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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I'm going to be on vacation this week once I get back home from visiting family this weekend. My gaming plans for the week for now are: More RDR2 Witcher 3 Final Fantasy XIII Probably a little Skyrim and Fallout 3 as well. I'm open to suggestions though.
  2. I didn't see the year option but they had 1 month of Games pass for like 1600 points off.
  3. Bought a few games I'll probably never play. Got the Batman games, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Final Fantasy XV, the FFXIII trilogy (though I am playing through XIII again). Can't remember if I got anything else.
  4. Good to see the Pro and 1x are doing well. Now that companies know there is demand for premium powerful consoles maybe we'll get more options next gen for some really powerful hardware for the people willing to spend for it. Just good to see gaming in a great and healthy state. FH4 seems kinda low though.
  5. Hoping the Final Fantasies coming to Xbox get X enhanced, or at least X and XII do. Other than that I only really care about Sekiro.
  6. Good to hear the PS5 is a "monster". I have no doubt the Next Box will be as well. Now just the slow wait of another 2 years for them to come out.
  7. If you're looking at MS's acquisitions and saying well that's nice and they'll make some nice little games but there isn't any HZD, GOW, Spiderman, UC4, Days Gone etc etc potential there, well if you would have looked at these studios even 5 years ago, sans ND you wouldn't have seen these games coming from Sony either. I'm not going to predict that they will have the same success as Sony's historic recent run, but don't surprised if some of these studios step up and create successful "AAA" games that you never saw coming. Because outside of ND that's what Sony has done.
  8. I'm pretty excited to see what the future holds for the Xbox brand. Sony did have an amazing 2018, but it didn't happen over night. No one would have guessed the Killzone guys would come up with something like HZD, and no one would expect GoW to be remade the way it was. No would expect Bend to come out with Days Gone a few years ago, and now you got the Sucker Punch guys going from Infamous to Ghosts. I think MS will eventually have similar success. I think you will see big blockbusters coming out some of these studios you never expected. I think going forward MS has the better platform going forward. Live has always been better than PSN. You know you're going to get BC with MS. Games Pass could be huge, and is already a pretty damn good deal if you are a "hardcore" gamer. Stuff like X enchanced games are nice. We'll have to see how Xcloud works. If you could have Games Pass and then play those games anywhere could be a big boost for a lot of people. Sony has the games advantage for now, but I think just about everything else the Xbox platform is the place to be. I'm getting excited for next gen.
  9. Are all 3 XIII games BC or just lightning returns?
  10. Might have to go back and play it again then.
  11. Damn. I remember going to gamestop (or EB Games or Software Etc) to get a guide for a game, or take advantage of their 10% off the guide or whatever it was when you bought it with the game. That magical time when you would get a game and then when you weren't playing it you would actually read the instruction manual or the guide. Then Guides started to get to be like $35. I can't think of any reason to get one now with the internet outside of collectors sake, but the fucking things were too damn expensive too towards the end.
  12. I would assume they would, and from what I believe even Wade has said on this forum, it's actually Microsoft who does all the work to enhance these titles and not the developers so I have no idea what the hold up on getting it enhanced is. Especially since Bethesda seems to have a good relationship with MS and has several titles enhanced already. So i do wonder what is going on and holding up getting NV enhanced. Maybe it's just that much of a buggy mess they can't.
  13. I very rarely buy DLC and even more rarely end up playing it. I got the season pass for Far Cry 5, but haven't touched the game since I beat it. But I've said this before, I'd rather pay more upfront for the "full" experience then to get nickel and dimmed later. I'd rather pay $70 or $80 for a game upfront and get everything then to have to worry about some sort of expansion and/or horse armor later.
  14. All right I just dropped a Nagasaki at work and tried wiping sitting down. I leaned forward and that worked. It was awkward and uncomfortable but it worked. I do feel a little cleaner. This thread may have changed my life.
  15. Games Pass already having 4 million subscribers seems pretty damn impressive to me, and this before any real heavy hitters have come out and it's still relatively new.
  16. When I remember, I bring baby wipes with me to work and that solves the problem. I've been forgetting to get some lately though.
  17. I eagerly await your report. I tried last time and like you said just couldn't get comfortable.
  18. I stand, but should convert to sitting. I feel weird for asking this, but how do the physics work? I don't know if it's because I've gotten fat or what, but if I'm sitting there is no room for me to get in there. Do you gotta hover or what? Standing definitely leads to more stains than I would like and I should switch. But dammit I've wiped the same way all my wife and it's hard to break old habits. I also try to shower after every dump but half my dumps happen at work where I can't just hop in the shower after. I think we all just need badets or however you spell it. I bet it solves all of our wiping problems.
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