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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. While there are a few that are clever, most vanity plates are stupid. Having "BigBoss" on your BMW 330 isn't impressive.
  2. I was going to get both at launch but looking at $1000+ games is probably going to be too steep for me to do that. I'll probably just get the XSX because of Games Pass, but if Sony drops that Demons Souls Remake as a launch title as rumored I pretty have to get the PS5. This is going to be tough.
  3. How did it do on Sega CD? I remember that being one of the top ports and it certainly seemed to look and play way better to me, outside of the shitty load times.
  4. I was going to joke post and say coming to a caucus near you but that doesn't actually sound too bad.
  5. Or lets just not be weird creepy lying fucks on the internet
  6. Fuck maybe? I'm getting old and don't remember
  7. Medicare/cal and I suppose caid for other states pay almost nothing. I've seen a $90,000 ER bill get reduced down to $250, which is too crazy. Still, we can always rework the fee schedule. Healthcare in this country sucks, I already pay several hundred a month for coverage, and it still blows and I still don't won't see a doctor unless I absolutely have to, so bring on the "tax" for it. We definitely have to rework the fee schedule to make it all work though, so probably don't just take what they currently pay out and extrapolate it out to the whole population to figure out what it would all cost us. Because seriously, they pay peanuts on the actual bill. Yes the bills can and should be lower, but what the government pays currently has to be way too low to be workable.
  8. I don't remember him ever going on about being some successful home owner but maybe that's on Discord or something which I'm never on. And biggie has been fine ever since he got off the CEB. I will say that Massa richie rich thing was annoying and that Elf shit with Cnut was fucking weird though.
  9. He might have fucked himself out of the hall of fame, definitely ended his manager career before it started, so even though he won't be suspended for any games as a player, he might actually suffer some pretty harsh consequences for his actions.
  10. The effect of the cheating is not what is important, it's the fact that you cheated to begin with. If you take steroids and somehow end up with worse performance, no one cuts you a break because your performance wasn't actually enhanced. Whether or not there was any benefit, there was a massive, organized operation done by the Astros and their players to gain an advantage. Whether or not that advantage materialized isn't important, they need to be punished for the effort they put in to try and gain that advantage, just like you get automatically suspended for PEDs, no one looks at your stats and tries to proportionalize your punishment, it's 80 games no matter what. Players should be punished to the degree of their proven involvement, regardless of the outcome on their stats/games.
  11. The Astros going to arb with their players and pointing out their involvement in this scheme as a reason to pay them less would be top kek, I might actually hurt myself laughing at that if it happened.
  12. Well this is America, so what happens if a few guys who did get bombed pitching in Houston decide to sue citing they lost money on their next contracts? They might not be able to squash every suit that comes. Also you bring up a good point about Springer that I thought more about at lunch. What happens if he has a lukewarm market next year and signs a surprisingly low contract? Does the MLBPA file a grievance? Is not wanting to sign a known cheater enough cause to not pay him what he's otherwise worth? Pretty good odds some messy shit happens because of all this. This scandal is going to keep on giving, and while it's kind of fun and hilarious to watch the trainwreck unfold, as fans of baseball it's just a really ugly blackmark on the game that will take years to recover from.
  13. Alex Wood already mentioned how a pitcher could go to Houston, give up a few runs and while it seems like nothing, at the end of the season when it's contract negotiating time your numbers got worse and that costs guys money. Aaron Judge is likely to lose at least a few million in lifetime earnings for not winning that MVP. Their cheating definitely affected other guys salaries, maybe in small ways but it they definitely cost some pitchers some money who got bombed in Houston and messed up their numbers. Being a known cheater absolutely should reduce their free agent value.
  14. So Keon Broxton apparently got suspended 2 games for throwing his batting gloves behind him and one hit an empire, and of course everyone is stating he got more punishment than any of the Astros cheater. Good job MLB, everytime anybody gets punished this season for anything, everyone will run out and state how they received more punishment than known cheaters. What a mess. Manfred is a terrible commissioner. Somehow he makes Selig look good in comparison.
  15. Before I left Vegas I did see a Steyer commercial and billboard! I'd have no idea who he was if it wasn't for this thread. Apparently he isn't on the Bloomberg plan of trying to buy the election.
  16. No one should believe a single person in the Astros organization at this point Even if their tongues came notarized.
  17. Players will get in more trouble for retaliation against the cheaters than any of the cheaters will get for cheating.
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