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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I think studies have shown that pet ownership in general is beneficial to your health and mental health. Also all those studies about married people living longer and happier. It's probably just bad to be lonely all the time. So if you do live alone try getting a cat or a dog or whatever your circumstances will allow. Shit I bet even a turtle or hamster would help out a little.
  2. But Is there a blind guy kicking everyone’s ass? Because that would be awesome.
  3. So if the ID were free, or you could use a utility bill or I guess your social security card (something I would assume nearly every one has for free in America) there wouldn’t be an issue? The issue is only when they close dmvs or close polling stations? Because when voter id threads come up someone always mentions what if we made the Id free and no one ends up supporting it.
  4. Right, but liberals have consistently argued that voter ID is racist voter surpression even if we make it free.
  5. In CA all I had to do was show up and say hi I’m Dodger and live at 123 main st and I got to vote which always kind of struck me as being a little too lax.
  6. So even in Canada you need some sort of ID to vote, or have to show up with someone who has ID to vote. So how do your too poor to get ID people vote?
  7. Well at least the Dodgers won to not make last night a total loss.
  8. Listened to the new Korn-The Nothing on the way to work. I've listened to it quite a few times before. I'm going to give it a solid 8/10. Yeah I know, I just lost my metal snobbery card for liking anything Korn does. The more I listen to it, the more I like it. Only a couple duds for me on the entire album. Although I probably need to check out some of the metal posted in this thread. I must be getting old because I've been having a real hard time getting into anything new (to me) lately.
  9. I tell myself one day I'll force myself to go back and finish this but spoilers, I'm pretty sure everyone but John Marston dies so it's not like I need to find out whatever is going to happen to everyone.
  10. It really is crazy how much adult conversation is wasted talking about the weather. Must be great for @SaysWho? though.
  11. We had it down in the 80's the last two weeks and I thought we had escaped the worst of the heat until next spring but right back to 95+ for the next week. I like how these threads always just turn into us mentioning how the weather is where we live.
  12. Rams $2500 1. Rams FG 2. Seattle 3. Winston 4. Mccaffery 5. Titans, Bears, 49ers 6. Patriots 7. Broncos 8. Mccaffery, Kupp
  13. Jack Swagger, Jack fucking Swagger? So this is my first exposure to AEW and yeah it seems like WWE retreads I didn't give a shit about back then are the focus of the show. Who is the top face of the company? I assume it's Kenny Omega, but last night was all heels, all the time. I'll give so more chances but so far it already looks like the very worst of TNA (shit retreads no one cares about, though TNA did have periods of pushing "vanilla midgets" who never would have had a chance in WWE). The reason I watched TNA, NXT, and want to watch AEW is because I want to see guys like Christian Cage or Samoa Joe be the top guy in the company. Or guys like Adam Cole, Tomasso Ciampa and Johnny Gorgano steal the show when if they were ever on the WWE main roster they would be lucky to be 2 month Smackdown Midcard champs. Also, it was only 1 match and promo but MJF seems like generic boring asshole heel to me. Highlight of the show was easily the womens match, though the first match was decent as well. Neville needs a better name than Pac, what the fuck is that anyway? Also it seems he's actually somehow devolved as a wrestler since NXT where his matches are a bunch of boring shit, then crazy top rope spin splash finisher. Overall, I was pretty disappointed in what I saw. I hope it gets better.
  14. Have to be a new member and new to Spotify premium though. US and UK only Link to details
  15. Needs to focus on building own talent, gives Chris Jericho first title so people actually recognize somebody in the company.
  16. Bought Need 4 Speed Payback for $5 this weekend and played some of that. It's aping the shit out of Forza Horizon, only half as interesting.
  17. What time is AEW on? Shit Raw was here in Phoenix, I should have went if I knew it was going to be any kind of special. I should check out AEW, I really enjoyed TNA before it went to complete shit. Wait, is NXT on USA this week too? Is it on at the same time as AEW?
  18. Been switching around stuff lately. Finally started Kingdom Come Deliverance. I like it a lot, but it does make me want to see what they could do if you were say a dragon born or the last of the ancient race of whatevers. Because yeah, the game is clunky. I get that you're just a peasant and all, but I want to see what they would do with at least a decent combat system. Yeah I get that peasant from 1400 AD wouldn't have a targeting reticule on his bow, but Jesus Christ it's a video game work with me. This is one of those games that all but forces you to take your morning shit or have a buff/debuff applied to you.
  19. Shit I totally forgot about it will have to try and catch a repeat or watch it online or something this weekend
  20. Jim Sterling really hates it, for any of you who care about that.
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