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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. That was my point, while it's still true in some parts, Orange County isn't old rich white Republicanville anymore. It's a pretty diverse area with all sorts of different people living in the area. There is a lot more to Orange County than rich people living at the beach. So I'm not at all surprised it's flipped. Like most people from so cal, I love the beach over there and it's definitely where I'd be living if I could afford it.
  2. I don't know why it's such a shock, the demographic shift that's ongoing, well pretty much everywhere at this point is affecting Orange County too. Just a quick search showed Orange County went from about 71% white in 2009 to about 60% white this year. Orange county isn't just rich old white people anymore. It's not just hispanics either, quite a large Vietnamese population in Garden Grove for example.
  3. I don't know I came from IGN
  4. Beat Doom 2016 will start Fell Seal after my nap
  5. Still on doom, on mission 10. Just downloaded fell seal last night and if it’s awesome i want to know why none of you mother fuckers told me about it.
  6. I was thinking early 40's like 10 years younger for each. No wonder they gotta milk these movies now for all their worth, their window is closing.
  7. Going through Doom 2016. Should be done with the campaign hopefully this weekend. Not sure if I’ll go back and finish all the other stuff
  8. I remember when the PS4 launched it came out the day before my birthday. So I took that day off work, had it pre-ordered and waited for it to arrive that Friday and then gamed out all weekend on my new PS4. It was good times. I'll have to do something similar for launch of next gen, I should even get a launch close my birthday again for the perfect birthday present to myself weekend.
  9. Oh shit I’ll be downloading some albums Friday. Now come to Phoenix please.
  10. Up to mission 8 on doom. Rune trials are getting annoying
  11. Doom 2016. Hopefully I actually finish i this time
  12. Thats the plan, start searching car max and maybe auto trader for something lightly used in good shape
  13. Thats the plan, start searching car max and maybe auto trader for something lightly used in good shape
  14. Now that I got a house I want a truck or suv, but goddamn a nice truck or Tahoe is over 60k these days
  15. I don't think anyone thinks this will be a good deal so much as we're just hoping we won't get fucked. Spoilers, we will.
  16. 3rd day in a row bed is made. I gotta admit it does feel a lot better when I go to bed to see my bed all nice and neat and waiting for me instead of seeing some jarbled mess I have to fix before I can get into bed.
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