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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I should probably start cutting some costs, and I don't really watch a ton of Youtube anymore. There aren't specific channels I regularly follow anymore. But it is nice not dealing with any ads when I do watch stuff. How fucked is basic Youtube these days? I've heard you can get up to 3 ads in 10 minutes now which would be pretty annoying. But unless it's just absolutely terrible I think cheapness should win out.
  2. Damn I bought Celeste. Too damn hard for me these days though. Might check out WRC6.
  3. It's definitely better than having to deal with human traffickers threatening to kill your family, but they are still fucking the players over. Well relatively since they will still be on their way to making millions of dollars, but still. It's a shady deal
  4. Gotta becareful when you go to Mexico. And it's not even dumb annoying white people like me who run into trouble. Plenty of Mexicans who are just going back to visit family are the ones I hear running into the most problems.
  5. There isn't a whole lot going on but I'm old and boring and hardly go anywhere anyway, so it's fine with me. For someone from NY, it probably is boring as shit. But it's good with me. I didn't realize until I got here and looked shit up that AZ is actually the 6th largest state by landmass, and there actually is a ton of beautiful scenery here, if you get out of Phoenix. Tons of nature-y shit to do here too if you go to Sedona, Flagstaff, Payson, some lakes that are around. I need to start taking some weekend trips to these places and check it out. Downtown Phoenix seems wack as shit though, if you're into some huge nightlife scene anyway.
  6. I will say that I haven't found a decent Chinese place in Arizona yet which has been very disappointing.
  7. Well fuck me would look at this, we fucking agree on something. I've never, ever said we can't have immigrants over here. All I've ever said is hey, we can't take everyone, let's have some controls and vetting of the process. That's it. Yet somehow I'm the bad guy, the dishonest twat, the guy with the low IQ, the guy who must hate the world and his life and everything around it, the guy who gets ad hominem after ad hominem thrown his way when we have the same exact damn beliefs.
  8. You think each and every single immigrant who comes here does all of that? As someone who spent 35 years in CA, let me assure you that isn't what is happening.
  9. Hey remember when you just came in this thread and called me a dishonest twat even though I hadn't mentioned you at all in any reply all of what, 30 minutes ago? Good times. Also, I promise you if 1 million immigrants were sent to Arkansas, you'd eventually have a problem with it.
  10. Sure you can, but when you walk around thinking you are better than everyone who doesn't share your values I question how great your values really are.
  11. How is looking down on everyone who doesn't share your political views making you a better person?
  12. And once again MLBPA fucks over those they supposedly don't represent. MLB is getting pretty good at getting the PA to make non union players cheaper for them to control. All this is doing is shifting the money from the smugglers to the Cuban government.
  13. You've literally said that when you check on a patient that has Fox News on you do the bare minimum you have to do and then dip the fuck out of there.
  14. CNUT has also admitted she gives inferior care to her patients that have Fox News on when she enters their room. So I might be a twat, but no one is going to die one day because I can't handle CNN being on tv for 30 seconds or whatever.
  15. The problem is that "hate speech" has gone from Nazi and confederate symbols to anything short of full throated support for allowing infinity immigrants into your country.
  16. Don't forget you have to vote for any turd sandwich or giant douche the Dems nominate in 2020 or you're literally Hitler too.
  17. You know you'll be on the upside crucifix next to the rest of us right when the time comes right?
  18. Liberals have a pretty nice scam going on. Basically all of social media is owned and ran by liberals. So they can censor any right wing views under the guise of hey they are private business first amendment doesn't apply! But as we saw with Gab, which was literally right wing Twitter, they'll just shut that down too. It hosts hate speech, take it down! So you'll get taunted with well if you don't like FB, IG, YT, whatever else, go create a conservative supporting alternative! It doesn't matter, even if you did manage to do it they would just say your platform supports hate speech and shut it down. Liberals have turned 1984 into a fucking instruction manual. Say anything that goes against liberal group think and they will deem it hate speech. They will doxx you. They will try and likely get you fired from your job. I forget who said it but there is a quote by someone "If you are conservative liberals want you broke and dead. They want your children brainwashed. And they think it's funny"
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