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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Feature game Dallas $2000 1. Dallas TD 2. Saints 3. Kyler Murray 4. 37-45 5. Jax, Giants, Stealers 6. Rams 7. 8 8. Dalvin Cook, Keenan Allen
  2. I'm noticing a trend there. Good to see Sea of Thieves make it in though. I hope MS first party investment pays off next gen and their list for the Scarlett looks more like the PS4 list.
  3. That's what I've always thought, I already pay several hundred a month for my health insurance, and it still sucks. So what's the difference if that's replaced with a tax instead? I remember during the election here, Cinema's campaign focused heavily on healthcare, and it obviously worked. I'd gladly pay a healthcare tax for good health care that actually works than the expensive, still expensive if I need to actually use it shit I have now.
  4. Glad to see Bloodborne 5th. I wonder what its lifetime sales are.
  5. Maybe they should call MS and ask how big the check would be join Xbox Studios so they can have funding for a major release.
  6. I saw that thread which made me decide to try and get back into it.
  7. Started up MGSV on the Bone this time. Literally only on the first mission though because I only had like an hour to play and most of that went to all the intro shit
  8. I wouldn’t trust Kenley with a 2 run lead against the Padres right now let alone in the post season, so I have no hope for the playoffs. When they predictably fail, people really need to be fired.
  9. He said a couple weeks ago he was going to announce his 2020 tour plans. I want to see as many shows as possible so I'm going to try and make some road trips.
  10. Fuck I'm going to end up downloading this again because of you all. I never end up "beating" it but I do fart around for a couple dozen hours.
  11. Bears $500 1. Bears FG 2. under 3. Goff. 4. Raiders 5. Cards, Bolts, Chiefs 6. NY Giants 7. Baltimore 8. Ezekiel Elliot, John Ross
  12. Sweet, if I don't end up cancelling HBO before then I'll watch.
  13. GP has greatly reduced how much I spend. I did shell out for BL3 since well I probably won't buy anything else until FF7RE and Cyperpunk 2077.
  14. Yeah that unskippable opening cutscene is BS and needs to be fixed. I also started as Flak and just reached the second planet and was thinking of playing around with Zane a bit when I get home just to switch it up a bit. But at the same time, not that this is some story driven masterpiece or anything but I kind of don't want to take forever to beat it just so I can avoid spoilers. I'm probably only going to have an hour or so to play the next few days though so maybe farting around with Zane for the week will be the plan.
  15. I imagine Seinfeld himself and David will end up billionaires from this show alone, if they weren't already. Didn't they get $400 million each from the initial sindication rights sell off?
  16. So far, I like the game. I'm definitely in the It's more Borderlands! 9/10 group. The basic gameplay is the best it's been in the series. It's definitely one of those games where if you didn't like the previous ones don't bother with this, but if you did the game is back and better than ever so definitely pick it up. But I will say this, for whatever reason the game performs like ass in the menus. I guess massive stutter and loading problems nearly every single time I access the menus, which is quite a bit. Also, I probably shouldn't have legendary farmed all the bosses in the first area because now I'm a bit overleveled. Probably should save that shit for the second playthrough.
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