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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. Plenty to play otherwise, no sadness here!
  2. ES: Blades - Sept 1st Underworld: Ascendant - Sept Soul Calibur 6 - Oct 19th Dragon Quest 11 - Sept 4th Shadow of the Tomb Raider - Sept 14th Valkyria Chronicles 4 - Sept Fallout 76 - Nov 14th Just Cause 4 - Dec 4th Assassin’s Creed Odyssey - Oct 5th Red Dead Redemption 2 - Oct 26th
  3. I can say that at least on Xbox One X, on the high resolution setting, it had an over saturated looked that didn't do its AA technique any favors!
  4. Console Parity at launch... Maybe a patch afterwards to add features. https://www.pcgamer.com/monster-hunter-world-pc-release-date-set/
  5. Uh, like a grace period where you can transfer? does this mean I can play on both, or I need to pick a platform to lock into? Would be big news for me if I can play on both!
  6. I/You can't unfortunately. Its a shame to because with WF being one of the largest time sinks in gaming, choosing your platform is a HUGE deal.
  7. Based on library = PS2/360 Based on hardware = Xbox One X (just lovely) Based on childhood fanboyism = Dreamcast Full disclosure: Though I've owned and enjoyed ever system, I was biased in favor of Sega until the death of the Dreamcast (OK, I still am! ) If not for Sega's IPs I would have bought the OG Xbox later rather than day one. My appreciation for Sony's offerings came in the second half of the 360's life. Now 95% of everything comes to PC so I just keep the consoles for the handful of exclusives that pop up each year.
  8. If only my account could transfer between platforms!
  9. I should warm you, I’m a real butterfingers! I hope that doesn’t put you off-road much!
  10. He will endure your opinion of him. Some how, some way, he’ll find the strength to carry on!
  11. The shower is the only way I can wake up, even coffee in this infinite beauty doesn’t get me there as much as a good shower!
  12. Huh. that mystifying! That's Worse than Sony's no HDR pass through with their VR breakout box.
  13. Eh, I'll cut the middle and say there is always room for improvement, but I side with their general approach to the matter. Truth be told, I think that we never really know all the details we would need to settle this in the "People's Court" that is the interwebnets!
  14. This is a good outcome. I think its important to keep a level head in this age of both denial and outrage and just try to focus on the evidence in each instance,rather than the mountain of feelings that so often seems to dominate conversation. The problem I see with the two sides of the misogyny wars is that both want to paint a more simple reality than what really exists. Each situation is its own and should be looked at in that manner, not through a lens of "yup, you know that's how "X" is! ". I think this situation was handled well by the Guild Wars management.
  15. https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/05/europe/donald-trump-baby-trump-uk-intl/index.html
  16. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PAOOLcWOgEW5cvqPULn23kQ1yIh5ZPCj/view?usp=sharing
  17. 3DS, because it can play the vast majority of the DS library!
  18. IF my wife is laid up comfortably, I might be able to after all! We'll see how it goes. It is, after all, outpatient surgery. That's said, you never know!
  19. My position is very similar to Mike's. From this year's stock of games I've played GoW and Pillar of Eternity II. Both are real good, Gow is better though. Early contender for GOTY. I still have a handful of titles to complete from last year's fall line up, like Ni No Kuni II and The Evil within 2! Edit: I spaced mentioning Far Cry 5. I enjoyed it, despite its pointless, silly story.
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