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Everything posted by TwinIon

  1. Wife was out last night, so I got to push my speakers a bit. The Dark Knight - 5/5 - Ten years later, it sure holds up. Gravity - 5/5 - Still takes my breath away every time.
  2. I don't even think that the issue here is an understanding of digital forensics. I have no doubt that Trump lacks a fundamental understanding of how any of this works, but that's not the reason he keeps bringing it up. It's pretty simple deflection. As you correctly point out, the absence of facts is hardly a barrier to these people. Still, I find it kinda funny that the complaint with the servers in general boils down to the equivalent of being mad that they didn't grab the emails that were printed out when they already had them on a flash drive.
  3. I agree it's a bit confusing. I think the situation is this: -US to China seafood is now subject to a 25% tariff -China to US seafood is now subject to a 10% fariff. This includes products caught in the US but processed in China (e.g. salmon turned into burgers). So US sellers that process their product in China pretty much have to raise prices, unless they're going to find a way to process it here. US sellers that sell to China also have to raise prices, or they can sell elsewhere, but selling elsewhere means dealing with many disparate markets (Brazil, Spain and Ukraine), rather than the single large market of China. I kinda agree. If (as a hypothetical example) Canadian seafood isn't subject to these tariffs, and their competitors in the US now have to raise prices, it seems like they could try and leverage that price advantage to steal more of the market. They don't get into it in the article, but my first thoughts are that the Canadians might also raise their prices, but just raise them slightly less. A 5% price increase would still give them a 5% advantage, if all else is equal. Otherwise the issue could just be supply. The price hike will happen more quickly than you can increase the supply of fish, either from farming or fishing, so you can either sellout your product at the same price, or take advantage of increased prices across the board and take the extra money. Given the nature of these tariffs and the President, I'd be very hesitant to go out and acquire the infrastructure necessary to dramatically increase supply just in case this all goes away suddenly.
  4. In most code files autocomplete can work because it's referencing something (like in that image) that is declared within that file itself, or it can pull from other files that are being explicitly referenced from the file being worked on. Most .ini files don't really work that way. They're mostly just dumb text files that don't have any real code, they're just setting variables for runtime. There aren't references to the files where those variables are used, so there's no way that autocomplete (at least as I'm familiar with it in Visual Studio or Eclipse) would help with this particular bug.
  5. That was quite good for a fan film. I imagine Fillion is happy having a consistent gig on TV, but I'd happily watch more of him in a movie like this. Thank you for saying his name. I recognized him but couldn't recall his name.
  6. I don't think it's worth revisiting, but I came across this article about why the whole "where is the server?" thing is stupid. I assumed it was some conspiracy nonsense, but it's funny just how toothless a complaint it is. The TL:DR version is that the FBI almost certainly has a complete image of the hardware involved, including surrounding infrastructure, so the physical boxes are worthless as evidence.
  7. Bagles. The pizza in NY is certainly above average and often excellent, but I've never been wowed by a bagel in the city.
  8. This is a stupid discussion, because it doesn't matter and devs will figure it out anyways. It's exactly like how at the end of last generation people were saying that everything this generation should be 1080p60, but of course that was never the case. Developers would make the call and decide that they didn't need 60 fps and that 30 was fine. They'd figure out that be it 30 or 60 fps, that dynamic resolution scaling was still useful in getting the best looking game out at a consistent frame rate. As we move to higher resolution screens and more powerful hardware, the fundamental equation hasn't changed at all. Everyone still wants to make the best looking game the hardware can support. Some games might run at "true 4k" and others will fudge it, one way or another, and it'll look fine. Some games will continue to run at 30hz, others at 60. Trade offs will continue to be made, and the vast majority of gamers will never really notice or care. They'll just care that it looks good. And it will.
  9. The first couple parts of the show were pretty funny, but also kinda painful. Poor random people trying to be nice and going along with the insanity of Baron Cohen. The gun stuff was incredible though. I love how he would say "twelve to four year olds" as if saying the bigger number first somehow meant that four wasn't an insane number. I love that the lead in to the final montage was a Florida congressman in disbelief at what he was asking.
  10. Maybe he's not wrong about the EU, at least it when it comes to the World Cup. All Euro semi finals?
  11. It's an odd franchise because it's an action series spawned from a TV show that completely threw away every possible relation to that show in the first 15 minutes of film. It's a series that has spanned six movies over more than 20 years and has been propelled almost exclusively by its star in an age when movie stardom matters less than ever. It's a series that started with a film by veteran Brian De Palma, had an entry by John Woo, was the vehicle for JJ Abram's first feature and Brad Bird's first live action film. It's a series where the box office success has been all over the place, from being De Plalma's and Woo's biggest successes, to being JJ's least impressive earner. It's a series that grew up during the rise of CG effects but has always put a premium on and really set the bar for physical stunt work. The MI franchise is an anomaly of modern movie making.
