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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I played the demo on PC. Interestingly enough it has FSR 2.0, and this was the first game I tried with it. Works out alright at 1440p Quality for my old GPU, which I'd take over 1080p, so that's good. The game, I think someone with more experience with Souls-likes can judge better. It's alright, but a little jank with the run animations and such. Maybe with the later upgrades and better learning the hitlag it'll be more fun, but I think I'd rather go back and try Fallen Order again.
  2. Ah, I just realized I never finished Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon! I should go for that. Don't think I'll have time to start 3 this month, but I own it.
  3. Watching this after playing Xenoblade 3, it literally feels like this is made for a different system.
  4. I agree, but it’s also really difficult to tell what the future of the gaming industry is. If its cloud gaming and TV apps, they’re way behind, and will have to reckon with Microsoft owning the space akin to Netflix pre Disney+ when they attempt a comeback. If it’s subscriptions in general, they’re not going to be able to compete well with a loss leader Microsoft buying up everything, and charging less than would be practical to support all their new projects and development assets. If it’s people going to where the desired content is no matter, they may not have the sway of Nintendo, but they’re still in a much better position than Microsoft was at the end of the Mattrick eta. Also helps that they’re expanding their brands into other multimedia, which is a smart play all else considered. The one thing I’d add about Microsoft right now is that we’re not going to see Games Pass on Nintendo and Sony platforms any time in the foreseeable future. They’ll have to erode their competitors market share for Games Pass to reach its potential in the space. Similar goes for PC: consumer patterns need to shift further away from direct purchases and users amassing libraries of their own. All that could be no challenge at all after they own CoD though.
  5. The problems with older games are the biggest dealbreaker, IMO. Anything without a 12 on this list could run like dogshit.
  6. Not in the mood for anything all that frightening this year. Leaning towards Bloodstained, but I'm considering Shadow of Mordor and Doom 2016.
  7. Sony's long term competitor to Games Pass will be some cloud streaming service running on Microsoft servers, lol. Nearer term, if Sony's PC approach hurts them, yeah, they can't walk it back without pissing everyone off. But I don't see Microsoft's challenge being all that relevant. It's not like their PC strategy (day one 1st party and Games Pass) has negatively impacted Spider-Man or God of War sales on Steam. If anything, I could see Sony adjusting PC release windows and PS Extra offerings based on what seems long enough to keep their console audiences invested.
  8. If Nintendo could survive the Wii U, they’ll be just fine. I never would have believed 10 year ago that the exclusive would die like this. Now that it has (outside of Nintendo), I’m continually surprised that consoles are still so in demand. I don’t think the chip shortage fully explains it either. The way Sony comes out of this gen banged up is if PlayStation sales are much worse than projected. I see more potential of that from the Activision and Besthesda acquisition fallout than anything to do with their PC ports.
  9. There’s always a couple in there that are. Anything you download from Amazon’s launcher has no DRM.
  10. I don't buy it, not at the pace PC gaming has boomed over the past decade across world markets. I definitely believe that PC has made inroads on consoles' share of the pie. Almost no publisher skips porting to it anymore. Microsoft's decision didn't prompt that trend, but probably contributed to it. I don't think they would have gone in that direction if Games Pass wasn't part of the plan all along.
  11. Their hardware platforms are the general gateway to their digital storefront. One begets the other. Perhaps one day they'll open up a native PC storefront, but that's a conversation for another time. The number of PC primary gamers who weren't buying their consoles anyways is what pushed them to do multiplatform. It wouldn't benefit Sony if their audience started abandoning their consoles for PC, so the timed exclusivity is a deterrent. I have no idea if their calculus is correct here. I have my doubts, same as you all. Yup, my point being that Sony still relies heavily on royalties of multiplatform games to pull in the bacon. People may chose a PS5 for (timed) exclusives, but they buy plenty of other shit on it too.
  12. I doubt it's just that audience to consider. Sony's not in a Nintendo like position, where their games consistently sweep their own sales charts. (see this month's NPDs for example) It's also why Sony's making such a stink about CoD.
  13. Sony's still mainly in the console business, not in making the PC a one stop shop. A question like that could be easily punted as an effort to prop up their consoles' appeal. Which it is. They're in a position to have their cake and eat it too. SquareEnix doesn't share that motivation, but generally they're on the side of staggered ports, especially if someone's willing to pay them for delays. It's not the industry norm, but they think it'll make them more money, so...
  14. Everything used to be all DRM free. But the games selection used to be worse. Good trade off IMO.
  15. DRM free if they’re not a key to a different launcher.
  16. Slumming it with a 6600k and 1060 6GB. Probably won't do a new build for another two years or longer, with other financial priorities in the way. I've got a PS5 in the meanwhile for FF16 and FF7Rebirth, which are the only next-gen games announced I'd care enough to day 1.
  17. List of games that support high dynamic range display (HDR) - PCGamingWiki PCGW - bugs, fixes, crashes, mods, guides and improvements for every PC game WWW.PCGAMINGWIKI.COM Steam Curator: HDR Games STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Games with HDR support, natively or with a workaround. I think there's also Auto HDR in Windows 11. Haven't upgraded because my build is too antiquated.
  18. Many Japanese publishers already put off their PC ports to focus on getting the game out sooner. Heck, they can take Epic's bribe and have two soft PC launches after the console release. (looking at you SquareEnix) It's not untenable to stagger ports these days. Sony's games also aren't going to sell much less on PC because Microsoft is day and date there. That's not where they're feeling the pressure.
  19. New batch: Not counting the Prime membership, I spent about $12 for everything that isn't Xenoblade 3. (gladly went in full price there) Also bought Star Wars Fallen Order on PS5 with some leftover gift credit. Had the PC versions, but I heard the consoles handle its UE4 stutters better and my PC is a wreck with it.
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