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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. I got ducked on that too, plus I picked the saints to cover in the gambling thread. Seems like the opposite of my picks is what happens.
  2. Restarted RE2, fuck Mr X following you around is annoying.
  3. Working on RE2 and for some reason Mad Max again.
  4. Saints $6000 1. Saints TD 2. 3 3. 2 4. Tennessee 5. Buffalo, NE, Seattle. 6. Carson, Michael Thomas
  5. the 1x is an impressive piece of hardware, and the Xbox X looks to be as well. Plus Spencer says the new X will be as quiet as the 1x. Glad to see it’s helping them turn things around.
  6. Well, how much would it cost next year to basically turn a 1X into a system with a 1TB SSD and a Zen 2 CPU? Could it reasonably be done for $299? I still think a 4TF box for $300 is DOA if Sony releases a 9-10TF box for $399. Why get a half next gen console if it's only $100 cheaper? I think Lockhart only exists as a counter to a $499 PS5, which is why it's still not officially announced.
  7. Well if you have an X1 a lot of games give you the option of 4k30 resolution mode, or 1080p 60 fps performance mode. Instead of just targeting 1080p 60fps, why not have the lower price machine give the same option. It can either be a mainstream budget 4k machine, or let it supercharge your 1080p games if that's what you are still rocking. But I'm no tech expert so I'm not sure if this could be reasonably done for around $300.
  8. Yes, I spend way less money on games now that I have GP, and I don't even pay for that. I do the MS Rewards shit for a couple minutes every day to "pay" for that. Honestly, next gen probably most of my games spending will be on PS5 first party games since MS first party games will all be on GP for "free". Third party titles I'll either hold out until they are on GP or on a massive sale, or the rare game that actually compels me to buy it day 1. I'm definitely getting CyperPunk day 1, and thinking about Doom Eternal since the last one was so damn good.
  9. I don't know why the Lockhart can't basically be the 1x with a Zen 2 CPU and SSD be a 4k30 machine, since most people don't care about FPS anyway.
  10. The real problem with the 1X is that it had fuck all to support it. No first party games came out with it to show off what it could do. They won't have that problem going forward. All of a sudden the system with no first party games has literally about a game a month coming to it in 2020.
  11. I think the PS5 will have a lot more success at $399 than $499. More people will buy 9TF $399 PS5 than will a 12TF $499 Xbox X. Plus a $399 PS5 pretty much kneecaps the "Lockhart" because if you have a choice between a 9TF $399 PS5 and a $299 4TF Series S, the jump to the PS5 is just a no brainer. Instead of a 1080p console, the Lockhart needs be more like 4k30fps console, so maybe a little more powerful than the 1x with a SSD and good CPU. That way Series S is still a true next gen console, and let's face it the average consumer is just fine with 30fps. Maybe that's too much for a $299 box, but against a $399 PS5 it can't be only $100 cheaper while half as powerful. JMO but Sony is foolish to chase the power crown with a $499 box. Get it to $399, and they will dominate next gen yet again. They probably still win at $499, but I don't think consoles that start at $500 are selling 100+ million units.
  12. He seemed like the kind of revolutionary that's only so until any resistance happens.
  13. Why? Booty is your run of the mill vanilla safe centrist corporate approved milquetoast Democrat who has clearly "sold out" for all that sweet donor money. He can't even be bothered to have more charisma than a fruit fly. Maybe UBI doesn't turn out to be the answer, but it at least starts conversations. Booty can't even commit to being gay in case that's a turnoff for you (not you specifically, just "you" in general).
  14. So is Jason Garrett getting fired? Or I guess just replaced since his contract is over.
  15. I have no problems with it. Especially now that I'm old, have limited time, and most games are just too goddamn long anymore. Plus, things were just different back in the NES days. Most of those games once you "got gud" at them could be beaten in an hour or two. If you could have rolled through it that fast on the first try or two, the damn things wouldn't have been worth $50. Plus back then if you were a kid, getting a new game was a rare occurrence saved for your birthday, Christmas, and maybe a good report card or something. The real business was when you could rent a game for a week for $5. So you had limited access to games back then, so they needed to last you. If you were 7 and got a game for your birthday and you had another 6 months to go to Christmas, you'd be pretty pissed if your birthday game was finished the next day. You should play a game however you want to play it. You're the one who bought it. Enjoy it however you want to enjoy it. If you used cheats, so be it. I'm a Dark Souls player, and no I wouldn't give a shit if you cheated your way through it. That's not how I want to play it. And if you need cheats to beat it, you're only cheating yourself because there are motherfuckers out there beating all the bosses at SL1 in NG+7 naked with a dagger. Some people go straight to hard mode when they start a new game. Some go straight to easy. Shit most new games literally have modes where they make the combat so easy your cat could play the game. If that's what you want to do more power to you. Play the game however you want to play it.
  16. Less people smoking is a good thing so I’m not really concerned about the mental gymnastics of how we get there. Especially since if you can stop a young person from smoking you likely prevent them for smoking for life since I don’t know anyone who randomly started smoking at 40.
  17. Definitely feels great in my hands. Obviously haven’t had it long enough to notice any quality problems.
  18. Enjoying the show so far, will finish the last episode this weekend. HC did a far better job than I was afraid he would do.
  19. Went back to Ruiner to get the achievements I need for the ID@Xbox MS rewards quest. Also played a little Subnautica, which seems like a decent game but I don't know if it's for me.
  20. Shit normally I'd be happy to get to see the Rams but since they are out I'm going to miss SF/Seattle. Maybe I'll have to go down to the local sports bar and catch it.
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