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Everything posted by Moa

  1. Yeah, season 2 takes the training wheels off when it comes to character continuity. I was using the wiki to help remember character iterations and the family trees for some characters are like 10 people deep and contain some spoilers like X is Y's Aunt / Granddaughter, which is super funny. Three episodes into season 2 I'm glad that almost all of my fears about the direction of the show have been abated, i was particularly worried that the future setting would be too shark jumping and that the show would be too good v evil with whatever Noah is up to.
  2. To each their own, but I think what differentiates this game from a lot of survival/exploration games is that it is actually engaging to play because of the very precise control you have over your ship/suit.
  3. The level design and environmental variety were definitely the weakest aspects of the game. It didn't bother me too much personally, since the game is really all about the combat and there is only so much you can gussy it up before you just slow the game down. That said, I'm glad Doom Eternal is expanding the color pallet beyond rust and red.
  4. Doom is the only AAA single player FPS that I can think of that was significantly improved with M/K controls. By the end of the game on Ultra-Violence every enemy with the occasional exception of the Barons of Hell were just walking healthpacks. I really wish that there was a difficulty setting that maintained the AI damage and behavior of Ultra-Violence but was jam packed with more demons.
  5. I definitely went through a few frustrating sections where I either was missing the solution and kept trying something impossible or otherwise goofed and found myself in a sticky situation. I like that the game isn't too hand-holdy and gives you lots of rope to hang yourself with since the emergent oh fuuuuuck moments are spectacular. This game inverts the fear of deep water, and I now dread being plucked from the safety of my planet and thrown into space to struggle, die, and drift ever further from home. For those who haven't played this game, I would strongly recommend it and I hope Epic is paying the Devs a fuck ton of money because if this wasn't an EGS exclusive it would be making much larger waves.
  6. Based on the fact that it's call Overwatch 2 and it has to be mostly similar to Overwatch I don't have too much hope for this, but Blizzard doing a Warframe-esque game in the Overwatch universe would be pretty interesting.
  7. I just started Outer Wilds, and I strongly suspect that this game is great. I avoided reading much coverage about it since I knew it would be a day one purchase for me, but so far what has really struck me about this game is how much control the player has over their ship and space exploration suit, and the resultant terror of accidentally jettisoning myself into the void. There was a moment as I was exploring a broken satellite where I had to get into an inaccessible section by space walking around the satellite, and somehow in my ineptitude I got going too fast, got turned around and lost orientation, and lost sight of the satellite completely, and as I spun out into the murky black trying to reorient myself the game activated a very specific panic center in my brain generally reserved for being trapped underwater not knowing which way the surface is. I also really like that is is an exploration game that it isn't a survival game.
  8. Who has a better story than this lifeless husk who has forgotten what it feels like to be human.
  9. 3.5 hours of swearing and the words POLICE STATE in coins.
  10. I'm excited for this game, but I'm more excited for the Giant Bomb content to come from this.
  11. Are any of the Quantic Dream games worthwhile? I read some shit about Detroit that turned me off it but I do love me some story driven games. Speaking of which, I almost feel bad taking advantage of the sale and preordering Afterparty for 50% off when I fully intended to buy the game full-price at launch.
  12. I love how Dany burning King's Landing to the ground seemed inevitable not because of her prior actions but by the insistence, apropos of nothing, of everyone around her that she not do it.
  13. Young Sheldon doesn't turn years worth of investment into disappointment. The show had been going downhill for a while, but this last episode was orders of magnitude worse than any of the previous stuff. I do have two positive things to say about the episode though. The first is that I liked that the battle was a complete and total rout, and the second was that Clegainebowl happened.
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