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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. First benches revealed for 2080: https://wccftech.com/nvidia-geforce-rtx-2080-gaming-performance-benchmarks-2x-over-gtx-1080-4k/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
  2. Loved the first, looking forward to the base game play getting a little refinement.
  3. My two cents on what Nvidia has done, is that this is the right step even if its, in the short term, the wrong step. I'm glad they are taking on Ray Tracing, it would be even better if it was open source, but the truth is that special hardware is currently required to make this happen as it can't be brute forced via more general work processing cores, so it would be kinda weird to expect Nvidia to spend the money and then turn the hardware design over to AMD and intel. So its costly, and its proprietary and we consumes aren't excited about that. But flash forward a year or two and what we will have is a legitimate path to this tech, more matured, and a lower prices. That's a worthy goal! don't get me wrong, vote with your wallets by all means if you think Nvidia is screwing the consumer here, but I think they are simply being A.) Ambitious and B.) Nvida, which is a lot like Hoolie...
  4. Good! Every other year is the right rhythm! and yes, god please yes, let's have the next Splinter Cell!
  5. Some brave hero needs to swipe a card and play some worst case scenario in 4K, in other words a Ubisoft open word game in 4K! If you can run that at a solid 60fps on ultra settings, then you can play anything!
  6. 8Gb should be fine for a system at that level, don’t bother going to 16. I’m not sure if it’s built for easy RAM replacement or not though.
  7. OK, so i’ve Only played for about 40 minutes but it’s both worse and better than I remember it being. First, I honestly thought the controls would be worse, they are simply, simple. The graphics are indeed dated as hell, but at 4K it’s still gets the job done painting a little world to explore. The voice work is p, of course, laughably bad, as you would expect and frankly want it to be! This weekend, I will avenge my father, one forklift race at a time!
  8. I hate to be the guy to do this, but try this "top X number of lapopts under 500.00" article as it has some "good" options for the price. https://laptopunderbudget.com/best-gaming-laptops-under-500-dollars/
  9. Hmmm, well, if you are willing to really drop the settings and play at lower resolutions, you can certainly run games like that on an integrated graphics card. That said, you would likely still want a laptop with 8Gb of total ram, at a minimum, as integrated graphics typically will need to use some of your system RAM as its video ram while gaming.
  10. I'm generally a fan of Asus products, but that is a laptop that will perform with similar capabilities to a tablet. If light work loads and web browsing are its primary use then yeah, go for it! Anything else would require a bit more power.
  11. Just keep those doctors from killing us sister, that's thanks enough!
  12. Absolutely! at 1440P a 1080ti will have very long legs! Considering console replacements aren't likely to pop up until 2020, you'll get 2-3 years out of such a purchase.
  13. Yup, we'll have to see what the actual benchmarks show, but ray tracing on anything south of the 2080ti (and possibly on it as well!)sounds like a pipe dream. I do hold out hope that each of these cards will be respectable, non RTX cards though. Honestly, the 1080ti is a beautiful card! You'll be happy for years to come with it while Nvidia prepares their apology tour card series, the 21xxs!
  14. My take is that while its easy to say Nvidia is simply greedy, I would argue that its a combination of greed and genuine nerd ambition! These cards are jam packed with some seriously crazy tech, even if we just see them like a yearly refresh of a cellphone or tablet. They simply are not, these things are becoming like high end sports cars. I'm not suggesting that 1,200.00 is a reasonable price for a consumer GPU, but I would bet that selling the 2080ti anywhere below 950 would probably be a cash lost for Nvidia, per unit.
  15. Yes, I did. I haven't played it yet though, will tonight! @Kal-El814 recommended it to me!
  16. All of your change orders are in my EPM system! I swear they are done, just waiting for sign off on step process 15!
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