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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Meetings should never last more than 15 minutes. If you're meeting is over 15 minutes it sucks and is wasting everyones time.
  2. Shit I got my ballot a month ago and then put it some drawer and completely forgot about it.
  3. Every time I have a 3 day weekend I think of just how perfect it is. Perfect work week, perfect amount of time off.
  4. Well at this point everyone in the town other than the leader went back to Edgewater, and you even get one of them to open a workbench station (not all that helpful but hey it's something) for doing his quest. Would be curious if they all suddenly turn on you if you still go back and kill the leader.
  5. Played some Outer Worlds and a little Ruiner this weekend. Also finally 1000/1000'd Skyrim base game in achievements. Although it's the Special Edition with the DLC which I haven't finished so it doesn't count as a completed game.
  6. I'm having the opposite feeling. Game is just boring to me. Most of the quests are lame. So far the most interesting thing I've done is help a lesbian ask out her girl crush. Most quests are hi I need this, well before I'll give it to you you need to go get that from so and so. Then so and so has a quest for you too. And the combat just isn't good enough to make up for it. Small early spoilers ahead but I chose to divert power to Edgewater, and I still have almost max positive faction points with the deserters because I did all their other quests. I was expecting everyone in town to start shooting at me when I got back. Instead I just get a scowl from their leader. Game isn't nearly as good as I was hoping it would be. Like I don't even have much desire to keep playing it.
  7. I’ll reload at 19/20 if I’m not actually fighting anymore
  8. I'll be at the Phoenix show. Will this be big enough for a stadium, or regular arena show?
  9. Hoping the Pats don't fuck me on the spread, Patriots $4000 1. Patriots FG 2. 4 3. over 4. Red skins 5. Jags Lions Colts 6. No 7. Dallas 8. Fournette, Godwin
  10. RIP in peace. So who is going to be Granddad in the new Boondocks seasons?
  11. I went quite a few years ago and it was a lot of fun, and there was a decent amount of people there too. Even got brought up on stage since it was my first time. Definitely a relatively cheap way to have some fun, and I never really even gave a shit about the movie. So you can still have fun if you're not some super fan of the movie because everyone gets really into it. One of those cool social experiences.
  12. Nobody gets mad at the people making your pancakes because you don't need pancakes. You do need a place to live though
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