the expansion being Torna-sized as well.
  2. Double dipped on Dicey Dungeons on ipad for a plane trip. Great decision, great game.
  3. The consoles used to be more useful because so many of their games didn’t come to PC in the first place. Nowadays, PC players get to wait for timed exclusives to be ported, like every other platform. It’s still going to be worse on the consoles regardless with all these acquisitions.
  4. Since 1 got a genuine remake on Switch there’s no reason not to start with it. If that didn’t exist, it might be a tougher question. The bigger question should be if it’s worth skipping 2.
  5. I think it’s way better than 3D World and Galaxy 1, but it’s all subjective when the baseline quality of these games is so high.
  6. The best chill and have fun single-player game I can think of in recent years.
  7. I don't love Square being bought by Sony, but it's not unexpected after Microsoft declared an acquisition war. Sony's grip on Japan has totally slipped since they've stopped producing handhelds. Shoring up Dragon Quest is precisely what they need to regain relevance in their home country. Japanese publishers no longer give Sony the preferential treatment they once did, and that's never coming back the way it once was. My biggest concern would be the projects Sony will be willing to greenlight. Will everything try to be AAA? Will we stop seeing Square games on Nintendo consoles? Late PC ports priced higher than discounted PS versions... sounds right up Sony's alley.
  8. You’ll have to wait on this a bit. It crashes every 5-15 minutes apparently on the Deck.
  9. IQ is cleaned up substantially. Temporal upscaling method vs whatever ugly sharpening filter they used for 2. You'll still get some framerate drops in combat, but that was always more tolerable than the resolution drops.
  10. Ask the Developer Vol. 6, Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Chapter 1 WWW.NINTENDO.CO.UK The relationship between "Xeno" (foreign) things
  11. Not bad. Seems like some outliers don't like the story and characters, while others really did. Sidequests are better. This is such a huge game from the sound of it, 100+ hours, I can't imagine every reviewer finished it. Story connections sound like it'll be akin to 2.
  12. Personally, I'd try to find a drop elsewhere locally, and buy on eBay as a last resort. They're getting easier to find. Physical probably isn't worth it for you, especially if you don't own many hard copies of PS4 games. You might find a digital edition easier than a disc.
  13. @Phaseknox Never heard of that game. I can see why you wanted to try it though.
  14. Sits somewhere between a controller showpiece, a simple 3d platformer, and a product placement theme park ride. Not a meaty game, but as a pack-in title, I'm glad we got it. It's got a similar charm to what I remember of Splatoon 1's single player, with less push back. As a controller demo, it's highly successful. I haven't felt controller rumble this good since the N64 chewing through AA's. And then there's all the haptic feedback stuff. The controls of the spaceship and ball suit kind of suck. I liked the monkey and spring just fine. 8/10 2022 Death's Door - 8.5/10 Torna: The Golden Country - 9/10 Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - 7/10 Mail Mole - 7.5/10 Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair - 9/10 What the Golf? - 8/10 Greak: Memories of Azur - 8/10 Psychonauts 2 - 9/10 A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro DLC - 7.5/10 The Last Campfire - 7.5/10 The Stanley Parable - 7/10 Call of the Sea - 8/10 Panzer Dragoon Remake - 7.5/10 Star Fox Zero - 8/10 Astro's Playroom - 8/10
  15. It could work. The Select button lets you switch to cockpit view on the tv. That view is a hard requirement at some points in the game. Cockpit view is also needed for any long range aiming unless you get really good with the motion controls as is. There’s a form of L-targeting in all-range mode against bosses and such. It’d be less useful without two screens. But I ended up doing much better against some bosses without it. (That’s my #1 tip for the last boss.)
  16. Looked it up, PS4 Pros go for $210 store credit at the moment. That’s still $100 less than what I sold mine for in October.
  17. Honestly? I had a blast. It’s a genuinely good Star Fox game, a redo of 64 similar to how 64 was to SNES. I still need to unlock all the alternate path levels, but doubt my opinions will change on the whole. The controls are the obvious downside. They work, but take some major adjusting to. I’m reminded of Metroid Prime 3’s pointer aiming, which took some time to master, but Zero’s implementation of motion aiming is still much less elegant on the whole. It feels bad from the start. It clicks somewhere in the middle of the game. Most of the vehicles outside of standard flying still never feel quite right. And I truly hate that you can’t bank and brake at the same time, like in 64. But the nostalgia still hits you almost like Nintendo never missed a beat with this franchise. That alone makes it worth experiencing. Even knowing that Platinum Games designed much of it, it genuinely feels like Nintendo EAD is at the helm again. It sticks slightly too close to 64 in some ways, and it can never totally compare for that reason, but if you enjoyed wrecking shit in that game, this will bring you back ... once the controls click. If you don’t love 64 or haven’t played it, definitely don’t start with Zero. 64 is much more approachable, and has aged immaculately. You don’t need to jump over hurdles to find the fun. This is still one of the few Wii U games I’m truly happy about holding onto the system for. Sucks that it’s so tethered to the form factor of a failed console. A sequel to this without the obtuse aiming controls would be amazing. 8/10 2022 Death's Door - 8.5/10 Torna: The Golden Country - 9/10 Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - 7/10 Mail Mole - 7.5/10 Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair - 9/10 What the Golf? - 8/10 Greak: Memories of Azur - 8/10 Psychonauts 2 - 9/10 A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro DLC - 7.5/10 The Last Campfire - 7.5/10 The Stanley Parable - 7/10 Call of the Sea - 8/10 Panzer Dragoon Remake - 7.5/10 Star Fox Zero - 8/10
  18. Possibly, depends on how deep Black Friday sales go. I’ve never touched the first game, so I’ll be wanting to beat that first. There’s too many PS4 games I own that I’ll be playing catch up with regardless. The Last Guardian (60fps ), Ghosts of Tsushima, polish off God of War 1 and Uncharted 4, etc. And now, Elden Ring as well.
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