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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Some might, but UE5 is pretty heavy. Plague's Tail Requiem is on a propriety engine but doesn't hold 40fps that well. That could be the case for a lot of the VRR stuff.
  2. Interesting that ray tracing wasn't even mentioned in the article. I suppose the games that rely on it could easier scale down for a performance mode. Though Plague's Tale is still getting a forthcoming RT update on PC. With UE5 on the horizon, I think we see even fewer console games bother with it.
  3. Why the return of 30fps console games is inevitable WWW.EUROGAMER.NET Future games will be more ambitious - and they can't all run at 60fps.
  4. That's why I want to play it, having the original actors doing VO is amazing. The silent protagonist thing is still just so ... video-gamey.
  5. That was not my argument. Again, you read that in. I said the price factor meant they didn’t need to offer the same thing to compete. This is what you do. Take it or leave it, I’m done cleaning up straw.
  6. I did want to let you know where you were strawmanning me, see if we could avoid things like it in the future. Thought it would be better in a PM, clearly not with you. BTW, I guillotined those specific replies after you asked what facts were corrected, I told you, then you tried to deflect it being about a different post.
  7. @Spork3245 There was no need to continue this here. I DM’d you to clarify that this could have been a misunderstanding from the start, keep it there. Clearly that was a mistake because you really want the optics forward. This would be a more apt analogy. You: Nintendo needed to offer what Microsoft did to compete. Me: The GameCube was $100 cheaper, it didn’t needed to. You: How could you say the GameCube was a better value than the Xbox? Microsoft had all the 3rd party support and online features.
  8. I wasn’t trying to pick a fight with you, if that’s what you mean by that. I wanted to have a discussion about what we disagreed on, which yes, would include arguments for/against. Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary for this board. Don't take it personally.
  9. I think Sony’s marketing has been the biggest to blame. The way they’ve rolled out everything after the first PS+ has been a muddled mess. The vision has never been there, even when they produce the occasional big budget TV ad for their services. There’s also the fact that Microsoft’s service is more exciting from a conceptual level. They could raise the price and people would still be much more excited for it. That’s what day one first party and better backwards comparability does. It’s extremely disappointing that Sony hasn’t put in the effort on the latter, especially.
  10. What was it you said to me, get a hobby? And that you’re only trolling? I’m not revisiting any of these arguments with you. Not at this point. Also, lol at trying to pull in other threads to continue with them here. You really can’t stay on topic. 'Whaddabout what you said in this other thread huh?'... I already replied to you there.
  11. Sounds like you two are already setting yourselves up for a night. Seriously though Spork, I don’t know why me disagreeing with you edges you so much. It’s not to be contrarian, it’s because I don’t share your perspective on this and have fun commenting in an open forum. In this case, I don’t think Sony should need to get on the level of Games Pass’ offerings with the price differential. You can disagree. That’s fine. But man, the way you continually try to reframe an argument into whataboutisms when corrected on facts is something else. Don’t be surprised when I, or anyone else, keeps replying to you when you go there. You’re asking the questions. Anyways, enjoy yourself.
  12. Gold is not included with Games Pass sans Ultimate. The $100/yr EA Play Pro tier is not included with Games Pass. EA Play is not $50 annually.
  13. First off... holy shifting goal posts! Second, EA Play is $30 a year, not $50. Lastly, there is no Ubisoft+ Classics tier sold indepdently, so a direct comparison isn't really possible. Even though I've already told you I think Games Pass subscribers get the better deal with EA by comparison. So why continue down this rabbit hole?
  14. That's part of a larger library comparison discussion. Sony counteracted with Ubisoft+ Classics, but got the worse end of the bargain there IMO.
  15. You're selectively leaving out Gold. Apples to apples, console to console comparisons should include online gaming fees.
  16. If they were priced similarly, sure. As it stands, Sony thinks not having first party stuff day 1 translates to a $60-80 cheaper service annually.
  17. I played a bit of Ghostbusters Remastered the other night. It's okay, but the Luigi's Mansion games are just an overall better take on the ghost capturing concept in a video game.
  18. People's jobs don't deserve to be put in jeopardy due to a someone breaking a NDA only to spread falsehoods. It's not as simple as saying fuck the developer or publisher regardless. She cried wolf, which is really shitty for the reputation of future, legitimate whistleblowers. Setting that precedent is the worst part of this as it stands IMO. ... with fewer hours in the studio. VO industry is unionized, and has been on strike before. The biggest injustice today seems to be that royalties aren't standard. They'd be doing much better if they were.
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