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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Hey those jack in the box $1 tacos hit the spot sometimes
  2. Cats don’t give a shit about your sleep. Little fuckers just want doors open just because.
  3. Yes I have cats and they will scratch at the door if it’s closed. It’s just me and my gf, and the door doesn’t let in anymore light so it doesn’t bother me
  4. Love the show but haven’t watched in years. Will have to go through it again at some point
  5. Sweet. I really enjoyed the first one, even if the combat wasn't perfect. I'd have the platinum if it weren't for the damn MP trophies since I managed to beat the game on Grounded and Grounded Plus.
  6. I'm stuck at work today. I deal with injured people's attorneys, who are almost all universally out of the office today. So I'm going to try and leave at 1. Too many people stuck working with me for me to put the power metal on though.
  7. Definitely. We need more ceb investigates to try this thing out. i like Cheetos in general but this combo seems unappealing.
  8. I love that you all keep bringing up the dui, which all of a sudden happened over 7 years ago. Speaking of shit that happened a long time ago, you still need anal porn to get your dick hard? You and Jose can put “ at least I was better than Dodger” on your tombstones, since it’s the greatest thing you’ll ever accomplish. Since the feeling is mutual, I’m glad I disgust you. Too bad your vastly over inflated opinion of yourself doesn’t apply when you talk to women
  9. Imagine being such a petty little cunt that every post some random idiot makes on the internet triggers you into making some snide passive aggressive comment about the poster in order to make them "look dumb" You have a long history of being a self righteous holier-than-thou smug douchebag who constantly thinks he's better than everyone else that yeah, at this point it's about you. That's also how long your history of white knighting is. It's not like I run around throwing the term around at everyone. Just you. Because it's what you've done for years.
  10. I think we were all aware that "good family" meant fucking loaded wealthy white family and not just that dad is a manager at the local Target, moms a Paralegal and has a my son is student of the month bumper sticker on her minivan.
  11. It is crazy. Although technically it would be cnut who is "wrong" I'm just surprised you actually criticized a female.
  12. EA was awesome when I was growing up, like you said they put out a lot of good games. Now I can't think of anything that EA puts out that I have any interest in. Not that anybody from a corporation can ever come out and say yeah we're just a bunch of greedy cartoon villians but they are going to get a lot of crap for that quote.
  13. I'm actually surprised the worlds biggest white knight has lectured you twice now. I guess being Mr High'n Mighty takes precedent over white knighting.
  14. I love how threads on important issues get like 10 replies, but some $5 fast food sandwich with some cheetos on it is fast on it's way to being another 10 page CEB clusterfuck.
  15. How the fuck they messed up The Club is just a huge mystery. Turn Finn Balor and put him in too.
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