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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Maybe I'm just being a scrooge, but we have two team members who have birthdays next week, and someone sent out an email hitting the rest of the team up for $15/each for gifts. It used to be $5. We all pitch in and get you like a $50 gift card somewhere. Also, I just had my birthday last week, and I didn't get shit. So maybe I'm just pissy but coming up with $30 for gifts for people on the team seems a little steep. Am I being cheap or is this getting to be a little too much?
  2. Except that still doesn't pay for student loan forgiveness (over a trillion dollars for either plan, 1.6 trillion for Bernies)
  3. I'm about to get out of work and then I gotta get ready for the holiday at home so I'll just make my last point, and if you disagree with it, hey that's cool that's what this place is for. We've demonstrated on this very board that people who go to college, especially those who graduate college make more money than those who do not. So if you have student loan debt, you are still getting the benefit of the increased incomes college degrees bring over those who never went to college. With student loan forgiveness you now get a double benefit, not only are you making more money than those who didn't go to college, you don't have to pay for some/most/all of your education. So now you're even further ahead of those who never went to college. As Massdriver points out, student loan forgiveness is expensive. Guns vs butter and all of that. Now maybe you don't care how "fair" this is and think it's just one tool to boost the middle class. That's great. I simply feel we should work on solutions that help everyone below a certain income level and not give a privileged few an extra benefit. I feel student loan forgiveness is double punishing those who never went to college. But if you don't feel that way I see your point, and at the end of the day, I ain't even mad. I'm just trying to see it from another angle. Plus there is that whole people respond to incentives thing, and what do we do with all the people currently in college or about to go college. They are going to want their free ride too. Maybe we should move towards "free" public advanced schooling, but that's another discussion for another day.
  4. It seems that the main point of this is, if we save millions of people several hundred dollars a month, they will then be free to spend that money elsewhere, which will stimulate the middle class and the economy. My simple point is that there are lots of ways we can save people several hundred dollars of month. If the goal is to save people several hundred a month, how about we come up with a plan that helps everyone save several hundred dollars a month instead of the people who made the "correct" choice of going to college on student loans. Because if the middle class who went to college with student loan debt could use several hundred dollars a month to decide to have children or buy a house or just go out and buy the new iphone every year, the people who didn't go to college and don't have student loan debt could probably use that money too to do the same things.
  5. I understand I'm a mere moron who can't comprehend the extent of your mental might since you are just so much smarter than me, but try to understand that replying to multiple people who disagree with you gets really time consuming and it's easier just to hit certain salient points then every little point that gets brought up. Since you naturally have all of the correct opinions, I'll be sure to follow your posts more carefully as I don't want to dare believe any differently than you, because if I do I'm obviously both wrong, and stupid. I even said I'm not necessarily against student loan forgiveness, or at least some form of it. I'm sorry I pointed out that this isn't "fair" to millions of people. If you think student loan forgiveness is a great idea, I never called anyone a moron or stupid for believing it. But maybe you are just a shitty person.
  6. There are people literally wearing diapers to go to work in some Amazon warehouse because Amazon won't even give them a piss break and it would be "delicious" to see them upset?
  7. There is a difference between your parents were well off enough to send you to college so you didn't have to worry about paying for it, and the millions of people who just never went because they couldn't afford it. You're not getting it. Litearlly millions of people got of high school, wanted to go to college, and then didn't because they didn't have the money and they didn't want to sign up for 5 or even 6 figure student loan debt. Some guy right now is working in a warehouse stacking boxes somewhere because his parents were poor and he decided a mountain of student loan debt wasn't worth it. We're basically telling that guy you made the wrong choice. All of you who decided that student loan debt was a terrible idea made the wrong choice. The correct choice was to go to college anyway and rack up that debt because here comes the government to bail you out. Hope you like stacking boxes the rest of your life Jim, because the guy that chose to go to USC and rack up $160,000 in student loan debt and now has that cushy white collar middle manager job chose correctly, and you didn't. Kind of like that Southpark episode where Mormomisn is the correct religion. Just to clarify, I too was fortunate enough to have my parents pay for my college, and I've never had a penny of student loan debt. So I don't personally care. If the goal is middle class tax cuts or middle class stimulus, why don't we just cut taxes on the middle class? I'm just pointing out there is no such thing as a free lunch, forgiving student loan debt is not fair to millions of people who decided not to get themselves into a mountain of debt to pay for something that ultimately is a choice.
  8. I think part of the problem with student loan forgiveness is again, at the end of the day you chose to get that loan. Yes you had a lot of pressure to do it and yes you made the choice when you were barely an adult, but it's still a choice. You're also under intense societal pressure to get a job and not run around everywhere naked. You're also kind of fucking over all the people who decided that student loans were a bad idea and didn't go to college because they couldn't afford it. Probably going to be a little resentment there from all the "responsible" people who didn't get free or nearly free college. Now I'm not necessarily against it, but it does send a bit of a fucked up message, like hey some people can make massive commitments and just get out them while all you people who decided not to do that are just kind of fucked. Maybe some kind of restructuring of the loans/interest is a better idea than straight forgiveness so we're not just giving the middle finger to everyone who didn't take on massive debt to go to college.
  9. That's literally the same exact thing, you chose to go to college. You chose to take out a loan to pay for college. Just because people told you college was great investment doesn't mean you didn't chose to sign up for the loan to go. Guess what, people tell you buying a house is a great investment too. So again, you going to pay my mortgage for me? Because I can find just as many people who will tell you owning a house is a great investment as I can all the people who told me going to college was a great idea. I'm not even trying to be an asshole or say I'm against helping people with their student loans, but we could have cable bill forgiveness and I'm sure studies would show the economy would improve since most people would just take the $200 a month they spend on cable and spend it on other things. This study is literally take a few hundred dollar a month bill away from millions of people and the economy will improve because they will spend that money elsewhere. Well no shit, I'm just pointing out we can literally do it any bill most of us have.
  10. Would boost the fuck out of the economy if you covered everyone's car payment. I'd run out and buy all kinds of crazy shit if you can get me out of my mortgage too. I'd spend all kinds of money on dumb crap I don't need if I didn't have all these bills to pay.
  11. Well now we know why they justify this as a full price game, look at that dart mini game! Now I got the church music stuck in my head, which I guess isn't a bad thing. I really hope they can manage to pull this off and not fuck it all up. Also, put FF1-6 and tactics out on PSN/XBL already.
  12. Finally got all the achievements in Fell Seal. I need Final Fantasy Tactics on psn/xbl dammit
  13. Do you consider Apple watches/similar to be an acceptable watch substitute at your office?
  14. Got another year of forcing Nana's cranberry sauce down your throat and telling her how great it always comes out this year do you?
  15. Astros may have been using electronic buzzer bandages to relay signs And as mentioned above we may have buttery males too. It's starting to look like the Astros are pervasive, systemic cheaters. Although it really be lolmets if they have fire Beltran right after hiring him.
  16. I gotta remember to claim my 6 months of Spotify premium, I keep forgetting. Also, anyone going to play Remnant? It was briefly popular around here when it came out.
  17. It still says “Xbox is still selling strong”. MS will take some sales hits to move GP subs. What we really need info on is just how many people are using GP and the revenue from it.
  18. Exactly how I feel about it. Which isn’t necessarily bad. But the menus have terrible lag and have froze on me a couple times. Keeps doing that and I’m going to give up on it
  19. Started Rage 2, feels like Mad Max with guns. Probably should start Remnant from the ashes since it’s on GP now, I know some of you were all into it here when it came out.
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