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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. Roger that! You’ll be building just in time for the winter steam sale! You poor, poor person!
  2. Looks solid to me. My only comment is that we are finally on the cusp of a new generation of GPUs, so holding out for 60 days is probably a good idea.
  3. Hating a character, sure. Hating the actor when most people, myself included, couldn’t pick out this guy in a crowd, that’s bad!
  4. Oooh yeah, I forgot about First Light! That it simply mesmerizing! Good call!
  5. Assassins Creed Origins does a wonderful job using HDR to make a moonlit night, a beautiful sunset, or a blazing Noon!
  6. This was all I ever needed for my ColecoVision:
  7. That was a long one! I guess a pent up need to compla...er...discuss vijia games is a powerful motivator!
  8. Had children Got married Bought a house Developed a career But also, they were great choices!
  9. Baseless internet rumors, they’re always going around! They just want to paint a red blooded man in the gayest of lights! Well then, that issue laid to rest, I just want to remind you that i’m ALWAYS DTF!
  10. I say, that Edward boy sure is getting a world class education on power structures and how they work around the world!
  11. I find it easier to just assume that the whole site is just 5 dudes with 10-15 alt accounts per dude.
  12. Home is where the dysfunction is manageable and "understandable"! Thanks to Wade and Jason who suffered through it all so we can continue to be relatively thankless... fuck you guys!
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