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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. hmm wonder if we can get one from ms by calling something on the box
  2. I did indeed get the controller. Will test it out in a little bit. Definitely looks and feels premium, even the packaging. Ms getting it right with this stuff.
  3. Really sucked that the Saturday games were on NFL Network which I don't get. Oh well, I got to watch the Cardinals upset the Hawks.
  4. I have a pretty good feeling my gf got me the Elite V2 controller.
  5. I I'll murder each and everyone of you who tell me "but it's a dry heat!" when I'm sweating my balls off June-September
  6. I didn't say MS would "win" the generation, just that they could get to around 360 levels of success. Let's not forget that gen was a tale of two halves, MS doing everything right and Sony doing everything wrong the first half, and then basically the opposite the last half. The X1 has sold around 50 million consoles and the 360 sold what, approx 85 million? I expect MS to do better next gen, while Sony will probably still sell 100 million+ consoles and "win" the gen.
  7. O ERA is terrible right now, the Sony Defense Force is either trying to claim the SeX is 10 TF instead of 12 like multiple "insiders" are claiming, or that the PS5 is 13+ TF while Xbots are acting like they won the generation already. I plan to get both day 1 if possible, but I do think MS is now doing enough right that they can at least have 360 levels of success next gen. I think they should easily at least sell more SeX's than they did Bones.
  8. Oh all right that makes sense, because yeah it just feels off after playing Rise, which again I actually enjoyed up until the final act/third whatever.
  9. Damn I'm glad my parents were never religious and I didn't have to grow up with any of that. My best friend grew up Muslim and told me about all the crazy shit they do. It's amazing how people can go along with it all and not question it.
  10. 2013 is definitely the best so far, I actually thought Rise was better up until the last third. I started Shadow last night and I already mostly don't like it, so if it gets even worse that's not a good sign. Also, apparently this is more focused on puzzles, but all the marketing for the game made it seem like Lara is just straight Rambo now and would be more focused on action. Also, somehow the game feels like a bad rip off after playing Rise, like this is really the first game in the series. Feels like the game went backwards somehow, from what I've played.
  11. I'm a few weeks behind as I just on demand AEW whenever I can but I'm still trying to figure out who the face of the company is. Like literally, who is the top "face". Looks like they are trying to make it Moxley. So far AEW has the worst parts of WCW and TNA where it's all heels, all the time. Not that we want some John Cena running around burying everyone, but there is a balance that they are not even close to achieving.
  12. Yeah, I just recently 1000/1000 the base game which was my goal. Still not considered a completed game though since it's the special edition and I've never played the DLC. I keep telling myself I'll make a push to get that done soon too.
  13. Yeah an airlift is like 50 grand in CA. But that's a fucking helicopter coming to get you, and while I'm sure it doesn't cost 50 grand for that to all happen, it can't be cheap to dispatch an actual helicopter to take you to the hospital. An ambulance ride is typically 2-3 grand depending on mileage.
  14. Here is another problem. I'm looking at a guys ER bill for $88,000ish. Medical paid $245 for it all. This jerkwad hospital is billing out $8350 for each CT scan. This guy has a ER bill just under 90 grand and he was not admitted and was discharged home with bruises after a car accident because all of his imaging came back negative. It's all just broken everywhere. Nevermind I'm going blind. Over $15k billed for his abdomen CT, and $10k billed for his chest CT, the rest were $8776, and they are billing $775 for each xray.
  15. Same I keep seeing this as something with GT7.
  16. We have to admit that the ACA is still basically shit. Sure it helped some people out, the pre-existing conditions thing helped out millions. But other than that it's still mostly shit. So anybody running on restoring ACA as their big healthcare plan, it ain't enough. I don't know how we have to do it, but the system here is broken and bandaids won't fix it. What good does "doctor choice" do you if you can't afford to see the fucker anyway. Maybe "choice" is a dog whistle so white people don't have to go see some Indian doctor with 15 letters in his last name. But shit's fucked. By the way, Xrays are super cheap now, so I'd be negotiating the shit out of that bill. Like a basic xray should only be like $100, $200 tops.
  17. Beat Rise of the Tomb Raider last night. Boy the last third or so is pretty terrible. I was actually really enjoying it up until then. Don't really have much desire to try and 100% everything so probably onto Shadow of the Tomb Raider because why the fuck not. Thanks Games Pass.
  18. Have Warren for Prez and Bernie for VP so if Bernie kicks the bucket during the term it's less of a problem and you don't have to make any pledges that might get awkward if you don't want to live up to it.
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