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Everything posted by Moa

  1. I haven't played a non-Mario racing game since Burnout: Paradise, and this game is fun as hell. Thank god MS is finally respecting the PC as a platform. I kind of wish I had an xbone controller for the feedback on the triggers, although even with a 360 controller the feel is still excellent.
  2. I think that arriving late to the party made my experience of the first game much better, but I also have no self-control and am going to play the hell out of this. I was ambivalent about the entire prospect of a named sequel since that is a hell of an act to follow, and I have some concerns about whether or not the game will feel fair without the time travel mechanic, but I also have tremendous faith in the developers after they managed to package startling nuance into Captain Spirit. I could, have, and will talk for days about these games, but I figure I should just go play it first. Update: Excellent start. Spoiler regarding whether or not to play the game as it comes out or wait for it all to come out One of the best things about LiS and Before the Storm was that I felt like the actions and emotions of the characters mirrored how I felt playing the game, meaning that I knew that it was a decisions matter game so I felt as uncertain, cautious, and over-analytical playing the game as Max's character was portrayed throughout the game. I am feeling much the same closeness and empathy towards Sean as I did with Max, Chloe, and Chris, so I feel like I personally can take responsibilities for what the character is doing.
  3. Yeah, I've definitely bought and given away 10+ copies of the first game. Unfortunately, with the game having gone on sale so frequently and the first episode becoming free, owning the game is no longer the main impediment to playing it. I am very apprehensive about playing the sequel to the greatest game of all time, but I am looking forward to doing so tomorrow.
  4. The point of these videos is not to tell you the specifics. When they want to show you the specifics they will. This will likely happen between now and when the game comes out. The point of these trailers is not to sell you the game. When they want to sell you the game they will show you what you want, but for now they just want to remind you that it exists and get you talking about it again. Please forgive the truisms, but it seems like between this and Cyberpunk 2077 everyone has forgotten what a development cycle looks like. Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brother, Kojima teases people.
  5. I'm confused by the general reaction to this. While it doesn't show how the game plays, it definitely shows more of what you're going to be doing in the game. This trailer is pretty concretely a lead-in to a sequence where you run/hide from a dog-like monster, a thing you've done countless times in videogames before. It isn't weird or confusing in any way. I get that it is annoying that this game continues to be vaporware. I personally have gone from excited, to frustrated, to having completely forgotten this game exists, but the whole "what even is this game" makes no sense to me. It's a third-person action stealth game from Hideo Kojima that is going to be similar to those other games he made. You don't need to go through an ARG to figure out what was always obvious.
  6. It sounds like their problems had more to do with the management of the company than with the quality of their games. I think you can see this from the abrupt shuttering, poor treatment of employees, and disappointment of the gaming community that they're gone and their projects abandoned. I will admit that I never finished any of their games since none of their IP licenses interest me, but I don't think that games I love, like Life is Strange, which push storytelling in games forward would exist without Telltale having led the way.
  7. Apparently Fortnite is still a free ride. https://www.polygon.com/2018/9/14/17861300/fortnite-nintendo-switch-online
  8. The guns feel very underwhelming. I wish that they could somehow package the gunplay of a Tripwire game into a battlefield package. Edit: package, package, package
  9. What Remains of Edith Finch is perfect for you. It is a beautiful melancholy "walking simulator" that takes about 2 hours to complete and was my personal favorite game of last year.
  10. As GB goes, so goes games journalism. I look forward to reading articles about people jerking off on BART at Polygon and all my other preferred sites.
  11. Life is Strange 2 is my only guaranteed buy since I'm determined to shovel as much money on DONTNOD as I can.
  12. It was honestly very entertaining and focused more on what people like about the game and series rather than simply if it is good/bad. I feel like everytime a new hot jrpg comes out the reviews are hard to interpret since these games are not generally my thing, so I am not the target audience for the review.
  13. This review has convinced me that DQ11 is a great game that is not for me. I like the idea of a game as a way to chill out before bed and many of my favorite games fall into that category (Night in the Woods, Kentucky Route Zero, the parts of Life is Strange that don't make me cry), but I know that JRPG combat, while it may put me to sleep, won't make me rest easy.
  14. The combat looks really weak, especially considering CDPR's stellar track record of engaging combat systems dating all the way back to the original Witcher.
  15. If the "cool" stat is charisma, I want to play as a very uncool wannabe cowboy.
  16. Well deserved, I kept waiting for the floor to fall out and OG to turn into the frauds I suppose they weren't.
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