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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Right, and much like you I'm sure I've been seeing his ads since before the Super Bowl. So by the time our primary hits, he has blitzed the state with 2 months of constant ads, while everyone will do what 2 weeks worth? And if you don't pay much attention does some average guy in Gilbert Arizona know who the fuck say the mayor of some city in a state you probably can't find a map anymore is based off his 1 week of ads when you've seen Bloomberg and Trump on tv since the New year? I would say it's like Ross Perot, but Perot at least had some charisma and likability too. Bloomberg is just straight blitzing my state, and I'm sure many others with non stop ads.
  2. His ads are fucking everywhere, at least for me. All over tv and my FB feed. So if I think of some average joe blow who doesn't pay much attention, I can see him getting support. The only ads I've seen for me are his and Trump's, and I see nothing of everyone else.
  3. I need to get a waterpick because I get lazy with flossing.
  4. Would be nice if they could just move on to making the next Dragon Age amazing to make up for this.
  5. In between games right now and not sure what I should get into or get back into next. Spent basically the last month playing RE2 so I get into lulls sometimes when I finish a game I've been playing mostly nonstop for awhile. So need to find inspiration for my next game.
  6. The money could definitely be better spent, but it's wrong to look at military spending as some giant waste of money to build some shitty airplanes. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people are employed directly or indirectly because of the military budget, and no one really thinks about it. So whenever someone says we should slash military spending to pay for x, that's all well and good but literally thousands or tens of thousands would lose their jobs. Including at least a handful of people on this board
  7. See, I'm so used to being fucked I look at that and think how the fuck do you only owe $713. My Gf had a $85,000 medical emergency bill last year and owes like $5000. So my first thought was damn this lady has some good insurance.
  8. I hate to be the asshole here, but if you're going bankrupt over $713.23, you got a lot of problems. I was expecting the "your responsibility" part to be like 6 figures, which would make sense on how you go bankrupt over medical bills.
  9. The military is one giant welfare project. I'm literally across the street from the huge new Northrup Grumman campus that employs thousands. Not that that is a reason to keep military spending so high, but plenty of that money goes to keeping people employed.
  10. Yeah I don't know how I feel about that one. That hits right in the feels bro.
  11. Done with Resident Evil 2. Started 7. Only played a bit. Hopefully at some point it actually gets good.
  12. Pederson lost his arb case and will make $7.75 million next year, though supposedly it wasn't much of a factor in the trade in so much as the Betts trade needs to be finalized first.
  13. You just have to look at holiday structure and how it practically applies to make something work. Christmas is the closet to a national shut down day we get, with almost everything closed except for the shittiest of retail places. I worked Christmas day for Blockbuster video once, that was fun. Thanksgiving is the second closest we get to that, though for poor retail people and the many places that start their Black Friday on Thanksgiving are fucking that up for some. Most people in America have Thanksgiving off. The majority of white collar office type jobs get "the big six" off, so Christmas and Thanksgiving plus New Years day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day. The rest of the filler holidays usually only the government and banks get like MLK day, Presidents Day, Veterans Day, Columbus Day. So basically, we would just need to stretch the Big 6 into the Big 7 to add election day, and then have a push to make it like Christmas and Thanksgiving where nearly everybody has it off. People love their days off so I would definitely think you could sell people on another holiday. Our corporate overlords will hate and resist it but this is something that should be easy to sell to people.
  14. Lux and May better be studs because we could have gotten a lot for them in return. I'd rather have Lindor and Clevinger from Cleveland for example than Betts, or we probably could have gotten Arenando for them which is a more pressing need than OF, plus he'd be signed long term instead of being a rental. Betts is going to beat Harper money next year, so not like we're gonna get any kind of discount to bring him back.
  15. Hard to complain about getting one of the best players in the league for practically nothing other than some billionaire's millions. I like Verdugo but dude already has back problems and that's not a good sign. Yeah the return is light, because there just aren't that many teams you can dump $70+ million in payroll on. Our rotation is still problematic to me, at least in the post season. After Buehler, we're still starting Kershaw and Price behind him, and that's even if Alex Wood is partying like it's 2017 again this year. But that lineup should be best or near best in the NL. The real issue is wtf is going on with that Angels trade where I'm hearing all sorts of things like Ross Stripling is also headed to Anaheim, with all sorts of reports of prospects going in either direction.
  16. I haven't watched it yet but it looks like Jim Sterling's impression of it is that it's shit, since that's the title of the video.
  17. I have fun with the Far Cry games, so I'll take 6 or whatever the next one is going to be.
  18. I also don't give a single shit about the Netflix series, never even heard of it in fact. Has a 62 on open critic. So the game has to carry it as I won't have any connection to the series or anything I care about.
  19. Maybe I'll still check it out. i fucking loved Fell Seal, but I'm going to guess this falls way short of that as Fell Seal was the closest to a "new" Final Fantasy Tactics we're ever going to get.
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