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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Trump's entire re-election chance basically hinges on people showing up to the polls thinking so what he's mean to brown people, I've got it pretty good. And a few brown people showing up thinking so what he's mean to other brown people, I've got it pretty good.
  2. I even had a Sega CD. I remember a game Racing Aces which I played the shit out of. Also had the best console Mortal Kombat at the time, but the load times were ridiculous. Most of those FMV games sucked though.
  3. I can't remember exactly when my dad got it for me but I was a Genesis kid growing up after having an NES. Damn I feel old.
  4. Shit I'll probably never play any of these but I should remember to claim them just in case.
  5. I don't support the good guys with guns argument, I just don't think we should be using it here. They could have pretty easily justified just shooting this guy, and like you I'm glad they were able to take him into custody alive. Then again, this is a low bar to clear, being happy the police did their damn job instead of just shooting someone to easily get out of it.
  6. The "struggle" was probably the taking him alive part. They probably could have shot the dude and called it a day a long time ago. But then everyone would be mad they shot the black guy and not the white guy
  7. Yes but this isn't a board for millionaires to come together and laugh at the poor we're screwing over while we debate over which one of us has the nicest Ferrari.
  8. So we just need to be already rich enough to buy investment property, and then buy it a bargain when the next recession hits. I need to get on this plan.
  9. She just wanted to make sure she was doing it right. Or maybe she just wondered how people were cleaning their money with Tide. Or maybe it's like Office Space and she didn't want to be racist by asking the black guy saying he was on drugs to sell magazines and she suddenly needs some practical advise on how to launder money
  10. I mean selfishly I hate it, curious to see how much it helps out when I do my taxes next year. But from a practical standpoint I'm fine with it.
  11. Let's wish for the misfortune of millions so that we may personally benefit. Sorry you lost your job and now have to sell your house and move your family back in with your parents, but I'm here buy your house at a steal in this neighborhood!
  12. Sigh. Guess we're not getting a good NFS game this gen. Well Rivals was decent. They really need to stop trying to make it some sort of Fast and Furious rip off, because that's what most of these games have been since that franchise got popular. Remake Porsche Unleashed or do it with other brands like Ferrari or Lamborghini you cowards.
  13. Well all the dealers around here all have advertised discounts which average around $10,000, plus other additional discounts. But we didn't even get into discussing price. Sticker was something like $62,000, but with all the incentives they had online it would have been under $50,000. Now do dealers actually back that up or is it just BS to get me on the lot I don't know we didn't even get that far.
  14. Sounds like it's going to have a lot of collectathon bullshit to pad out the length of the game. Yeah it's really a 10 hour game, but we threw in a bunch of collectibles to get it up to 20.
  15. We didn''t even get that far. Last time I bought a car, they did the same thing. Well if you finance the entire purchase price it will be like $800 a month. But then they got into my trade and next thing you know we're negotiating things and low and behold the final numbers were way different. This guy presented it like this is basically it take it or leave it. Oh well, there is nothing wrong with the Honda, I just wanted something new. I'll chalk it up to a bad experience and maybe I'll try again Labor Day if there any sales going on at another dealer. I was prepared to walk out it if I didn't get the deal I was looking for but damn I didn't think it would be that quick.
  16. This is literally what happened. He asks if he can make the numbers work if he can get a sale today. I say yes. He asks what I’m paying currently and I tell him. He tells me the payments on a $60000 truck will be 1200 a month. Then when I tell him that’s not going to work I should look into a lower model. So nothing about price or my trade just come up with 1200 a month or no truck. So I got up and left and he calls me 20 minutes later he can get the payments down. ive only ever bought one car myself so I probably wasn’t the most prepared. I notice the fucker went straight into dining out what I’m currently paying. I assume these fuckers always try to make the sale based around the payment number you tell them. So I’ll definitely work on being more prepared next time.
  17. I loved that Ram, I really want one now. Fuck that clown though
  18. Went to go buy a RAM 1500 Limited today but it was a terrible experience and I left with no truck. I tell the guy if he can make the numbers work he can sell a truck, and that I even want to get a car for my gf soon. Dude tells me it will be $1200 a month or I need to look at a different truck. So so I left and he calls me 20 minutes later to tell me he can get the payments “close to $600” so yeah fuck that guy
  19. I tried the first one and couldn't get into it for some reason. Aren't these all on Games Pass now? Maybe I'll try it out again.
  20. I've been playing Fell Seal this week, which has been nice. If you loved Final Fantasy Tactics and want more of it in your life, play Fell Seal.
  21. I already posted that OC is 10% less white than it was just 10 years ago. Now that's not the only factor, Trump is divisive racist shit bag and all, but OC was 10+% less diverse in the early 2000's. I'm very aware that not every brown person votes Democrat or every white person votes Republican. But OC is becoming less and less white, and while it's not the only factor for it becoming blue it's definitely a big one.
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