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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. This isn't that difficult. Someone was going to be that guy. SBL just chose to be that guy. His post was 4th post in this thread. Kobe was a father of 4 and one of his children died with him. Now we didn't know that right away, but that's why you wait a day or two to make the asshole post. Wait a day or two and then you can come in and say hey can we talk about the rape allegations without looking like an asshole, instead of on the 4th fucking post when the guy had literally been dead less than an hour. I watched a lot of the breaking news coverage, and there were multiple grown men choking back tears talking about his death. You don't get that if you are a terrible person. I watched the coverage for about two hours, including some on Fox News just because they were the first to have breaking news coverage of it, and I didn't hear one mention of the rape accusations. So it wasn't like breaking news basketball star and alleged rapist dead in a helicopter crash. , at least not what I saw on Fox and CNN. But hey other people mentioned it so sbl is in the clear. He also doesn't care his team cheated and has a tainted title because he read on twitter other teams were cheating too. For his sake I hope he doesn't know anybody that will jump off a bridge this week, or he'll go and do it too.
  2. kobe wasn’t even confirmed dead yet when he brought it up. Just have some tact sometimes.
  3. if you were accused of rape would you sit back and do nothing to defend it?
  4. no shit I knew one of you would go there right away just wasn’t it to be sblfilms
  5. Just saw on ESPN that 2 of the other victims were a player in his academy thing and another parent
  6. Haven’t seen any confirmation about the passengers other than his wife was not on board
  7. They aren’t coming to Phoenix so LA show it is for me
  8. Just got tickets to see them in LA at the coliseum. Any of you fucks going to one of the shows? @Keyser_Soze?
  9. Krispy Kreme is overrated as fuck I used to live a couple miles from The Donut Man in Glendora, I stop by every time I visit my dad. Those are some damn good donuts.
  10. Dark Souls is definitely the one game I wish I could play all over again for the first time.
  11. Oh shit, I really wanted to play the 2nd one, but my blind ass can't read all the text on the screen without getting up and getting closer to the tv and I'm way too lazy for all of that.
  12. I've had tickets to go see his farewell tour in Vegas for like 3 years now as it keeps getting post poned. Try to not die before I get to go.
  13. I was just dicking around for fun because we also had an office pick em pool and I figured I might as well do both. I also don't remember the rules thread.
  14. I didn't even know there was a prize. I thought this was all for board internet dick measuring rights.
  15. You two are the exact type of people who get diagnosed with some horrible disease and end up dead a month later because you've already given up hope on life. Optimism in the face of insurmountable odds is basically how anything great has been accomplished in the history of mankind. If we all went around shrugging our shoulders saying well we're fucked anyway nothing would ever get done.
  16. Maybe next year we actually get some money involved, like a $10-20 buy in or something.
  17. I didn't know this would continue into the playoffs so when I got blown out in like week 13 or whatever it was I gave up for a couple weeks. I'll try and be in it every week next year.
  18. Good to see that scenario b in resident evil 2 means mr x shows up earlier. I liked Claire’s scenario a because the fucker is barely around
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