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Everything posted by Moa

  1. The OG EG beef is making these finals approach dangerous levels of anime. I worry that OG may not be able to survive the wrath of Sumail though.
  2. I'm excited to buy and not complete another From Software game, somehow the only Souls game I've managed to get into has been Monster Hunter World, which I have been enjoying very much.
  3. Twitch bought Curse so you can manage addons through the desktop Twitch client now, it isn't my favorite thing in the world but it works well.
  4. I've been cautiously optimistic about this game since it was announced, but this video has me feeling more cautious than optimistic. The AI and environment design just seemed very 2003 to me.
  5. Looks like a cool setting that may be a little heavier on the horror than Until Dawn was. I'm very excited that it is coming to PC since the only way I got to experience Until Dawn was through watching streams. I loved the slasher flick vibe of Until Dawn and wish more games would embrace how fun horror can be.
  6. I'm kind of surprised they are walking back the visuals from the saturated look of DMC to tried and true dark and dull.
  7. I'm surprised that some people were upset with the freewheeling Geralt ending.
  8. I'm having serious issues committing to what faction/race/class to play. I've mained a rogue for most of my time in WoW, but the dps role bores me to tears. I'm strongly considering using my boost on a disc priest since healing is a lot of fun PvE and disc feels very active with its dps to heal mechanics. That said, I can't decide if I want to wait until I unlock nightborne to roll my priest or even switch to Alliance because Kul Tiras is Cool Tiras.
  9. Filip Miucin presents the Gerstmann memorial award for outstanding ethics in games journalism. Alternatively, the "Wait, plagiarism is wrong?" award powered by Dan Ryckert.
  10. Captain Spirit made me believe that this will be good, but damn I don't like the apparent direction change from magical realism time travel to telekinetic super powers. The time travel mechanics got rid of much of the clunkiness of these dialogue games since you got to see your options before fully committing, and without that I see the old frustrations of "I didn't mean to say that-itis" returning in a bad way. They are going to have to do a lot to continue to have high-stakes decisions with consequences that feel fair. Then again, Captain Spirit was really great and shows that DONTNOD has continued to mature as a studio. It can't be worse than Before the Storm, which somehow did not manage to temper my enthusiasm for the series.
  11. I predict this is the most divisive game of the year and I can't wait for Bethesda to spread its hot mess all over me.
  12. Turns out Slay the Spire is engaging enough to forget about the podcasts and just session for 4 hours listening to the same loop of mediocre background music. Also, turns out that the yearly inevitable WoW resub was as inevitable as it always is.
  13. I survive entirely on transfusions of Game Fuel (Halo 3 or WoW Horde branded).
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