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Everything posted by Moa

  1. I generally check back in on wow for a month or two every expansion and enjoy my time with it. There is something to be said for returning to a ten year old character, going in adventures, checking out your once-epic-now-pedestrian mount that you spent a month in Alteric Valley for, etc. I do think they killed it with class design in Legion, my sub rogue has never felt so subtle.
  2. I waited through the entire DS lifespan for Mario Kart to hit $20 and never bought it.
  3. Bring back General Gaming and Colonel Insanity.
  4. Sorry if I was confusing, it's a pc game in early access.
  5. Slap City is a platform fighter in the style of Super Smash Brothers Melee, and unlike many other platform fighters in the style of Melee, it is actually a good game. It has similar movement mechanics to melee but is a little slower, floatier, and more approachable. The character design is interesting. Most/all of the characters are drawn from the developer's other games, and some of them like Ittle Dew feel very generic, while Casual Business Man and the very buff duck-not-fish FishBunjin are wonderful and hilarious. One of the nice things about the game is that the tone and presentation don't scream esports aspiration, and the game is definitely fun as just a wacky four-player free-for-all in the way that smash games are and smash-like games generally are not. Unfortunately, there are not many great videos actually about the game, so below are three meme videos.
  6. Melee was my favorite smash game both before and after I learned about the competitive scene and advanced techniques.
  7. So here is how it's going to go, I'm going to play Diablo, buy Stardew and Slay the Spire and play a combined 48 minutes of each, then resub to WoW like the animal I am. At this point, I will have finished this week's bomb/beastcast, and I will go back to playing Fortnite.
  8. Should I play Diablo or Path to Exile?
  9. I, for one, am surprised that someone in the gaming industry could keep their job after expressing relief that Totalbiscuit is dead. Talk about a lack of empathy.
  10. I am in desperate need of a new game to play while listening to podcasts. Specifically, I am looking for a game that I can play for long 2-3 hour sessions, something that does not rely heavily on audio cues, and a game that does not require my full undivided attention. Games like WoW and Rogue Legacy have been great podcast games for me, but now I mostly play fortnite, rainbow 6, and dota, all of which are terrible podcast games.
  11. Well, EA should feel optimistic about this game since Destiny has given everyone an appetite for co-op loot shooting but has been generally disappointing. I just hope they can muster the gameplay and content variety that is so necessary to keep people interested. I feel like a lot of these games miss out on the class fantasy aspect that is so compelling in MMOs. Despite its uninspired level, enemy, and encounter design, Warframe executed on the class fantasy aspect well enough that I could lose myself in it for hours on end despite fighting hordes of the same uninteresting enemies.
  12. Celeste was not a 10/10 game, it was just another platformer for masochists but this time with a cute story.
  13. I'm a big Life is Strange fanboy, and Captain Spirit was excellent on its own and makes me incredibly optimistic about LiS 2. LiS is one of the very few games that I think has good writing rather than good writing for a videogame, and Captain Spirit, while short, surpasses the original in that regard.
  14. I didn't think Hellblade was fun, and I had some minor gripes with the story, but it is a game that has made me very optimistic about the future of gaming as an artistic medium. The game was thoughtful, and I am excited to see what they can do with greater resources. For me, Hellblade takes a seat at the too-small table of action games where the gameplay and story complement rather than contradict each other. Spec-ops is probably the only other great example I can think of.
  15. I'm unreasonably excited that Captain Spirit comes out on Tuesday, and slightly upset because I thought it was supposed to come out today.
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