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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I do wonder how large that check to Insomniac was. Whatever it was, well deserved.
  2. The point is you've had the right to own a gun literally since we've had a constitution. And while "arms" have advanced over the years, again we're long past arguing whether or not you can own a tank. Now I admit I don't know your particular views and am just using you as a stand for any liberal because the views are typically similar. I apologize if yours are different. But basically, liberals treat "gun control" like conservatives treat abortion. Both just throw a bunch of restrictions on the wall and just hope that something gets to the Supreme Court and sticks. Liberals don't want anyone to have guns and will take whatever restrictions they can get, conservatives don't want anyone having abortions so they'll take whatever restrictions they can get. Now I realize that is a mile high macro view and might not encapsulate every single view point. Also, I'm suddenly realizing I've wasted half the work day without getting damn near anything done. And I wonder why I'm not rich!
  3. We're long past arguing whether or not you can own a tank or nuke or whatever. Come to Arizona and you can see people carrying a pistol on them at Walmart while you buy your socks.
  4. My math isn't all that great but the second amendment is even older than the 14th. Look, I'm not a gun nut, I just recognize the 2nd amendment exists. And your interpretation is selectively picky. You don't like guns, so your interpretation of "shall not infringe" is we we can can infringe a little bit, and by little bit you mean as much as you can get away with.
  5. "Shall not infringe" is pretty clear unless you have a liberal court and can keep it that way.
  6. @mclumber1 needs to realize he's being selectively picky about amendment wording, and to an extend so are the rest of you. When Mclumber reads the 2nd amendment, he's right it's pretty fucking clear you have a right to own guns, and it even literally says "shall not infringe" and he's right. You have a right to arm yourself and any restrictions on that right are to be extremely limited. You want gun control? Going to have to repeal the second amendment. But at the same, the 14th amendment makes birthright citizenship pretty explicit. You want to get rid of it? Going to have to get rid of the amendment. None of this well it really meant black slaves stuff.
  7. It's definitely a great feeling when it feels like you literally just shat 5 pounds. Ever look down at your work and just feel proud?
  8. I'm pretty sure Mclumber secretly supoprts Trump and just says he doesn't here so you all don't throw him in the gulag when the time comes.
  9. And when Democrats win there is a good chance they will work out a way to put white conservatives in jail for hate crimes. See how much fun this is
  10. I need to find a way to make playing 2 work for me before this comes out because I've been meaning to get through it. 3 is looking really good
  11. I wish there was some sort of real competition for this. I have Cox for cable and now that I've been out here over a year My bill went up because the intro 1 year price is over. So I was going to switch to Directv and the other internet company you can get out here, but all the reviews said the service is shit and their customer service is somehow worse than Cox. Cox might be expensive and have typical cable company customer service, but at least the service works fine. I'm thinking of canceling the cable in my name and switching it over to my girlfriends name so she gets the new customer rate for the next year.
  12. The last two times Democrats tried the "anybody but the horrible evil Republican" and threw out an uninspiring candidate they lost. So yes, they do need someone likeable and can't just sit back and hope everyone is fed up with Trump.
  13. I haven't used Paypal in forever, do you have a Venmo
  14. I have it on X1, I don't remember this feature though.
  15. Surprised it took this long. I definitely need more Ratchet and Clank in my life. So there was a studio acquisition at Gamescom, it just wasn't with Microsoft.
  16. Playing Witcher 3 after being a big SoulsBorne guy definitely took a lot of getting used to. TW3 is just one of those games you just have to play though. Which reminds me, eventually I need to finish the DLC.
  17. Did seem kind of weird for something to be announced on Gamescom. Oh well, Hopefully XO19 will have an acquisition or two to look forward to.
  18. Saw a rumor on ERA from a guy whose spoiled some of the MS acquisitions that there's a good chance for a studio acquisition announcement today.
  19. Games Pass is destroying my Backlog, now I'm going to end up starting Kingdom Come Deliverance and DMC5 this week. Been playing Fell Seal nonstop after Doom but that doesn't count since I bought it the first week of August.
  20. I want to go through all these CRPG's that have been consolized but at least for this game my old ass can't read all the damn text on the screen from my couch. Hopefully this will be better with that. Or my old ass just needs to finally breakdown and get some glasses.
  21. It's basically a UBI open world game with good combat, though even that can become stale once you realize there are a couple moves that are just completely broken and work on most of the big bad enemies, at least on normal. I never went through again on Very Hard or whatever the new ultimate difficulty is. It's definitely worth checking out since the core gameplay is different. I enjoyed the main story, but outside of the main characters, almost all of the NPCs are boring and not worth talking to other than to get those random quests.
  22. Oh shit another 100 hour RPG I'll never finish. I hope I don't find Kingdom Come to be too janky to get into. Games Pass is too good of a deal. Since I bought Sekiro in March, I've spent exactly $30 on new games. And that was to get Fell Seal which I have no idea if it would ever come to GP and either way I just wanted to support the game since I need more games like it in my life. I've also only paid $10 for Games Pass, the very first month after my free trial month using Microsoft Rewards points. So thank you MS for saving me a ton of money on gaming.
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