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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I also saw somewhere on ERA that someone at MS mentioned that Gears 5 has lead to a surge in GP subs, which is what they really care about. So it can still be a big success if it drives GP subs even if it's sales are lower.
  2. Will buy and never play. What's the release date on this anyway?
  3. If you have an xbox Games Pass has greatly reduced how much I spend on games as there is just a ton of stuff to be playing on that. Also, I've never seen what the big deal about Remedy is. Not at all surprised if Control is a dud.
  4. Still having trouble deciding who I want to go with. For me, the star of the games has always been the guns and not the action skills so I prefer someone is going to get good use out of the guns. I played Zane and Fl4k for about an hour each last night, and I think going action skill crazy with Zane isn't for me, though I can see how you can end up with some broken builds with him. He might be this games Sal. So I think I'll stick mainly with Fl4k and try him out as a crit machine. In most games where you can get more and better criticals, that tends to make for some good builds. Only thing, if alt firing mode is now on the Dpad, does that mess up weapon swapping once you have more than 2 guns slots? Or can you just map that to a face button. Because I can see that getting real annoying if you can't change that once you have 4 slots available.
  5. Thankfully the shit ass Cardinals are in Baltimore and I get the Rams/Saints game.
  6. Philly for $300 1. Eagles TD 2. 2-3 3. Bell 4. Matt Ryan 5. GB, Buffalo, Tenn 6. High Pats, low Cards 7. 4 8. Zeke, Edelman
  7. Oh shit I grew up in Glendora and my dad still lives there.
  8. Damn I didn't even realize it was new iPhone announcement time. After being suckered into an XSmax last year, I'm keeping this thing until it dies. Hopefully I get a good 4-5 years out of it.
  9. He just re-did his house to be more energy efficient because he was up to $400 electric bills in the summer. So new roof, new AC, new insulation, and all LED lights and knocked his energy bill in half. First time I heard any mention of LED lights, makes sense I guess though since they are all the rage in new cars.
  10. Looks like the kind of janky RPG I'd be interested in. Anyone plan on getting it? Currently sitting at 76 on Open Critic
  11. Bummer, I thought AC units were supposed to be good for 25-30 years. I might not have 10 years left on mine like I'm hoping then.
  12. How old is your house/AC? Mine was built in 2002 and has the original unit so looks like I'm going to have replace it within the next 10 years. And you really can't not have AC in the summer here.
  13. Weren't reviews supposed to hit this morning? Also I went ahead and bit the bullet and got it for X1 if anyone wants to add me. I figured I enjoyed the first 2 this should be fine. But I have no idea what character I'm starting as.
  14. My dad told me LED lights are the new lightbulb thing now. One day I'll get around to getting a bunch and replacing all the lights in the house. One day. Really. I swear.
  15. Yeah you had to be rich to have one of those. I remember wanting one because you were getting arcade perfect ports of their games, but no one was convincing their parents to drop that kind of money on video games for them as kids. Plus while I enjoyed SNK arcade games, they weren't so amazing I needed $200 perfect ports of them.
  16. I had a launch day Dreamcast, the memories. I actually made my first IGN account and posts from my Dreamcast.
  17. Kyler Murray might not suck after all. Still just failed to win the game though
  18. Fuck Kyler Murray is small. I’m seriously thinking of getting directv for Sunday ticket because being in the cardinal market sucks.
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