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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. It does seem as if Nvidia has pushed this feature out the door without enough time for their partners to work out all of the dents. Also, I think its fair to say that bolting on features, late in development, is always worse for a game then building it from the ground up with the intent in mind. All of that though doesn't explain why we are struggling to achieve 1080P. That is discouraging. Again though, I'll wait and see.
  2. @legend I think this might turn out to be one of those, Praise the engineers, but mock the CEO moments! Nvidia's engineers do deserve praise for always moving the needle forward as best they can, but the CEO is ultimately responsible for making the call on what's practically ready for the lime light. If they can deliver on the RTX promise while keeping competitive performance with the 10xx series then I think they have the high ground in claiming victory. If not then they should still be praised for even getting this off the ground, but consumers should probably still keep a wide berth form this first generation of RTX cards due to either price or performance or maybe both. One thing is for sure, and that is that the backlash will be, justifiably or not, harsh and Nvidia will need to respond soon. I hope they respond with verifiable benchmarks and not more PR speak, but we'll see! regardless, the next month should prove to be quite interesting !
  3. This is the double edged sword of Nvidia's approach. On the one hand they are promising what no one else is, the so called "holy grail" of graphics, Ray tracing (though its not a 100% true solution, but rather a very convincing alternative solution) On the other hand, they have done what Nvidia does namely: 1.) Waste 90 minutes of our lives explaining graphic technologies to people who already have decent understanding of said graphics tech. 2.) Promising the moon! 3.) Using charts that mean very little at best and are out right lies at worst! 4.) And price gouging the consumer with the impunity of an arrogant Sony back in the day. Now that the dust has settled on Nvidia's reveal, and the gaming "Press" that quite frankly were writing breathless pieces of hyperbole like a rapid fire machine gun over the last month, have only now been turning the corner on asking some practical questions. This is not thier fault specifically, as Nvidia is handing out only PR crap if anything. But still, the back swing on the initial excitement will be brutal in the coming weeks. With prices sky high and the consumer skeptical as all Hell, there aren't too many good narratives likely to emerge between now and mid September when these cards launch. My, unproven take, is that the 2080ti is likely to perform at or around the speed of the Titan V in non RTX games. In RTX games, I suspect, I'll have to down shift from 4K to 1440P to pick up the use of this new feature. So I guess it will be time to truly put to the test the concept of "Prettier pixels" vs resolution.
  4. Shit could get DICE-y! https://wccftech.com/tomb-raider-nvidia-rtx-gamescom-demo/
  5. SLI is for suckers! Oh wait, damn it. I see what you've done here. Well played!
  6. My wife and I each bought a Zune prior to getting together, so I can confirm that we have at least two here!
  7. It started that way and has now morphed into just another part of the their nonsensical marketing puke. Trust me, its the way its meant to be played!
  8. They are Nvidia's own brand, that's it. They actually don't perform any better than the 3rd parties, in fact historically they are a touch slower after 3rd parties tweak theirs. But you get them sooner, usually by a month.
  9. GTX is NVIDIA's top tier cards. Its a visual indication of power. It doesnt stand for anything.Previously they used: GT>GTS>GS>SE.
  10. Hmmm, I certainly hope this is true, but they will be returning to an even more competitive market than the one they fell out of last year! Don't get me wrong, I miss the days of AMD offering up the muscle car, all speed no frills, equivalent of power compared to Nvidia's Lincoln town car luxury approach!
  11. My Guess is that AMD is basically, though unofficially, out of the high end GPU industry. They are likely much more focused on how to produce best budget to mid range cards that they can sell at competitive prices and that fit well into next generation consoles. Its a near sighted strategy, but I can hardly fault them with Nvidia dominating the high end market and Intel poised to step into the breach.
  12. Apparently BFV, Metro Exodus, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider will, and that's a good enough start for me to be really excited!
  13. @Legend , Keep in mind these are "founders" pricing, the 3rd party card will be 100-200 cheaper...making them only slightly outrageous!
  14. Oh, it absolutely will not! I mean, this is all lovely fan fare, but I can easily see it taking another whole generation before ray tracing, even using these "cheats" will get us where most consumers will have a good experience. This, to me, is Nvidia making a turn, but not coming out of it to fire down the straight away!
  15. It certainly is a very real possibility. Again, I wonder if this is Hair works all over again!
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