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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I really need to finish 2. Also 4 is getting pretty long in the tooth at this point so some sort of remake or remaster makes some sense.
  2. WIndows central has rumored targeted specs of the Anaconda and Lockhart More details in the article. Also someone who is verified at ERA said the full reveal will be in the "very near future"
  3. ive briefly played gears 5, other than that nothing from the Post list. I’ve played 2 on the other and I didn’t get close to finishing Sekiro.
  4. Anyone, forget Games Pass, I don't want some lower end gimped console holding back the entire generation so I hope this isn't true, or it has the same exact system specs as the "Anaconda" and it just discless and maybe a couple other things like a smaller hard drive to shave $100 off the price and they can offer a console at $399 and a second sku with the same specs at $499. Or this is just a project xcloud box or something. It would be giving Sony an immense advantage in first party games, and they already got some wizards who make their PS4 games look amazing.
  5. This is just a smaller thing like Inside Xbox Nintendo Direct and not any kind of big event where they would say anything about the PS5 right?
  6. Dodger

    I'm 31.

    I'll echo that overall the 30's are great. Still young enough but now you have a lot of experience behind you and should be hopefully for most people starting to make some real decent money. The waistline thing ain't agreeing though. The 30's have been a death march of gaining about 100 pounds, and it feels like the second I even look at a cookie I gain 5 pounds I'll never lose. The battle with my waistline the last few years has been real. I admit I only sporadically attempt to do anything about it, but the fatter and older I get it's a lot harder to get started back in the right direction. Which reminds me I need to finish building my home gym so I can start working out at home.
  7. Dodger

    I'm 31.

    Bro you were closer to 50 than 20 as soon as you hit 35.
  8. We'll see. I think the one thing overlooked with the movie industry and comparisons to Netflix is that the movie industry is much more consolidated, so fewer players have access to a much bigger catalog for their service. Especially now that Disney owns what feels like half the movie industry now. Disney is basically EA and Activision and Ubisoft all in one damn company.
  9. The one thing for publishers doing their own thing though is they better have a big catalog to throw up, and will need to have a significant catalog of older favorites in order to compete. You're going to need more than a handful of releases every year to carry a subscription service.
  10. Well, we'll see. MS also now has 15 first party studios, some with multiple teams making games for it now too. EA is a bunch of dick bags who could probably rival that if they wanted too, but they don't and force studios to do GAAS bullshit and fuck up the Star Wars Franchise before they could be bothered to release a decent game for it. EA's program could have been a lot of better if you were going to get a good Bioware Mass Effect game for it, A good dead Space game, A good Need For Speed instead of shitty Forza Horizon knock offs the last 2 games apparently are, and whatever other IPs they could be making good games for. Instead they fucked all that up and EA Access is now kind of shit. But you might be tempted to have it if they were producing the kind of games they could have been producing given the studios and IP's they have had. Or look at this way. What if Sony had Games Pass and you were getting GoW, Spiderman, TLOU2, next Uncharted game, next Gran Turismo, Horizon 2, Death Stranding, ETC ETC for "free", plus a bunch of other 3rd party games for 9.99/14.99 with PS+ a month. . Would you be interested? MS has a long way to go to match Sony's first party output, but if they can start getting close, Games Pass will be fine.
  11. We should probably just accept that Nintendo is Nintendo will always do their own thing, and there's just a certain group of gamers that will always be buying Nintendo products as either their primary or secondary gaming source. Nintendo is unique enough with their unique IPs that they can get away doing their own thing, because they aren't trying to sell you another machine to play Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed on. Although as I said once Virtual Console came out on Wii, the value proposition of Nintendo definitely increases if all those game I bought on my Wii could be downloaded to future consoles. Or how awesome would it be if your Switch games all work on Switch 2. But alas Nintendo sucks with this sort of thing so we can probably never expect it, and at best can hope they will charge us again to let us rebuy all these games again on the next system. Games Pass might not be the future of games, but I think it's the future of MS and it will have some success. At a minimum, you will always get MS first party games "free" as part of the service, and now that they are have worked to beef up their first party efforts and stated they aim to release at least one game per quarter, and probably more if you count smaller scale games, you'll get some value out of it. Several indie devs have also said GP has worked out very well for them, so I would expect indie games to keep coming to GP as it's a great way for indie devs to get exposure. The question really becomes, will continue to invest in AAA 3rd party titles coming to the system. At the end of the day, I imagine GP is much less like XBL/PSN+ freebies in that the company gets a cash infusion for "free" games that have already done most of the sales they are going to do, so I assume the 3rd party incentive will remain. Especially for games that maybe have DLC or sequels coming out soon and they want to get people back into their game/series. It will just come down to whether or not MS will continue to invest in these deals once they feel their first party efforts are strong enough. They very well could curtail their level of spending but at the end of the day if MS gets millions of people onto GP, that's millions of people using their ecosystem, and millions of people subbing to GP, and not all of that will be $1 intro rentals forever.
  12. I think the problem for the Vita is that it just wasn't properly supported by Sony's first party studios. If you're gonna make a handheld, you still have to properly support it and not hope third party does everything for you. This is the one thing Nintendo understands above all, if Nintendo puts out a handheld you know it will get the same quality first support it's consoles get and all your favorite franchises will be there as well. I think Sony relied too much on the power of the Vita and hoped being a sort of handheld console would get more third party support than it did.
  13. Dodger

    I'm 31.

    I'm 37 and will be 40 in 3 years. Fuck.
  14. All right I'm going to have to go big this late to get back in, which scares me because I've whiffed on like 5 straight feature games. Fucking Bears covering on this non updated spread by one fucking point. FG Seattle $20,000 1. Seattle TD 2. Seattle 3. Arizona 4. Yes Green Bay 5. Dallas Carolina SF 6. Houston 7. Wil Lutz 8. Deandre Hopkins receiving, Chris Carson rushing
  15. I'd love a discless Anaconda as I'm all digital. I'm not buying a lower specced console though, I want the beast, but with no disc drive. Save me that $50 please.
  16. Some people on ERA will sleuth some out every now and then if you want to browse over there from time to time. I don't have any kind of inside info but I've guessed a couple games would come right after they released. Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Rage 2. Just look at who seems to have strong relationships with MS/Games Pass. Bethesda has been very supportive of GP overall, to where I bet Doom Eternal will be on GP within a year of release. Square has also been pretty supportive, especially after the announcement of the Final Fantasy games all coming next year. So if you look at who seems to really support GP you can kind of predict what big third party games will come within a year. This is just rampant not even really speculation but just theorycrafting, but with MS saying they want more Japanese support they should reach over to FromSoft and get the Dark Souls Trilogy on GP. I don't think they can buy From since they are owned by some other Japanese company, but after getting FF and Yakuza to GP, the DS trilogy is pretty old and most of it it's been free on PSN/XBl at some point. I think it would be a solid get to put those 3 games on GP.
  17. According to ERA someone said it's just waiting on certification from MS to come to GP. They really just like that upfront cash.
  18. Shit it's not even celebrating. If Nintendo had a tweet that said hey what's your favorite Nintendo console and game it's basically the same thing. People probably wouldn't complain. Just made me think about all the gaming I've done over the last 25 years, with a lot of it being on the 4 PS consoles.
  19. Got a hair up my ass to play Tomb Raider 2013 for some reason, so it's been that for last few days.
  20. You're still collecting a bunch of crap in TOW though, the food items you can put into your stimpak thing are literally littered everywhere, as well as the same weapons and weapon mods everywhere.
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