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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Boeing outsourced the Max software to India and they.had problems writing the code correctly
  2. 380k to live in Michigan, no thanks. Nice house though.
  3. Free SotN is nice. Maybe I’ll do another play through. This and Sony just need to stop with the free games, they are getting to be insulting since they want all their good stuff for GP and PSNow
  4. You’re trying to make it racial when it isn’t. He just looked short at the debate. And it doesn’t even matter because even if he was 6’4 he still isn’t winning.
  5. Its funny you say that because you’re probably the most sensitive little bitch on this board. Shit we’re arguing over some guy who has no chance at winning height because you think it was really racist because he’s Latino. No, he just looks short in that photo.
  6. Maybe he ain’t 5’3 but he’s the most vertically challenged male running. I didn’t notice that Warren and Gabbard are 5’8
  7. My gf loves her 6’ white boy. Must be nice after going out with dudes who are 5’5. Anyway Castro is short even by Latino standards. Trump is literally about a foot taller than him. This shit shouldn’t matter but Trump would tower over him in the debates and people will notice that. Castro would be the shortest male world leader on the planet if elected. Even “short Latinos” don’t let 5’3 dudes run their countries.
  8. I don’t have any issues with him, just didn’t know how short he is until the debate. Or are you a shorty too?
  9. Fuck can’t remember where I got my c8 this time last year for $2200
  10. I've always thought if they are going to do a brand split, Smackdown should become WCW since they own all the rights. Make it feel like it's actually different.
  11. I don't get on the Twitter, do they put warning labels on everyones posts who break the rules?
  12. Of course there isn't, and at least you're the one person who can say yeah I support xyz because it advances my beliefs. I don't know why it's so hard for people to say yeah I support this because fuck Republicans, that's why.
  13. I assume they do, it's not really a hot button issue for me so I don't pay much attention to it. I just wouldn't want to make them a state if the majority opinion over there was like nah bro we're straight we like independence. I wouldn't force them to be a state against their will is all, although that doesn't appear to be the case.
  14. I support whatever they want, whether it's statehood or independence. See, here's the thing. You guys support a whole bunch of things that just so happen would favor Democrats. But instead of coming out and admitting it would benefit the party you like, you hide behind about doing the right thing. Doing the right thing that happens to benefit you.. At least swineflufan can freely admit when he's supporting undermining his enemies. No one is going to lose respect for you saying hey let's do this because it will help us out, shit if anything you'd get more respect for being honest about it. You support PR statehood because they would reliably vote Democrat. you support expanding the house because you anticipate more democrats would get elected. If the opposite were true, you wouldn't support it. Don't hide behind this increasing democracy bullshit, because if it increased democracy for Republicans you wouldn't support it. Don't disrespect yourself by replying "Not unh!" like I know you will. Oh fuck off, because any of you are unbiased impartial observers of objective reality.
  15. So "saving American democracy" for you is instead of stacking elections in favor of Republicans to stack it in favor of Democrats?
  16. All right scratch that, after having last week off and sleeping in every day for a week, I'm really dragging ass today.
  17. We should have a gaming board, non gaming board, and the CEB. That’s it
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