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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I've been thinking to switching to Tmobile from Att, I gotta get my monthly bills down.
  2. Out, she gets up before me all but one day of the week.
  3. Made my bed again this morning
  4. Also, The Black Album gets way too much hate. Sure it's not as good as the first 4, but if you didn't air guitar Sad But True when you were 12 you have no soul.
  5. Stopped being a lazy sack of shit and made my bed this morning.
  6. I go in spurts. Currently I’ve been lazy since I now have a longer commute. Been meaning to get back to doing it every day I had a college professor ask people if they made the bed on the first day of class. After the show of a handful of hands he said 80% of those that make their beds every day get an A in his class. I’ve always remembered that for some reason. Take pride in everything you do, even the small things you think don’t matter.
  7. Scarlett will launch with Halo, and likely at least the next Forza. Another studio might have something by then as well.
  8. Well instead of just having the latest Mario game on demo or whatever they always have, what if you could go in, and ask for any game they carry, and they pop it in for you and let you play it for 20 minutes or whatever. That's probably not enough to save the company, but it's something you should be able to do when you go in. Try some games out and you'll probably walk out with a couple new games. Or new to you at least.
  9. I'm not adapting to this heat as well as you. It's 112 today. I don't care how dry of a heat it is, it still sucks.
  10. Every time I see a Gamestop story now I always think of that story of the guy who used Gamestop as a bank. Looks like he will have to find a new bank soon.
  11. I've been playing a ton of FFX, beat the main game and trying to do all the post game stuff. I ended up restarting and starting over because I got blitzball fucked. I don't know why I spend so much time on this. I want to get into Wasteland 2 before 3 comes out so might start that soon.
  12. Someone melt down the boards again so when he comes back the board is down.
  13. Trump did unleash a tweet storm about his comments. It's pretty rare to see a Republican criticize the president. Maybe praise was the wrong word, but not too many Republicans would ever come out and say what he said. I was wrong, you got me I can admit it.
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