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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Have Warren for Prez and Bernie for VP so if Bernie kicks the bucket during the term it's less of a problem and you don't have to make any pledges that might get awkward if you don't want to live up to it.
  2. Now this is what is making me feel old, because while I remember first signing up for IGN when I was 17, it sure as shit doesn't feel like we all came here nearly a decade ago.
  3. I've never gotten into Star Wars. Now that I can just literally watch it it all whenever I want I'm tempted to marathon through it, but I don't know. Star Wars nerds are annoying.
  4. next year I can put a Microsoft SeXbox in it
  5. I'm no expert so correct me if I am wrong but it sounds like the Series X is going to be more powerful than all but the top of the line gaming PC's when it releases, and not already 4 years outdated like the PS4 and X1 were. If so next gen should be something special as the baseline hardware is actually pretty damn good this time around.
  6. Series X sounds like some dumb gen X marketing. Like Xbox Series X for Xtreme! for dude bros who wear Axe body spray and just want to get their Call of Duty on. Whatever I just want to play pretty vidya games and so far have really enjoyed Games Pass and all the BC is nice, especially if we get even further enhancements on this thing. So I'll buy one. Then again, Playstation sounded like some Fisher Price toy when it came out, and it did all right. As long as the games are there, the name won't matter much. I laughed at Nintendo Wii too, that ended up doing all right. Provide value to your customers and the name isn't all that important. Xbox Infinite would have been a lot better though.
  7. We get a crappy lunch. We also just got an email yesterday about toning down the Christmas decorations at peoples desks.
  8. You know how they have those dueling piano bars? Reeves should open a dueling Keanu bar.
  9. Specifically a great room. I currently have an empty great room which is the first room when you walk into the house. My original idea was to put a pool table in there and make it a game room for when people come over, but I don't have that many people over so it seems kind of like a waste. Tried to move the home gym I want to build over there so it'll have more room, but the misses nixed that idea. Could do a family room, but I have a pretty big living room with a huge couch so seems kind of redundant. Could move my man cave from the den to over there, that way I've have way more room to expand and do more things with it.
  10. Beat Tomb Raider 2013 (for like the 3rd time overall) last night, moving on to Rise of the Tomb Raider next.
  11. Wake the fuck up Samurai, and come see all his movies.
  12. So are you a stealth archer? I think it's pretty much a law somewhere that you end up being a stealth archer.
  13. I'm sure I'll play it for awhile, get lost and never finish it like I did the first one. I did love the music and have the sound track on my phone for the original though.
  14. Hey my dad got his BA from there he ended up making 6 figures, though he did later get his masters from a "real school". I had a friend who taught for Westwood before they went under. He felt bad for those kids. They were paying over 20 grand a year to get degrees that were barely worth the paper they were printed on. He's also a massive hard ass who loves to bust people for plagiarism, which I always thought was pretty harsh for kids who going graduate with nearly 6 figures of debt to get a 4 year degree that's almost worthless.
  15. Police violence is a problem, but the majority of gun crime in America is black people killing other black people, and not white people with manifesto's shooting minorities because their country is being invaded just because that was one white guy. 93% of Blacks are killed by....other blacks. Not racist white people. 84% of all white homicide victims, killed by other whites. Most violence is intraracial. Not that racism isn't a problem but racism isn't what fuels most crime. You and many others seeing a problem that just isn't there, at least not nearly on the scale you perceive it to be. Link before I'm bugged about it
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