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Everything posted by TwinIon

  1. My loyalty has been rewarded! I've heard a few good things about NieR: Automata, so how about that on the PC.
  2. 3 electoral votes is what it would get if it were a state, so maybe it could exist as a state without a constitutional amendment? Like I said, I think there is a valid legal challenge to DC statehood, I'm just not sure how it could possibly work.
  3. Not really news, and it aligns with what you might expect, but Rian Johnson's longtime producing partner Ram Bergman thinks that Rian's trilogy won't start for at least 2 years. With episode 9 due in 2019, it would make some sense to go right to another trilogy the following year, but I think a 2 year gap would make sense as well.
  4. I would think so. Here's a visual of where we have bases around the world as of 2015: It would seem like having some significant presence in Europe would be useful if we need to deploy troops to much of the planet. I have no clue how the cost/benefit analysis would work out.
  5. DC They don't get screwed like Puerto Rico, but it's the second most populated potential state and statehood is very popular in the district. It's possible that there could be a legal challenge to DC statehood, but if Puerto Rico is successful I think they'd try to be right behind. I really hope that Puerto Rico can become a state. I have no idea what the chances of it actually happening are.
  6. Looks like it often goes on sale for ~$30. Maybe I'll pick it up next time it gets cheap.
  7. It'll certainly be an interesting test to see how many people actually pay attention. Last time that district had a Republican on the ballot was 2014; that candidate got 64k votes. When the democrat was unopposed, there were 91 write-in votes. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets tens of thousands of votes.
  8. I think I'm waiting to hear what's next for desktop VR before I bother to upgrade. It's probably another year or two away and who knows what the requirements will be like.
  9. This is the first successful use of the “arbitrary and capricious” standard I've seen under Trump. There are a lot of changes they've made that could potentially meet that standard. I wouldn't be surprised if they get this through one way or another, but at least they can't do it quite so easily.
  10. He's been rather critical of the Russian government for a while. I think he'll be fine as long as he doesn't try and effect any actual change over there.
  11. Are they not allowing road traffic through as is? I'm going to guess not. Given that it's a pretty short border, this seems like a rather expensive way to prevent whatever little must be crossing that border now.
  12. I rewatched The Lost World and it really highlighted that it's basically the much better version of this film. It's not great by any means, but it does a lot of things pretty right. A big difference is that throughout TLW, Ian Malcom is there being a constant voice of reason and generally making smart choices. The two big mistakes anyone makes are saving the baby rex and sabotaging the In-Gen guys, and both of those are basically all on Vince Vaughn's eco-terrorist character, which makes it kind of understandable. Even Roland, the safari dude heading up the In-Gen expedition, pretty much always makes the right calls. There are elements that don't really work, like Ian's daughter and the whole gymnastics thing, but on the whole I found TLW to be a well directed, entertaining, but ultimately flawed film.
  13. What kind of show would you guys like to see this from this series? The obvious route is to make it about MC and his squad. Keep it tightly focused on them and make it a 'team on a mission' kind of thing. Like if you made an episode of Stargate into a whole series. I think there's potential there but I'm not thrilled with the idea. If they wanted to, they could make this an expanse like show, alternating between the Earth politics of meeting alien life, a ship commander, and the front line soldiers. If you wanted to really get into the Covenant you could almost go kinda Game of Thrones with all their machinations, but I think that's probably a bridge too far. They could do a Voyager/BSG style show about a capital ship that ends up far from home. I think that could make for a flexible premise where they need to solve some big mystery, and there are enough characters and considerations that it's not all about space soldiers shooting stuff.
  14. I can't wait for the "are mean liberals responsible for violent outbursts from the far right?" headlines.
  15. I think it's only a matter of time before a streaming game service becomes a mainstream way to play games, but I'm not sure if we're actually there yet. Bandwidth has to hit a certain level and cloud computing costs have to be cheap enough. If there's someone with the right mix of expertise to make this work, it could well be Google. Still, even if they can make it work, I can imagine them having trouble getting developers on board. I'm personally very much looking forward to someone getting his kind of service right. One of the best things about Netflix is that it works on every screen I own; desktop, laptop, TVs, tablet, phone. The Switch might be the only screen I have that doesn't have at least one way to watch Netflix. I'd love for games to be more like that. If I could get an upgraded Chromecast style dongle and play a game on my TV, PC, or through an app on any of my other devices, that could be a compelling value proposition. There's even a something of an argument to be made for games that are already playable across devices. I often see complaints about how Hearthstone takes up so many GB of data on mobile devices. Just the storage savings might be enough for streaming to become a compelling option.
  16. Showtime has placed a 10 episode order for a Halo TV series from Awake creator Kyle Killen and Rise of the Planet of the Apes director Rupert Wyatt. For now we don't know much more than that. I'm very surprised that this is happening. I feel like Halo has lost some of it's cultural relevance, and this is likely to be an expensive show. Still, there' s absolutely potential there, and I'll be excited to see how it turns out.
  17. Yeah, but several years ago things were going ok and it seemed like more of a "maybe this isn't the best way for things to work" kinda deal. Not the "OMFG, who the hell thought this was a good idea?!" is is now.
  18. I feel like with every new story Trump is making the founding fathers look like real idiots? Really, the executive has the power to make this kind of decision unilaterally? Was it really a good idea to make the foundation of our legal system dependent on when a few old folks either die in office or get close to it? Is this really a system of checks and balances?
  19. I'm glad that this is a fireable offense. It's a little odd to me that of all police malfeasance stories that this is the one that actually ends in the officer getting canned.
  20. Spiderman Shadow of the Tomb Raider Red Dead Redemption 2 Probably Smash, and maybe Fallout 76, depending on how it turns out.
  21. Reading that New Yorker article I get the impression that he's something of both a Bernie Sanders and a Donald Trump. Like Trump he's a populist that will make grand promises, and like Bernie he focuses on economically unrealistic social programs. Like Trump he lacks any real guiding ideology, but like Bernie he has a political background. John Oliver did a segment on him recently: From what I gather, the guy is a giant question mark. Assuming he wins, it's entirely unclear what he'll actually do in office. Maybe he blows up NAFTA, or maybe he's the kind of morally flexible, do anything to get a deal done, kind of guy that might actually work well with Trump.
  22. Sounds like what everyone expected, which is enough to get me to see it in theaters.
  23. I did. Fixed. I'm pretty sure I had the trend correct though. Companies that eat their competitors tend to get more scrutiny than companies that buy into new markets.
  24. Wow. Typically it's these types of horizontal mergers that get much more scrutiny. The ruling on the AT&T / Time Warner deal felt like a much easier rubber stamp given the vertical nature of the combined company.
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