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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Doom train breaks like 99% of the game. Works on most bosses i think. I just remember summoning Doom Train and basically making sandwiches for most enemies
  2. There hasn't been much that truly excites me, although FF7R does. Also looking forward to CP2077 even though we've seen no gameplay yet. But thanks to Games Pass, my list of games I want to get around to playing will never end. There just isn't anywhere near enough time to play all the stuff I want to get to.
  3. Any of you guys have a home gym of some sort? I got a spare bedroom that I would like to convert into a spare gym. I was looking to start small, and just get an adjustable bench and some dumbbells, and I figure if I actually use that I can get crazy and get a squat rack and other stuff. Anyway just looking for ideas to get started. I'm trying to find some adjustable weight dumbbells to save space and I see Powerblock Dumbbells which look perfect, but they are kind of expensive.
  4. I might pick up one or two of these for the house one day. They need to make a Simpsons Arcade Game one next.
  5. I'm excited for it as long as the combat isn't complete shit. Either way I'll be there day 1. Please don't fuck this up Square.
  6. What did you all think of Metro Exodus? Will have to check it out soon with Games Pass
  7. You better still be able to date Barrett at the Golden Saucer or it’s a no buy.
  8. I remember hoping that Too Human would be awesome. That game got so much fucking hype.
  9. You can't really compare XBL or PSN to PCs. Before XBL, there was no reliable console network. Microsoft built it, and that cost money. And of course, being that consoles are all about what's "exclusive" to that console, that network was only good for MS consoles, so Sony had to go and build it's own network. Consoles are closed ecosystems and not open like PC's. For consoles, there is nothing like Steam where a publisher can offload it's server costs onto a third party in exchange for a cut of the sales. MS and Sony have to pay 100% of their online infrastructure themselves, and we're not likely to ever have some sort of console version of Steam. XBL and PSN aren't bad deals, someone had to build and maintain the online infrastructure you are using. You just take it for granted Steam is paying all this shit for you.
  10. So they definitely didn't mention "family of consoles" or anything like that. I didn't hear anything that implied they are working on a lower tier base console and a higher tier premium console. Sounded like just one console, when every rumor we've heard so far made it sound like we're getting 2 consoles. Anyway, hopefully it's a beast. The 1X is definitely a very impressive piece of hardware for a console. I'd love for the Next Box to be a next gen version of that.
  11. Nothing fucks up your Friday like it only being Monday morning.
  12. It's still loaded but I have to imagine Sony wouldn't release TLoU2 and GoT in the same quarter.
  13. Destiny on PS3/360 was kind of gimped though, so was it them just being dicks or there was no cross platform play because the last gen version was too far behind to make it work?
  14. I saw a leak that said everything they just said, the leak said will be fully bc with all 3 previous systems
  15. I’m jelly of that beard, I’ve never been able to grow a real beard
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