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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. Times in history that someone blamed Trump for something and it wasn't actually 100% true -> now up to 1!
  2. Yeah, it seems that there is a decent amount of hardware customization that occurred to achieve this outcome. I wonder/fear its lack of industry adoption. Could it be the new hair works?
  3. And they get to blame trump for the cost rise due to the trade war! Its a good time to be the CEO and Chief Leather Jack enthusiast at Nvidia!
  4. I think the next HDM will be put forward when they can offer an enhanced FOV via a superior lens. Now that I own a Vive Pro I can directly understand how much more important the lens quality is over the Resolution bump at this phase!
  5. All signs point to next gen HDMs all supporting it, from the major two anyway.
  6. That is kinda shitty! Well, we certianly know the 3rd party vendors are waiting in the wings, so you know you'll have one fairly soon! You are running the Titan Xp right now, yes? Or did you jump to the 1080ti?
  7. Just point to me and be like "honey look, I'm not as patently irresponsible as this jerk! All I'm asking for is this MUCH more reasonably priced card here!"
  8. Oh shit, really?! Well, I'm bettin they will have another batch since the card doesn't ship until Sept 20th
  9. Booo on no same day release! Don't they understand the nature of my entitled greed?!
  10. Roger, he was making a joke about all the internet leaks. He said, "Everything on the internet was wrong!" we'll see...
  11. Presumably there will be a new generation of the mobile and Q-max chips, but don't expect those for a few more months.
  12. I honestly have to see if the 2080ti can actually best the Titan V first!
  13. Yup, apparently so! Also, its RTX (ray-tracing) instead of GTX from now on.
  14. I always forget that others have better priorities than myself! Well, when you do arrive, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Frankly, TVs are just now getting the feature sets and and reasonable price tags to justify the move.
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