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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I think I'm close to the final boss? Decided to take a detour and explore that cave in the first area, mainly to create my ideal party class setup before the final boss. Probably overkill. Definitely overkill.
  2. 135 in the final area now. Still more quests I could do, but I’ll save them for post game. That and those high level areas.
  3. Tough ask on the pricing, sure. But I would be shocked if there were substantial barriers to implementing DLSS 3.0 over 2. There’s a push from Nvidia themselves to make FSR/DLSS/XESS easy to implement together. 3.0 will inevitably be part of that framework. They also no longer need to convince devs that reconstruction is something PC gamers want. The stigma is gone.
  4. It's good that they're getting called on this so thoroughly. Still... This is an ass backward take. Simply put, games that don't need DLSS 3 and 'extreme ray tracing effects' aren't going to need a 40xx series or RDNA3 card to begin with. What's the point in even buying one of these newfangled GPUs if you're so focused on the past? Might as well say: 'Advantage: Older cheaper GPUs.' We haven't heard much about what DLSS 3 will take to implement, but I'd be surprised if the uptick was as slow as DLSS 1.0 was initially, as the article suggests: The year is 2022, not 2018. If you put yourself in a 2018 mindset, of course you're going to be a naysayer. But future adoption of upscaling/RT, which are now proven commodities? You shouldn't side with the industry standing still. That's dumb.
  5. Don’t think we can use a native presentation’s input lag as a benchmark here. There’s still the standard DLSS super resolution pass as part of the process. Not that I’m expecting anything crazy. Reflex has to compensate for a lot.
  6. Crypto and the chip shortage was a large part of that. I'd love to see these cards drop if demand cooled. But even if they don't for a time, surely they will within 2-3 years.
  7. Yes. And using AI to do it, which is why CPU limited games will still benefit.
  8. It's using AI upscaling to generate in-between frames. It has to render one frame ahead to do that, which means Reflex tries to make up for the input lag. I think that's on top of standard DLSS 2.2 stuff as well?
  9. I’d just want to build something that will last me longer than any console generation should have a right to. That’s worth the money for me to spend a few extra hundred dollars on a rig than a (mid gen) console. Cards will still have to go down in price for me to bite. But I’m pretty sure something from this line will be what I eventually ride with. The promise of DLSS 3.0 sounds too good for longevity.
  10. Cross gen is holding everyone back, so in that sense of needing to support PS4 and such, absolutely. Raytracing hasn’t really been pushed in a big way in AAA games other than Control and Cyperpunk (especially now, that new footage is super impressive). It’s telling how much less impressive those games are on consoles. Insomniac’s doing the good work in showing what can be achieved on the platforms. But it’s still far from where the tech could be by now, even with 30xx series GPUs. This isn’t just a PC vs console thing by the way, but also a general NVIDIA vs AMD thing, since the latter vendor’s GPUs push raw rasterization more than RT capability. Then there was the chip shortage making RTX cards harder to come by… In terms of upscaling, DLSS 2.0+ was already a notable step up from consoles’ temporal upscaling methods, both in quality and performance. FSR 2.1 would have substantially lessened that gap, thankfully. But with DLSS 3.0 now generating frames between frames, NVIDIA is leapfrogging everyone again. There is always a possibility Pro versions of the consoles do something like it, and that’s honestly the way to go if they want to be seen as a value. Either way, a 40xx series GPU can be expected to last you a long ass time. And then there’s UE5. It’s rough on the CPU. There’s lingering questions of how the current gen consoles will run in AAA games like Witcher 4. Gotta give the consoles credit for pushing the SSD further. But even with that, there’s likely to be console limitations 40xx cards with DLSS 3.0 wouldn’t break a sweat over.
  11. A buttload until prices drop considerably, for a 40xx series card at least. But the leap is so large now that it’s also hard to see a PS5 Pro or Series X+ hit the same way as last gen. Reconstruction was the secret console sauce midgen. Now the consoles are way behind there too.
  12. FSR 2.0 was going to put in a lot of work with traditional rasterized performance at least. But yeah, DLSS 3.0 just created a new paradigm shift. Think about all those UE5 games that will be CPU limited.
  13. That is correct. It's exclusive to 40xx series. And just like that, I'm not interested in 30 series cards anymore.
  14. Absolutely stoked for this, hopefully the frame interpolation still yields good quality results closer to 60. I don't care about VRS and won't need all that extra headroom. Hopefully a 4070 strikes a good balance between this and power draw. I could see myself building a new rig with this once prices cool.
  15. 130 hours in... and they introduce a new town with a whole new slate of sidequests. Monolith is nuts.
  16. Only four ascension quests left now. Sena’s was by far the best I’ve done so far for how it incorporated a major character in a consequential way. But all of them have been pretty great, save one or two. Some of these final colony capstone quests also have been pretty good.
  17. I played halfway through the first game before checking out. Felt a little half baked and grindy like Lufia 1 does, just with more base building and party recruitment. I'd be willing to give these games another shot.
  18. Another Paper Mario clone. Not quite up to Flynt Buckler's level IMO.
  19. In summary, it's not as good as DLSS 2.32 overall (newer versions exist). But other than some occasional flicker patterns and aliasing issues, it's quite close. Anyone with an NVIDIA card will want to stick with DLSS. But there's now a larger question of FSR 2.1 vs XeSS on AMD hardware (including consoles), both in quality and performance. DF did say XeSS will look at its best on ARC cards, as tested.
  20. I played quite a bit of Rushdown Revolt a while back, but have since focused exclusively on getting through more of my single player backlog. I’d only consider buying DLC for a fighting game if I was really into it. I’m cool with trying it years later if it means I can own a complete edition (for cheap).
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