  12. I guess we'll find out how crucial she was to the film now that she's dropped out. Imdb doesn't have much about the film, but it seems to be getting made by some rather small production companies.
  13. I've heard a few people on twitter saying it's the best action movie since Fury Road. That's a hell of an endorsement. Even if it's not quite that good, at least it seems we've avoided another Quantum of Solace / Spectre scenario. With this movie coming out, it's been nice to see so much praise for the Mission Impossible franchise. It' really is a bit of an oddity, but it's been consistently enjoyable and exciting. I'm happy that this one continues that streak.
  14. It's overpriced because it's for Apple products, there aren't many alternatives, and it's aimed at professionals, but it's not as horribly overpriced as it may seem. At work I have a dell thunderbolt dock that charges my laptop and what not, and it's $300 by itself.
  15. So they enabled DV only for streaming services? That seems odd. I'm starting to buy some movies in 4K blu ray, but I don't yet have a player. I was thinking about upgrading my OG Xbox One mostly for that purpose, but it doesn't seem worth it if it doesn't support both formats.
  16. I feel like Intel has been 3 years away from making worthwhile graphics cards for the last 15 years. I won't expect them to ship a product, much less a competitive one for a long time, if ever. I'll put this right next to their mobile offerings and LTE modems, and all the other Intel products that never materialized.
  17. Spoilers I thought it was a another fine, but mostly disposable Marvel film. After the insanity of Infinity War, I'm happy to see Marvel still trying to do something with a smaller scale, but I don't think Ant Man and the Wasp really achieves the necessary focus for it to work. Even without any unnecessary MCU cameos this film is still packed with too many characters. At various points we see Scott, Hope/Hank, Sonny, Ava/Foster, and the FBI all going after the same thing for different reasons. It's a jumble that never really coheres for long enough to be effective. Paul Rudd remains charming as ever, but even though the film is constantly throwing out jokes, they didn't tickle me in the same way that Thor Ragnarok, or even the first Ant Man did. Michael Peña is doing his thing again, but even with more screen time he only had one stand out sequence. Overall it's fine, but not especially funny. The action only occasionally lives up to the lofty heights some other MCU films reach, but AMATW's saving grace is the awesome design and visualization of Ghost. Hannah John-Kamen plays an admirable antagonist and the effects work is spectacular. Watching Ant Man and the Wasp fight random baddies is still kind of fun, though a bit confusing at times, but Ghost always added a more exciting element. Speaking of confusing, I feel like this is a film that would not hold up well to scrutiny. Somehow in a film universe with wizards and aliens and more technobabble than a season of Star Trek, the rules surrounding Pym's tech is the most bewildering. The ever changing size and mass of objects and people made predicting how things would react impossible. Superhero fights rarely obey any actual laws of physics, but I always feel like I know what to expect when Iron Man blasts something or Thor hits something. With everything constantly shifting sizes, I was never really sure how momentum is conserved or how force scales with size.
  18. It's a show that starts well enough, but it gets much better as it goes along. Absolutely worth finishing.
  19. As someone who thinks that we need to repeal the second and just ban all the guns, I think this is the correct ruling. Code is speech, and it should be treated as such. If they want to ban the making or distribution of unmarked guns (is that already illegal?) then fine, but banning the code is both a clear first amendment issue and quite impossible.
  20. Can we not have a thread that should be celebrating real life heroics be purely about freaking Elon Musk? Love him or hate him, he was a sideshow to this whole ordeal. I still can't get over that trip time of 8-10 hours. I can't wait to read a really deep dive on how the whole thing went down. I really want to know how much time was in/under water, deco stops, off gassing, etc. I'm in the middle of planning a diving vacation and I'm going to be thinking about these guys the whole time.
  21. That's a rather extreme position that I've never even seen considered before. I've seen plenty of arguments that the FCC overstepped its authority or that it's a good/bad idea in general, but never that net neutrality is straight up unconstitutional. That would be a very dangerous precedent to set.
  22. I don't know anything about this movie other than what we got from the article in the OP: That sure makes it sound like it's primarily the story of one person. If it's really a case of "this movie gets made with Johansson or doesn't get made," it's highly unlikely that there's a comparable role in the film that would be marketed around. It's not like you spend $120M to make Rampage if Dwayne Johnson is the zoo keeper at the beginning of the film and not the action star. I mean, if the only goal here is to make a movie about a trans person playing a trans person, then theoretically Johansson could pay for the whole production herself, but that's not a very useful hypothetical.
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