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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Making a low effort Series S version shouldn't be much of a problem. Microsoft themselves touted the ease of being able to scale games down to the S from X. Even if they're wrong, to make a game truly sing on the S is not something I expect from devs throughout this generation. I'd expect Microsoft to not drop the requirement, and S ports to suffer ahead of current gen games being held back as a whole.
  2. If they don't give a shit about Series S, it won't. Everyone who bought a Series S should be expecting this. No one will be hurt if we start seeing even further cut backs. If they are, it's time to upgrade.
  3. Most games start development with grey boxing, so technically speaking, they build from lower than the eventual minimum spec. On the other end of the spectrum, art assets of multiplatform games tend to be made with high specs in mind. So I don't think you can say definitively say the "base to build off of" aligns with the lowest targeted spec, be that PC minimum or weakest console. It's more nuanced than that, especially this far into cross-gen. Some games like Horizon Forbidden West line up better with your view, others like RE Village won't. As for Series S, I don't see why developers should be targeting it. Just hope that it doesn't look like total shit when dialed back far enough from the Series X optimizations. We already saw this happen with the Xbox One, even moreso the launch model.
  4. PS4 is only here for cross-gen, which is coming to a close. Series S is supposed to hold on for however long this gen goes (~7+ years). Apples to oranges. We are seeing some developers like Capcom announcing last-gen PS4 ports later in development because of the extra effort it takes to optimize to a lower spec. Or even nixing XB1/X1X ports altogether. Since Series S exists in a no man's land of sorts between generations, the question remains if/when port quality will diminish as we start seeing more native current gen projects. I'd imagine that games that use RT will fare better, since that can be flipped off for performance gains. Minimum spec is whatever the developer deems it to be on PC. A lot of games can also scale below the printed 'requirements.' I sincerely doubt that AAA developers envision the general look of their game based on the PC minimum. It seems like we've already seen a shift towards PS5/XSX as the target, and then scaling both up and down from there. With Series S, I doubt most developers will earnestly target it as the low. It'll inevitably get the short end of the optimization stick in the same way the XB1 did, just much sooner into this gen. Some developers are frustrated about that, and they're probably the ones taking the wrong approach. Just let the games look like they're running on budget PC.
  5. Journey as made by a single person (composer excluded), envisioned more as a 3D platformer. What makes this game truly special how fun it is to control. Journey, Flower, Abzu ... Omno feels better to play. It's a hodgepodge of fun movement concepts, including at least one I haven't seen in a game before. The puzzles aren't hard, but mainly serve as an excuse to do something clever with your powerups. And the visuals are timeless. I don't generally enjoy a low poly aesthetic, but the way this game plays with bloom, god rays and fog just makes me forget all about it. The key art above is the visual bar it hits 100% of the time. Overall, amazing game. I kind of wish it had a double jump, a more intriguing story, or even some combat, but that's about all I can fault it for. Play it if you get the chance. 8.5/10 2022 Death's Door - 8.5/10 Torna: The Golden Country - 9/10 Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion - 7/10 Mail Mole - 7.5/10 Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair - 9/10 What the Golf? - 8/10 Greak: Memories of Azur - 8/10 Psychonauts 2 - 9/10 A Hat in Time: Nyakuza Metro DLC - 7.5/10 The Last Campfire - 7.5/10 The Stanley Parable - 7/10 Call of the Sea - 8/10 Panzer Dragoon Remake - 7.5/10 Star Fox Zero - 8/10 Astro's Playroom - 8/10 Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - 9.5/10 Omno - 8.5/10
  6. Parents gave us some BS the doctor wasn’t sure line, so I don’t actually know. People know we’re twins, not just brothers, at first sight. But I never thought we could get away with swapping classes and such. Starting a new thing alone is tough. For me at least, it’s what I needed. But yeah, it would have been frustrating if it didn’t work out. Life is always full of new opportunities and beginnings though.
  7. I'm also a twin and the socially passive one, relatively speaking, so I can understand where you're coming from on that level. Making friends wasn't easy for me, our parents saw that and actually put us in two different schools for a time. I questioned if those we knew just wanted to hang out with him, and I was the tag along, which became a self defeating mindset. I didn't really have the confidence in who I was socially until I was a graduate student in another state. I had to wipe the slate clean, more or less. But did eventually get to feel like my own person. People are surprised to hear I'm a twin, and I like it that way. Sounds like you've already reached out to others in your situation, which is good. Not sure how much else I could add considering, but I'm here if you ever need to bounce anything off.
  8. It's crack. Only rogue-like that hooked me harder was Hades. Check out Dicey Dungeons if you liked it.
  9. Agreed. It all goes to say that there's nuances that happen at every part of the corporate ladder. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people working at Blizzard never saw anything remotely sexist at the company. Doesn't mean it didn't exist. Crunch can be similar.
  10. I have knowledge about a studio Schreier did a piece on that misrepresented several critical facts. Said disgruntled employee wasn't high up enough to know the actual reasons, filled in the blanks with their own presumptions, and Schreier ran with it. Maybe that's not Schreier's fault. But when his articles contain details about a game the studio isn't ready to show, it puts them in a difficult place concerning a response to the allegations. There were no trade secrets in this Bayonetta 3 story beyond the negotiations in question, which is why I think Platinum got a chance to give their side of the story.
  11. I find it much more likely that she publicly misconstrued the 1 session $4k 'cameo' as voicing the whole game, once previous negotiations soured. Platinum wouldn't only need to be lying about their offer(s), but what they say she demanded. Schreier uses the word of disgruntled employees to fit his narrative shtick: That company X is a terrible place to work that treats their employees like meat on a production line, also, here's their troubled project I'm sure they're thrilled about me getting a scoop on. Press sneak fuck out. The fact that he's the one reporting that her integrity is in question is... quite the turn of events.
  12. Two editorial outlets corroborated the receipts. It's far more likely that she stretched the truth about that final voice 'cameo' 4k.
  13. Crash Bandicoot™ 4: It’s About Time on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM It’s About Time - the critically-acclaimed Crash Bandicoot™ 4: It's About Time is now on Steam! Nice! I was worried this would never be moved off Battle.net.
  14. If those documents are legitimate, and she broke NDAs, I wonder if Platinum/Nintendo have some sort of legal argument about damages from this whole fiasco. Yikes.
  15. Perhaps they had trouble optimizing this game at 60fps for both Series X and S at their target resolution. But Series S buckled harder, which discouraged them from expending more resources to get Series X there. That's the only way this makes sense.
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