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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Good and bad. I would say the first half the year has actually been kind of shitty, but I'm moving to Arizona next week and ditching the baggage that has been living with me so I'll get a fresh start. Other than the constant summer heat, I'm actually pretty excited about going. Should be a nice fresh start for me. I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully once I'm free of my chains that have been holding me back here things will pick up for me. Need to focus on getting in shape while I'm there and doing everything I can to advance my career. I'm optimistic the second half of the year and going forward from here is going to be a lot better for me.
  2. Got back into some Dark Souls Remastered last night. The problem with these games is I always want to start a new build and end up with 10 half finished characters.
  3. link X1 Abzu Bomber Crew Dirt 4 Human Fall Flat Shadow Complex Remastered Warhammer: Vermitude 2 Zombie Army Trilogy 360 Oblivion Fallout 3 Damn already bought the 360 games when they were on sale since they are Enhanced. Never did play Shadow Complex so I should at least check that out.
  4. I can't wait to play some of it and then never finish it like I have with 3.
  5. I should finally check out Absolver. I won't, but I should.
  6. I'm actually starting to lean toward the Samsung Q9FN as well, though I might still jump on that ebay LG deal you posted if it's still around when I'm ready to move. For me it's between the LG C8, Sony XF900, and the Samsung Q9F. At the end of the day I could probably just get the Sony for 2 grand and be extremely happy and save a few bucks. When I saw the Samsung in action it's definitely brighter than the LG, and it's going to be in my living room in sunny nearly all the time Arizona, so that is a factor.
  7. I'm also thinking of getting a Camaro next as my trade off between impractical sports car and something I could actually afford. Will help that I will soon be living in Arizona where it will be cheaper to have. I just wonder if I'd be giving up too much comfort and everyday drivability if I did that, as I've actually ever only 3 cars my entire life, and all 3 have boring, practical, reliable Honda's. At some point, I want to get a little crazy.
  8. I want to be an insane person with money
  9. I might have to get something like that used when the time comes to save money. It does make me wonder what made someone get rid of it so fast though
  10. I really should have gone to see Slayer when they came to Irvine. When I initially checked ticket prices they were cheap so I decided to wait, and literally within the end of the initial weekend they had gone up like $100+ a ticket and I didn't go. Also want to go see Metallica at T Mobile Arena in November, but those tickets are expensive. I am going to see Ozzy in Vegas in October. Also have tickets to go see Smashing Pumpkins Aug 30th but I suddenly can't go because it's a Thursday night and I'll be moving to Arizona for work next month. Anyway so I never actually listened to the new Metallica album Hard wired to Self Destruct but I got a free digital copy with ticket when I saw them at the Rosebowl. so I finally gave it a listen I give it a solid 7/10. I know it's popular to shit all over anything "new" Metallica (which goes all the way back to AJFA if you are super elitist) but i liked it. Nothing compared to their original stuff, but solid nonetheless. Part of it is just when I listen to it, it makes me sad that you will hear nothing like it from a modern "rock" band. Modern rock has really gone to shit and maybe I give this an extra point due to nostalgia.
  11. I have no idea at this time, as my next goal is to actually buy a house in the next year or two so I probably won't even bother looking at a new cars for awhile. But I definitely want something with 4 doors that's reasonably fast, and I hate buying anything used. But I do love cars so I'm always looking and drooling and dreaming. An E63 would definitely work, minus the whole I cant afford it part.
  12. i can't believe I played that shitty Terminator Salvation game just for the easy trophies. Hope this doesn't suck.
  13. The Dodgers suddenly aren't shitty anymore
  14. One of the few games where I actually enjoyed playing on the hardest difficulty and went through it twice.
  15. I have no idea what I want for my next car. My inner white boy has always wanted a truck, but every time I drive my dads and try to park the damn thing I get over it real quick. I would like a sports sedan with good performance, but don't want to spend 70 grand on anything either. Oh well, my I've only had my Honda a year and a half so I have plenty of time to think about it.
  16. Got in about another hour of Witcher 3 last night after the Dodger game. Will try to do the same tonight.
  17. Thanks, so the default is the only dark background one? I'll stick with that. I like whatever changes have been on the board the last day or so though. It's looking better.
  18. Stupid question but I forgot how to change your theme
  19. Still on SNES, will try the others out, but it looks like it got some new stuff because I'm liking the way everything looks. Everything looks a little more fresh and colorful.
  20. They just give out awards to give out awards.
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