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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Played a ton of Witcher 3 the past week. I think I might actually make it Skellige at some point soon. But I think I'm gonna give it a little break. Been playing some Dark Souls Remastered today. Just started a quality build. I think the problem with these games is I try to get too fancy with my builds. Just going to keep it simple and go through the game. Also use an Int build sometimes just to see how OP Dark Bead and Pursuers really are.
  2. None. I hardly ever drink anymore. Maybe a few margaritas every now and then if I go out to dinner.
  3. For some reason I can’t do the damn final chocobo race to get Tidus’ weapon so I just gave up.
  4. Just about every company I've ever worked for is a poorly organized shit show. I've been meaning to rant about this for awhile, but I'd bet every last one of us could easily point out how grossly inefficient where we work is. Gabe just has the luxury of Steam printing money and just being rich enough to not really give a shit, since he has no shareholders to please. Even if you work for a small company, it just takes the owner hiring one fuck up family member or friend, or a secretary/manager he really just wants to fuck and now you have a poorly ran for profit business. If you work for any large scale public company, it's almost as bureaucratic as the fucking government filled with people working just hard enough to not get fired.
  5. Going to be a pain to get those Far Cry 6 double animal skins
  6. I have never, ever in my entire life heard anything good about Ohio. Ever.
  7. Got back into Assassin's Creed Origins since Odyssey has been announced.
  8. Maybe you can tell us about third wave pizza
  9. Little ceasers is easily the worst large chain pizza and it isn’t even close
  10. When I was 17 I got a second job delivering pizza for some mom and pop place. They never paid me my hourly wages, but I did make s decent amount in tips in cash every night so I put up with their oh we’re fixing it on the next check we promise bs for two months before I just didn’t show up one day. I never did anything about it.
  11. I plan on switching to tmobile soon. ATT is just too damn expensive and since I don't have directtv or their internet it probably isn't worth it to stay with them.
  12. Spent 4th of July playing Witcher 3 all day. Unfortunately for my gaming time I'm moving this weekend and the glorious OLED tv master race isn't scheduled to arrive until Thursday. If I have time with unpacking and what not I'll have to bust out the Switch at some point.
  13. I definitely think taxes after a certain amount of income needs to be like a good flat 50%. I don't know the exact number either, but if you have a billion dollars, and the government takes half, you're still different color Ferrari for every day of the week rich. Same thing with estate taxes. After a certain point, take half. Like even make the base high, like $10 million or something. If your estate was worth $200 million and the government takes half, your heirs, and their heirs, are still set for life. Definitely support universal healthcare. I shouldn't be avoiding going to the doctor because I'm afraid of what the cost will be. And I already pay out the ass for the privilege of being too scared to use my insurance, so whatever tax I have to pay seems worth it. I could probably get behind UBI. A safety net should be just that, a safety net. When the guy walks the hire wire act with a safety net the net is there in case he fucks up, not as a crutch he uses to do the entire act. Help should be there for when people need it, but people need to be able to help themselves as well. Popping out kids you can't afford shouldn't sign you up for years on the dole. I believe in a strong safety net for people who truly need it, but it shouldn't be a career choice. Treat drug use as the health problem it is and not a crime problem Strong and secure borders with strict immigration enforcement. Make the process for legal immigration of qualified and vetted people easier. Talented and skilled people should definitely be fast tracked. I know a lot of you will disagree because of your feels but while coming here just to be poor might make you better off than being poor where you were, it doesn't help the rest of us.
  14. Either Far Cry 5 or GoW. I never actually did finish GoW. Probably will fire it up once the new 4k tv arrives. I need to stop going back to Skyrim all the time, and I've been putting a lot of time into Witcher 3 and Dark Souls Remaster lately. For some reason, I'm just not enjoying DSR as much as I thought I would.
  15. Graphics wise, available on Pro or X1X. Since we got the blu ray thread for Sporks new OLED, figured I needed a gaming thread for my new OLED coming soon. Need to know what games are really going to pop in 4K
  16. Just bought the C8 65 inch off ebay for $2249. Thanks spork. Says it will arrive next Thursday, hopefully I get it Monday or Tuesday because I'm not bringing my old tv with me when I move, and the cable buy is coming Monday. Don't want to be without a tv too long when I got the week off to check out glorious 4k gaming. Hopefully it's light enough that I can set it up on a stand by myself.
  17. I could just get 300 mps internet for $80 a month from Cox, and "cut the cord" and that's probably good enough for what I need. But then I saw they had gigabit internet, and I had to have it. And then for "only" $30 more a month I get cable with HBO and Showtime "free" the first year. I'm a weak, weak man and will now be paying $150 a month for cable I really don't want or need. Though I might finally actually watch Game of Thrones. I really should have just gotten internet plus MLBtv and I would have been fine for 90% of my needs.
  18. I'm going to get Tmobile once the new phones come out. ATT is just too fucking expensive. Also going to the fresh hell that is Cox when I move, and I hear they are somehow worse than Time Warner. But they do offer gigabit internet in AZ, so it will be nice to have that. I'm already dreading the pain in the ass calling tome warner is going to be to cancel my current service, I really need to get that done in the next couple of days.
  19. Not sure if want. Sure it immediately makes the team better, but Lebron couldn't do better with better talent around him, and at some point soon he starts to slow down. I really don't want any part of Kahwi either. They might boost the team to a playoff contender but I don't think they'd get any rings out of it.
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