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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. Nope, not anymore. It's been pushed off for life goals at the moment. I'm not as tempted these days with such insane GPU pricing. Maybe mid gen. Got a PS5 after a trade in to tide me over. I'm mainly buying games like Elden Ring where stutter on PC is an issue. Or Spiderman MM where it's so well tuned to the hardware that the PC upgrades would feel marginal, IMO. I've got a PC couch set up, and still play the majority of my games on it, in spite of it being an X1X equivalent. PC gaming isn't as simple as console, but PC games are just so much cheaper if you're a bargain hunter. Plus I hate online multiplayer fees - if I own the game, nothing should be subscription gated as long as the servers are still up. I've also built a couch GUI interface with video previews I enjoy so much more than the consoles.
  2. I'm interested! Sounds more like a demo than a game though, like the Toree games.
  3. Have $15 worth of wallet credit from trading cards. I might not part with any of it this year, the deals have to be good. Otherwise, I'll just save it for the Summer sale, go in on some overpriced SquareEnix game.
  4. https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/lego-builders-journey Good pick up! Especially for those with RT rigs wanting a showcase.
  5. RT mode is kind of underwhelming. PS5 doesn't maintain 30fps well in combat, Series X struggles less, but still in stress points like towns. Plus input lag is an issue. PS5 has better draw distance in both Performance and RT modes. It also has the advantage in Performance mode due to better dynamic resolution scaling leading to a more consistent 60fps. Series X has higher resolution on average but less framerate consistency. New patch is incoming, things could change, and CD said they will update PS5's RT mode. Game crashes now and again.
  6. I'm still not certain what standards will be going forward. Ideally we'd see 40fps quality modes become the target, with enough headroom underneath for a performance mode. But the latter could also get pretty ugly depending on the resolution and/or if lower FSR2 presets are resorted to. There's also the question of how much the consoles might hold back PC. They're only punching around a 2060/S with select RT effects. Thank goodness FSR 2.x is supported, otherwise I think a lot of devs would be dropping RT entirely after cross gen. They still might with UE5 on the way. Then there's frame generation. If FSR 3.0 wouldn't work on consoles, or make sense to use there, there's going to be a massive, generational-sized differential.
  7. PS4 era games still look great to me, but not to a point where I’d really enjoy playing them on that hardware anymore, Pro and 1X included. On the flipside, I don’t think that PS5/Series X hardware needs to be any more powerful to make them sing. What PC does on top often seems a little extraneous or tacked on. I’m still not totally convinced that PS5/Series X are up to the task for the long haul though.
  8. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Preview - New Details Set The Stage - Game Informer WWW.GAMEINFORMER.COM In the wake of the new gameplay trailer, we spoke with game director Stig Asmussen to piece together what players can expect from the big sequel. Played more of the first game today, getting excited to try this at some point too.
  9. I've always got a group of 6 or so that I'll pick from when I finish something else, depending on what I'm in the mood for. I'll occasionally go out of that group for a shorter indie as a palette cleanser.
  10. I bet they waited on releasing this on console so PC gamers would be less inclined to emulate.
  11. Them's Fightin' Herds Was correct. Tomorrow should be something Wolfenstein related. (Yet another Bethesda giveaway this year)
  12. Character models aren't an upscale. They literally recreated entirely new 3D models to capture images from. Insane.
  13. That's just the (small) price of success for them. Think about how many other kid-marketed multiplayer games out there enable voice chat by default and give no resistance to transactions whatsoever. It's not okay, but no company in the industry gives a shit about 'protecting' kids from voice chat beyond Nintendo, who is equally absurd about it. And I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of whales are minors.
  14. Broken Sword: Director's Cut on GOG.com WWW.GOG.COM Uncover the identity of a jester assassin. Unlock the legend of the Knights Templar. Un
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