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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. Spotify shits all over Apple Music and I should stop being a boomer and drop Apple Music for Spotify right?
  2. This still doesn't excuse the $4 they charge to get alredo sauce with your breadsticks.
  3. Just a hypothetical question thread because uh I'm not being very productive at work today.
  4. I'm a little behind the metal times lately, do they have any albums better than Demigod?
  5. Back in the day, I did discover a lot of music I ended up loving because of the thread on IGN, so let's bring it back. I'm not a fan of metal elitism so this doesn't have to be all esoteric albums that were made in a basement and a dick measuring contest on how "tr00" your metal taste is, but at the same time first the first person to post an I Prevail album is getting bant. So I'll just start it off with the album that got me into "real" metal Yeah, I'm one of those annoying man crush on Devin Townsend people, and this is the album that got me started on it. All Hail the New Flesh warped my fragile little mind when up to that point, In Flames and Children of Bodom was the extent of my metal knowledge beyond Korn, Slipknot, Slayer, Megadeth, Old Metallica and what not. I'll be seeing DT for the 4th time when he comes to Phoenix this month, though I never did get to see SYL live.
  6. I know that's why we need to bring it over here.
  7. Back on the IGN metal board they had the greatest metal albums of all time thread. I've been thinking of bringing it back here, because I discovered a lot of good stuff because of that thread.
  8. First date until your married, then your wedding anniversary.
  9. I only watched until the Jake the Snake segment and will catch the rest later on on demand, but damn Jake looks and sounds rough. Bummer, because he used to be one of my favorites as a kid. But yeah that last bit was great though. I watched Revolution and while it was good, it highlights a few problems with AEW. Fucking everyone does a Canadian Destroyer now, and it's not even a finisher. They literally had one in 3 straight matches. Second, way too fucking many false finishes, especially in the tag match. Also, Moxley kind of John Cena'd that match.
  10. So any takes on why Warren massively disappointed in her campaign? She was seen as basically the centrist progressive that would be the most electable progressive, but she got completely steamrolled. So just a case of she wasn't centrist enough for the centrists and not progressive enough for the progressives? I do wonder if the whole DNA test thing just completely destroyed her credibly already, because that was just a really bad look.
  11. I keep meaning to get back into playing but it means subtracting from my hookers and blow budget so I don't.
  12. So this election will be a 74 year old incumbent running against either a 79 year old or a 78 year old, with a chance a spry spring chicken at 70 will be other choice. That's just fucking great. Maybe they can all die before November and we can have a real election.
  13. Completely fine with it, like GTA VC and SA with their loaded casts. And IV and V were fine too. I just want to hear some quality VA, and really at this point I'm a little tired of Nolan North, Troy Baker, and Laura Baily voicing damn near everyone.
  14. Back to dark souls 3 since I don’t know what else I want to play and of course I want to run like 5 builds
  15. Only one I'll ever always remember is up up down down left right left right BA Start
  16. Well we could hope this is like the time Gabbard completely body bagged Harris and Harris never recovered, but Bloomberg is too well funded. I think the big outcome will more of a boost to Warren than a fall for Bloomberg. He obviously didn't help himself any, but he's still plastering himself all over I assume everything Super Tuesday related. Warren needs a boost from this because Bernie is starting to pull away.
  17. While Bloomberg was scalped in a debate most people didn't see, I saw at least 5 of his commercials while watching Masked Singer, he ain't going away anytime soon.
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