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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. A smirking white kid with a MAGA hat has literally had death threats and calls for complete doxxing to block him from ever going to college or gaining any kind of meaningful employment. Literally hundreds, if not thousands of frothing at the mouth lunatic liberals want this kid either dead, or basically completely non-personed. And that is just one example, because it happens to any white male having the audacity to express any kind of conservative opinion. People are tired of living in liberal lunacy clown world, where everyone must now walk on eggshells because if you say anything that members of the permanently offended class don't like your career can be ruined. Even minorities like Kevin Hart are finding out they aren't safe either. Say anything that dares to question the golden liberal truth and you literally run the risk if your livelihood being ruined. I'd qualify that as suppressing and oppressing people.
  2. Glad I only spent $5 on the ARkham collection during the last sale. Show is the latest Tomb Raider, I basically completely avoided it because I had a feeling it would come to GP sometime in 2019. I still haven't even finished Rise though.
  3. Yes this is definitely Donald Trump's fault and not GM's who makes largely unappealing vehicles and the vehicles they do make that sell relatively well are a truck, suv's based on that truck, a pushrod V8 sports car, and a lesser pushrod V8 sports car. The exact type of vehicles that are quickly declining in popularity.
  4. What's that old expression, it's not the crime that gets you in trouble it's the cover up. I don't know if he would have been able to save himself if he immediately acknowledged the photos were real and did the whole apology it was a different time and place and is not who am I as a person 35 years later routine but damn he's definitely had the worst possible response you could have to all of this.
  5. I would argue the girl scouts teach far more valuable skills than the boy scouts do, even if all they do is "sell cookies" if they were doing it right. The problem the vast majority do it the lazy way where the little girl just looks all adorable outside the super market and then the parents go bother all of their coworkers to sell a few extra boxes. But every now and then, you run into a girl who is a bonafide hustler and is actually learning some useful entrepreneurial experience that will take her far in life. You wanna be the kid that sells the most boxes and gets that free trip to Disney World or whatever, you gotta go the extra mile and do more than what every other kid is doing and it's good for kids to learn that. That's much better than learning a bunch of stuff you could just Youtube these days if you really needed it.
  6. I've been having problems all weekend. Sometimes I can't even play anything. Best case all weekend is I can only get my quick access games and not my full library.
  7. BC is useful in the beginning of the generation. I know I will still playing some PS3 games after the PS4 launched and had to keep the PS3 out with the tv. My biggest issue is that I've been 100% all digital for about 3 years now, and have a massive digital library on both the PS4 and X1. I don't want to have 4 boxes to go back and access those games. It would be much more convenient to have those games available to download on the next platform. A lot of people now have the same problem on at least one platform. Also, BC might get more popular if the games can be enhanced. It's a lot less jarring to go back to an X enhanced 360 game than it is to go back to some blocky ps1 game that hasn't aged well.
  8. I've always wanted to know just what exactly my European mutt heritage is other than whatever random shit my parents told me I was from my Grandma's side or whatever. Definitely don't want to give these companies the info to sell and give to whoever though. I did have a grandma who said she was 1/16 or 1/32 or whatever the fuck Cherokee, so I might be as much Native American as Elizabeth Warren!
  9. X enhanced games are pretty great, and we if we can get next gen consoles to enhance current gen and possibly previous gen games it's definitely nice. Plus being able to do it all digitally is nice. Don't want to have a box with your old console and games taking up space in your closet or garage or whatever. Plus it is annoying to have too much shit plugged into your tv, even if there are splitters and other things to help with that. Not everyone wants extra boxes cluttering their entertainment center area. In the case of the PS5, if there were a way it would be one box that is fully compatible with the previous 4 systems, and you could get all those games digitally, and you could even get them enchanced, that would be pretty damn cool. The biggest benefit will be if these games can be enhanced to 4k, the 360 games that do this really do look a lot better.
  10. I was having problems last night bring up my games and the store. I wanted to play something else or download something else but could only get into my recent games. I wasn't playing online so not sure if that was down.
  11. Glad I'm not (directly) paying for it. Will check it out on Games Pass. Sounds like at least a few hours of mindless fun like the original was.
  12. I think that will happen. It might take about 5 years to really get rolling, but I think MS will have a strong first party lineup by the end of next gen. Also, Games Pass is great and will become an even better value as their first party portfolio gets better. We should hopefully have 3 distinct reasons to own each console next gen.
  13. Good for them Did see that gaming revenue is up for MS as well. So good to see all three succeeding. I'm really excited for next gen to start.
  14. WIth EA, I still have to make sure the game will actually fucking work at launch. If it can manage that I might give it a go.
  15. Eagerly awaiting impressions of this weekends demo. Would like for this to come out good.
  16. Because it is a power play. Democrats only support it because everything shows the larger the turnout the better they do. If latinos voted 70% Republican the wall would have been built 30 years ago. If Voter ID laws lowered Republican turnout you would need an ID a Passport and your social security card to vote.
  17. While he's not the most talented guy in the world, they could have done so much more with him. Hopefully AEW figures it out.
  18. It got into the 30's in the Phoenix area a couple of times this winter. I even broke down and turned my heater on when it did. I was told it was going to be tshirt and shorts weather here all winter.
  19. Watching the RR this weekend just made me sad. Styles/Bryan matches should be instant classics every time they step in the ring together, that match was boring as shit. Takeover, at least from a wrestling perspective is so much better. Even my girlfriend was enjoying the matches. Then RR happens and most of the singles matches were boring. So I'm definitely excited to see if they can do things right. TNA going down the shitter sucks, because even up until a few years ago it was a nice alternative.
  20. No, but it seems to appeal to everyone. It's not a game where I see everyone saying oh I have to buy this for my kid. So it must have some kind of appeal. I don't have any kids so I'm not exactly caught up on all things Disney lately.
  21. I haven’t played any of the games in the series but I’m interested to see what all the damn hype is about. Looks extremely “kiddie” though.
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