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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. Cheddar, toasted, with white fish spread and tomato!
  2. "New York style pizza" is a thing, but year on year the best pizza award in america is usually award to a pizzeria outside NY. Therefore, yes, good pizza can certainly be found beyond NYC. NYC bagels are also quite good, but again, its not a mystery as to how such things can be made. People are mythically silly about great food in "X" location. Internet + mobile societies means great food from region "X" can be found in many places, though maybe not as commonly.
  3. About 1/2 through Ni No Kuni II right now. Wonderful game, loads to do!
  4. According to my steam account, you have an 80% chance of being correct!
  5. Yup! This game scratches an itch I haven't felt in some time!
  6. Oh for sure, but they are nice toppings on a genuinely enjoyable battle system.
  7. I agreed with the concerns surrounding the missed narrative opportunity. That said, the combat system, graphics style, and sound track still have me excited to play!
  8. I giggle at those who wear ties. Super serious up right monkeys!
  9. Damn! I knew I was a backer on this one, but for some reason I didn't back it at a high enough level to get entry into the Beta! Glad to hear its coming along so well. I love first person dungeon crawlers! They are my true weakness! Dungeon Master by FTL 4 life, etc. Edit: Ooooh, they are still taking donations! $15.00 scored me entry! yay!
  10. Fun fact: Ohio is a southern state pretending to be a northern state. Its like a (not so)hidden outpost. The North secretly traded it to the south for retirement land in Florida during the 1950s.
  11. hard to say actually! Numbers have been spoofed before, but we are long over due for a new card so maybe? Nvidia is actually pretty good at keeping secrets!
  12. Nearly, but not quite, as stupid as the voters that ushered in this new chapter of American History!
  13. 1.) finish tim bits 2.) find a maple leaf and curl it up into a cone 3.) fill with Maple Syrup 4.) insert or apply genitalia as befits your gender
  14. The evolution of humanity has always been a terrible numbers game, with a few enlightened people working diligently and passionately to address the never ending stream of issues that the rest of the species creates through their collective output of selfish, myopic fuckery.
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