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Everything posted by crispy4000

  1. I actually agree with you on some of your complaints. It kind of looked bad for the time, and needs dual analog to feel modern. There's even the issue of strafing being faster than normal walking. Calling it too small is silly though. It's at least as long as standard FPS campaigns today.
  2. Longer than that IMO. I’d love more fps’s today to take cues. Levels are so much more replayable when the difficulty changes more than just the AI and health. I think the leaked 360 remaster looked like a great time, and plenty modern to be enjoyed today. Fingers crossed the Xbox release is that.
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  4. Yeah, Goldeneye's multiplayer isn't all that great compared to PC FPSs at the time, especially with how it ran. But for bringing FPS multiplayer to the masses, on the couch, it was fantastic. Goldeneye also had headshots and location based damage. Team Fortress is the only other FPS that did it at the time, and only predated it by a few months.
  5. @Spawn_of_Apathy This also explains what happened since Nadella last spoke about hardware sales. The NPD leaks the other day were probably correct.
  6. Single player will feel dated, but the objective-based mission structure is still much more interesting than FPSs today generally. Playing at 60fps on Games Pass would be a treat, hopefully that's the case.
  7. Perhaps, but as someone stuck with a 1060... I'm pretty sure the Series S is more capable. Has a more modern GPU with better VRAM, plus games are better optimized for fixed console hardware generally. The exceptions are when you can PC dial settings back further to a reasonable place for framerate/resolution gains.
  8. This looks more like the N64 version running without as much slowdown. Maybe bumped to 30fps at parts? Hard to say. Check the European video when split screen multiplayer crops up. It's definitely not a native port. Its likely running on Nintendo's N64 emulator and the online they built for that. The Xbox port won't have online play, so it wouldn't be Microsoft's doing.
  9. I still only made it to the second zone (haven’t played it much), but the first boss never gave me a problem. Beat it second try. Feels harder than Hades to me, maybe that’s because the runs feel so much longer. I didn’t realize there’s an auto sprint option, I should give it a try again after I wrap up Fallen Order.
  10. This is exactly what I thought would happen after seeing the footage. This is not a game I’d want to play on console, even without a modern PC. It’s particularly good to hear the AO is better than console, it looked really amateur in the DF summary. I wonder how much this will be the case this gen moving forward, where the PC delivers what you’d expect baseline from a next gen experience, but the PS5/Series X don’t get there.
  11. It's sad when you consider how much they've scaled back their Japanese studios. These days, they're paying to keep big Japanese properties off Xbox instead of funding their own development. Shows that they still realize the importance of being the Japanese box, but they're going about it in an unfortunate way. Meanwhile Microsoft is buying many of the biggest FPS studios to lean into the Western ideal. CRPG / WRPG studios too. I think that's more of an explicit Western-focus than what Sony 1st party games are. Microsoft got out of the gate early that gen, and had Gears of War out in the first year. Combine that with Sony's pricing screw ups that gen and their multiplatform game performance woes, and the stars aligned for them. If Microsoft wants to be in a 360-like position again, they probably need to have a stronger line-up in the first and second year of the console. Perhaps more next-gen only games by that point too.
  12. I'm wondering if even started development as a PS5 game with some of the asset/lighting quality issues. There's a lot of credence to the idea that Forspoken was actually born out of Luminous' last-gen, pre-FFXV tech demos. SquareEnix has also been pretty open lately about not funding big projects anymore (beyond their tentpoles) without outside support. If Microsoft wasn't busy buying companies outright they'd probably be on that train too, like with Japanese studios in the Xbox 360 era.
  13. Meant it more in that it’s usually their best territory compared to everywhere else, in relation to their competition. There’s always a chance the leakers didn’t specify it correctly. I believe Microsoft said they were outselling PS5 for a few quarters, but that was for a time before this leak, when production issues were hampering both PS5 and Series X.
  14. I don't think I'd play this on PS5 given what I'm seeing performance-wise. Would be even more disappointing if the PC port was bad.
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