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Everything posted by Dodger

  1. How many of your employees make more money than you do? At least before all this Coronavirus shit happened. Dude, this guy somehow only profits a thousand dollars a month, lives with his parents, drives a 1997 Honda Civic so he can sacrifice and give these ungrateful leeches a place to live, how can you doubt this?
  2. I understand he still has expenses. With 32 units, his risk pool is pretty diversified, and as far as I know, Houston is a big, growing area. But let's do a thought experiment. How much money would you have to expect to make per month/year to take on the risk of owning a 32 unit apartment complex? You sure as shit wouldn't do it for a grand or two a month right? What if it was your only source of income? You would need to make more money than the few grand a month a regular day job pays right? This guy probably makes more per year than all but a handful of people on this board. Even with his expenses he should be at income level where he is able to put away some money every month. Forget the Coronavirus, wtf was this guy going to do if the building caught on fire? Sure he probably has insurance, but that check doesn't come the second you file a claim. Or any other kind of emergency. Remember, the 32 people renting from him no doubt have it harder financially than this guy, shouldn't he almost have an obligation to have some kind of emergency funds in case shit happens? This guy to me tests the basics of capitalism. When business is great and he's clearing 20 grand a month and leasing new BMW's under his LLC he gets to say hey I'm the business owner I assumed all the risk I get to enjoy the benefits of my profits. But the second that risk actually hits his front door, he's crying about it.
  3. I know the guy still has monthly expenses he has to meet, but he should be clearing that by a good amount with 32 units
  4. 32 units? This guy probably grosses $50000 a month. How the fuck is he living if he can’t miss a month. I mean it sucks but this guy should be making a pretty a comfortable living and have some money set aside. Not like all he has is a duplex
  5. Started a Marvel movie marathon while on lockdown so watching one of the Marvel movies a day Iron Man 8/10, still holds up for the most part Iron Man 2, 7/10. I don't know why but I didn't hate it when I saw it again like I did years ago. Thor 6/10. My least favorite of the 3 I've watched so far, just found most of it boring.
  6. I'm not enjoying the game so far. I guess I really just wanted more Doom 2016. This isn't Resident Evil I don't want to be running out of ammo all the time.
  7. wait is this why they call it a “cornhole” never thought about it before....
  8. I'll have to check what places are doing early entrance for seniors only first, because I ain't that old yet.
  9. I don't care about TP because I have some and I can just jump in the shower and wash my ass after since I'm stuck home all day. I care about food and water so hopefully it's not that bad.
  10. I'm about to brave the super market or Walmart grocery side for the first time since the shit hit the fan. Hopefully I can find some water
  11. Speaking of oil prices going down, demand worldwide has to have crashed because if you can't go anywhere, well you don't need oil to get you there. I haven't driven since this weekend. Might try and brave a grocery store run tomorrow to restock up but that's a couple miles tops.
  12. Sounds like both consoles will be pretty good. I'm not tech expert but it looks like MS went with pure brute force where Sony went with some finesse. I wonder what the price point will be for both.
  13. Announcing right after the XSX full reveal, they must be pretty close in specs or better to want to come out right away and respond. Oh well I'll be "working" from home during the announcement so at least I'll be able to stay caught up.
  14. My gf works for a dental office, instead of closing, they are running promotions hoping people will use their quarantine time to come in and get their dental work done.
  15. I can’t wait to be homeless so I won’t get a virus that probably won’t even kill me. I mean let’s do what we can but we can’t destroy society for this. It’s not like it’s some inescapable automatic death sentence to everyone who gets it.
  16. 4 people bought desks including me that I saw. People have been told to wfh but if you haven’t set yourself up yet you need to get your office stuff. The girl at ikea said they were at 160% index and it’s only been this busy when college starts. Best Buy was sold out of monitors keyboards mouses web cams etc. Not all of us were ready to go wfh at a moments notice.
  17. Went to Best Buy to get some monitors for work and everything under $400 was sold out. So it’s not just food and tp.
  18. At ikea to get a desk and chair and it’s a madhouse so if you Need d stuff for your setup look into getting it now.
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