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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. You bought this right? How long is the shipping expected to take? I'm moving in two weeks and want it there asap in the week I have off to move. Hopefully this still have this deal when I'm ready to move.
  2. I think I might have to jump on that. I really hope the burn in issues are overblown
  3. 3+ grand for the new 65 inch LG doe, the Sony x900F is closer to my price range, unless I get a last year model for the OLED. Hmmm So the OLED is better, but is it $1000+ better?
  4. When the Stanley Cup was on I was flipping back and forth between that and a Giants-Diamondback game that was on ESPN with my dad. On the baseball game, they had some announcer on a boat, and were basically talking about everything but the damn game. We flip back to the hockey game, the announcing is 100% about the accident and my dad noticed there is so much going on they don't have time to talk about anything else. While I'm not a ludite and like and understand sabermetrics, it looks like advanced stats have killed baseball. Now that strikeouts are seen as no big deal and stolen bases are seen as bad and not worth it, the action on the field has become nonexistent. Everyone is swinging for the homerun. No one is trying to "create" runs anymore. Every piece of shit left handed hitter hitting .220 gets a fucking shift now. They used to save that shit for guys who could actually hit. Now some scrub from AAA gets a fucking shift. Baseball was never the most action packed sport in the world, but the sabermetric revolution has killed what excitement it used to have.
  5. It actually has been kind of nice to start over. Got that new board smell again
  6. I also hear good things about the Samsung Q9F QLED tv. Anyone have any experience with one of those?
  7. Played a fair amount of Witcher 3 this weekend and it was good
  8. Sounds like it's between the LG and the Sony. And that the LG will have a bit better of a picture, but a real risk of burn in, and I do play a lot of RPG's and watch a lot of sports. Just how great is this risk? Like a minor one, or real likely to happen with consistent static images? Sounds like I'd want the LG on overall picture quality, but would have to go with the Sony if the burn in risk is that high.
  9. Thank you for all your generosity supreme overlord! More importantly, thank you and @jason for all the hard work to get the band back together and up and running again.
  10. Dodger

    Got a new job

    Not bringing her with me. Still trying to figure out the best situation for her going forward, but I can't be broke and miserable for other people the rest of my life.
  11. Will get, will play half get bored and then stop. But will probably enjoy what I do play.
  12. Worked, came home and played Skyrim and then went to bed because I have to work today as well.
  13. So for MS new games on Games Pass, I'm assuming those just getting the games on Games Pass don't count as a sale as it's not directly generating revenue? Like MS isn't just going to dominate NPD every time it releases a game because it got a million or whatever Games Pass downloads on top of it sales right?
  14. Played more Skyrim last night. The real problem with the game is the amount of time you waste selling off all your crap and then being a shitheel and stealing all your gold back whenever you spend it anywhere. Stuck working today but will probably play more when I get home since that's my itch since E3. Might get back into Far Cry 4 this weekend just to have a change of pace as well from huge 100+ hour open world RPG I'll never finish as a switch between Witcher 3 and Skyrim.
  15. I think we're at like 20 or 25 or something by default which is clearly not acceptable. Am i missing how to change that or can we not do that?
  16. I just don't watch much (new) wrestling ever since TNA became complete late WCW level garbage but I have watched some NXT before and it kind of does what I liked about TNA, just a PG version. What I liked about TNA and NXT is that guys like Jeff Hardy or Christian or Finn Balor or Samoa Joe or Bully/Bubba Ray could be the top guy/champ and have interesting characters instead of just being mid card/tag team fodder. I probably need to start watching Ring of Honor or NJPW or something to get my proper wrestling fix but last thing I need is more damn network subscriptions.
  17. I don't even watch NXT anymore. Literally the only NXT I've watched the last year is those two matches, which were incredible IMO.
  18. Anyone seen both matches? Easily the best matches I've seen out of the WWE in years. I imagine there will be another match, with Ciampa going over but with Gorgano looking strong like their second match. I'm liking Ciampa's heel run, too bad he's another "vanilla midget" that would be part of the Miztourage or tagging with Tyler Breeze 6 months after his callup.
  19. Honestly at this point a single thread for Wrestling might be best. It's not like weekly RAW threads get multiple pages, and really only the major PPV threads get more than a few replies. There really probably isn't anything a single thread can't handle where when something is going on we can just use that. I don't even think there were weekly raw threads anymore.
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